I think someone should make a thread for general TV chatter. That way we can keep our ongoing discussions about TV (Breaking Bad, Futurama, etc) out of this thread, and Nate can be happy.
If anyone agrees, I'll go ahead and make one. I just fear it'll get dusty and stale and people will just post here anyways. |
If there's going to be ongoing, in-depth discussion on particular shows, I'd prefer it if you just made a new thread for each of them. Having a generalised chatter thread will be messy.
Yes, but being punched in the face is better than being kicked in the balls.
I started watching It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia yesterday. I saw some episodes of it when it aired here but never really watched it. But yeah, I'm almost done with the third season and it's really funny. Charlie's the best. The McPoyle episode was good (the one where they smash the bar and Frank is in the airvent).
The episode where they're trying to figure out who pooped in the bed is probably my favorite.
I watched MASH (the film) and the "FriendFace" episode of The IT Crowd. I preferred the latter.
We watched Pleasantville in English last week. I'd never heard of it before and no matter how much I ask around I can't find a single friend outside of that class who has seen it.
The idea is simple. Two 90s kids get sucked into a corny 60s tv show. Their presence makes the humble world change and soon the movie becomes really serious. When they enter the town everything is black and white, but once the main character's sister starts having sex with the local boys people begin to appear in colour. Slowly more and more people begin to change and the conservatives start to campaign against the "colours". There were some neat historical references in this section and a scene heavily inspired by To Kill a Mockingbird. I found myself really compelled by the end. It was a unique idea done really well. It's worth watching. |
Not only have I heard of that film, but I can remember when it was in cinemas. But then, I'm old.
Haven't actually seen it, mind you. |
I thought that was reserved for kids who walked on your lawn.
It's reserved for your stupid face right now.
I've been rewatching Lexx lately. I'm in the third season now (the Fire and Water planets season), and my god I had forgotten just how absurd this show can get. It has to be the most perverse, disturbed, and amazing show ever put on television. It is so fucking stupid that it has passed into the realm of brilliance. I can't recommend Lexx enough. |
Even though we haven't done anything insanely awesome, nor had a hell of a lot of Gold Medals, the Olympics has been really enjoyable. It makes a change for me to actually watch events which aren't the men's 100m relay and men's 100 metre sprint as the events aren't on a stupid o'clock for once in my lifetime.
Also I can't stop thinking about all the sex the Olympians get up to, for some reason. Probably because I am sexually frustrated |
I've been watching the third season of Community. It started off a little slow, but really picks up after the first couple episodes. Some really great episodes, I think this might b my favourite season so far.
I've seen new Batman, Bane was cool.
Also new Spiderman, the Lizard was funny (shame they took out his army of psychic crocodiles), but I really don't think a teenage genius would use Bing. And I saw the straight-to-TV movie of Going Postal, which was surprisingly good. |
I didn't know what to think of it. They made Mort seem really unlikeable and rude, which is the complete opposite of his outward character. It was really frustratingly different, too. I couldn't see it through to the end.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't Going Postal either. |
Hey, I'm up so late that I'm catching the Oceanians posting. |
It's Pratchett's fault for writing so many damn Diskworld books.
I've only actually read 3. Mort was not one of them. |
I think they've all got "Discworld" written somewhere, though.
Hmm, 5:27. Maybe time to call it a nighjtf bhn n . |
I exposed myself and my girlfriend to Lars Von Trier's Antichrist this week. I loved it, she hated it. Not "hated" in a "that movie was stupid" kind of way, but hated in a "that movie made me physically ill" kind of way, which is - of course - why I loved it.
I was originally put off seeing it because everyone was telling me how pointlessly gratuitous it was. Upon finally watching it, I didn't feel like the graphic imagery was really out of place. It was effective within the story. Besides, it wasn't the testicles being smashed with a log, or the woman's clitoris being explicitly severed by a pair of rusty scissors that disturbed me, or even Willem Dafoe's skinny, naked ass. It was the fucking talking, self-eviscerating fox that made me lose my shit. I highly recommend it, but it's not a film for the faint of heart. |
In America maybe. In Europe, people loved it, but that's pretty typical of arthouse films.
