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Facsimile 12-03-2004 01:14 AM

I have always liked the needler. Not that I use it in multiplayer, but it's just a very stylish gun. Now the plasma pistol... *Shudders* I have always hated that thing.

Mojo 12-03-2004 04:49 AM

Soccer, anyone?
Right, I got the gun, it's awesome.

But while flying around, searching it, I found a cool egg on the same level.

When you fly towards the (distant) Covie Carrier, you will see a building that has been destroyed by something. If you see it from above, there's a triangular hole in it. From the front it just looks like a rectangular hole.

Fly in that hole to find a Soccer Ball.

Cool! Playing soccer! Covie Wraith vs Human Scorpion!

Fez 12-03-2004 10:49 AM

I still cant get it :(

oddguy 12-03-2004 12:32 PM

Are all these easter eggs clues to something we're supposed to figure out? Or are they just pointless fun?


Reptile 12-03-2004 01:46 PM

I found something on High Charity, a couple of Grunts dancing around a skull with the words engraved 'Grunt Birthday' on it.

I think it mightn't be a football, but a skull. There's at least two I know, the assassin and the envy skull, yet I haven't found them. You have to get them on Legendary, there's one on 'Regret'.

I dun' have broadband or Live yet, but I'll have them by next month.

Facsimile 12-05-2004 12:47 AM


Are all these easter eggs clues to something we're supposed to figure out? Or are they just pointless fun?


Most easter eggs are pointless fun, but some are theorizing that the skulls could be related to each other and an acronym on the back of the Halo 2 Soundtrack or something.

Reptile, there are skulls on every level.

Fez 12-05-2004 02:08 AM

Where did you find that skull Reptile? Was it on Ledgendary?

SeaRex 12-05-2004 08:42 AM


Where did you find that skull Reptile? Was it on Ledgendary?

It's only on Legendary, but I was under the impression that it was on The Heretic level.

Anyway, it makes enemies explode with a plasma blast when you shoot them in the face (even when they're dead) as long as their shield is down. At least, that's what people say it does.

Disgruntled Intern 12-05-2004 09:53 AM

Halo 2 is just as lame as Halo ever was.

Hence the developers making pathetic attempts to dazzle gamers with soccer balls and horribly predictable plot twists.

The game is ca-ca.

Mojo 12-05-2004 11:06 AM

That'll be your last post here then? I mean, since you don't like Halo, what are you doing in this thread? You have posted you opinion, now go away.
Out! NOW!

Right, about the skulls, here's a link to High Impact Halo:

I'm anxious to find the skulls, if I could only get through the damn Hangar Bay 2 in Cairo Station...

Oh, and I recieved the Halo 2 OST yesterday, it is REALLY great! For the ones who don't have it, try to find Breaking Benjamins Blow Me Away *cough* download *cough*! It's AWESOME!

Al the Vykker 12-05-2004 11:13 AM

So far I've beaten the game on like Heroic and two levels I think on Legendary...legendary is really worth it the game feels a lot different which is awesome. And as for skulls I've only found the one on Outskirts theres a few grenades piled on top of each other and a tiny scope on a tripod and a skull. It's close to the beginning of the level. Also I was able to get on top of almost all the rooftops on that level. Its awesome to explore and see all the detail that was put into the levels.

Mojo 12-05-2004 11:39 AM

You found the Energy Sword yet?

Oh, and if you throw a 'nade "out of the level", as you can do in Outskirts, it'll stick to an invisible wall, and detonade, whereas in Halo, the nade would just dissappear (like in Sidewinder).

oddguy 12-05-2004 02:50 PM


I'm anxious to find the skulls, if I could only get through the damn Hangar Bay 2 in Cairo Station...

Dear dude that place is so hard on Legendary. A lot of retreating required.

Oh, and what fun I had with the soccer ball. We went everywhere together. :stare:


Disgruntled Intern 12-05-2004 04:01 PM

"You have posted you opinion, now go away."

Actually Alphadouche I think I'll continue to chime in here and there just to irritate you.

SeaRex 12-05-2004 07:41 PM

What DI means to say, AS, is that this is a thread about the game, and therefore anyone can comment on the game as they see fit. Negative comments are just as valid as positive ones. Just because he doesn't like the game doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to say he doesn't like it. Please keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Etc.

I mean, as much as I am up Halo 2's ass on Live, I can still admit DI has a point.

Disgruntled Intern 12-05-2004 09:13 PM

God damn right I do!

Everything is still too shiny, the AI still sucks, aaaaaaand the actual gameplay is mediocre at best.

The only thing I enjoy is the online play. And even then all I really enjoy is talking massive loads of shit as I dominate all of the prepubescent dumb-dumbs who try to step to the dough faced Killah, yo.

SeaRex 12-06-2004 03:30 AM

The AI wasn't so bad in H2. I mean, when you compare the Elites in H2 to the ones in Halo, they're frickin' geniuses.

Jumping over boxes? What a nice idea...

Cyber-Slig 12-06-2004 03:40 AM

The AI in Halo 2 is bad ? What the **** have you been smoking ? AlphaScrab has a point . If you want to share an opinion don't say it in some n00bish, flaming manner . But I will agree single player just gets repepetive . Anyways I remember finding a skull on easy mode somewhere . I cant remember where though . A corner somewhere I think . B

Mojo 12-06-2004 03:58 AM


What DI means to say, AS, is that this is a thread about the game, and therefore anyone can comment on the game as they see fit. Negative comments are just as valid as positive ones. Just because he doesn't like the game doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to say he doesn't like