I loved it. That scene was a bit intense, especially since it was shot so well and the prosthetic they used was very realistic, so I could understand why it would cause the average movie-goer to faint/vomit. |
I’m just going to add my own addition to the pile of “saw the new Batman thing” posts.
Very entertaining, heavy on the action, had some real tense moments where my heart was in my mouth. Good end to the trilogy. |
Shit.. Looks like I'll have to watch Antichrist now. That just sounds awesome.
I've been watching a lot of Adventure Time. I always liked it, but never really sank my teeth into it until the other day when my friend and I went on a binge and watched, like 15 episodes. Probably one of the best shows on TV right now. So much creativity, humor, and all around great storytelling.
The new Breaking Bad episode. It was pretty interesting but I wish they'd just kill off Skyler already. She's not bringing anything to the series, she's just a bitch standing in everyone's way. Also, this scene was fucking dumb to be honest, I mean, it just doesn't fit Breaking Bad, I thought it was unintentionally funny.
I also watched the fourth season of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia today, goddamn this show is funny. The poop episode was great and the one with Sinbad and Rob Thomas. Great show. |
CARS! And sexy cars at that, well, the Dodge Challenger SRT8 anyway, Chryslers suck. Yeah I'm having this conversation by myself aren't I. |
I finished watching season 4 of Breaking Bad last night. That was a fantastic season of television. I really had no complaints. If only the other season's plots had been that air tight.
Also, I've been watching The Newsroom. What an awful piece of shit. This show just gets worse, and worse. I was hoping that this could be a good vehicle for Sorkin's self righteousness as he writes truly amazing stuff when standing on the right soap box, but the show has quickly become undeservedly arrogant, and tedious. Last night's episode about the announcing of the death of Bin Laden was possibly the most infuriating hour of television I have ever watched. These smug fucks make me physically sick to watch, and I can't imagine that this show will get a second season. |
* Supernatural, last part of season 5. :fuzsad:
* Adventures of Merlin, watched on saturday... |
Watching Wilfred US again, not seen it in ages, man I love this programme. Also downloading the recent episodes of South Park, can't wait.
I remember you and I actually passed some AntiChrist posters while walking around downtown when I was visiting you in Denmark. :
A very tongue in cheek take on the zombie apocalypse genre of movies, it's a little hard to describe, and the plot would just sound ridiculous if I posted it here, but it was a lot of fun, as long as you don't take it seriously you can get a good bit of enjoyment out of it. |
The same can't be said for Scary Movie, or Teen Movie, or Disaster Movie, or any of the Movie films, they're all terrible.
Oddly enough, I am watching Disaster Movie right now, so I will just copy and paste my Facebook status here.
I've been watching Season 2 of The Walking Dead. I was evasive of this show at first because I really quickly got sick of the Graphic Novel series that just dragged on and on with little happening, until wow zam! last issue has all the plot exposition you could want.. The show, despite being fairly full of nothing in its own right, still spreads everything out pretty evenly so that the nothing is countered by the occasional head-crushing.
It's also substantially altered the source material. This I don't mind, except for the character of Carl. Everything else I chock up to thematic decisions that make sense for television, but Carl is such a tremendous dip in the show that he bears exception. Partially this is the fact that kids are always and forever terrible actors, but in the comic I don't recall him running around in circles about a zombie, creeping around to watch executions and just generally being disobedient. It really messes up the flow of the show when a plot thread hinges on Carl fucking up again in the exact opposite way he was directed. |
I find everything that isn't Shane to be unbearable. I can't imagine how much I'll hate the third season.
I won't like the third season at all if it takes place only in that stupid town that they showed in the comic-con trailer.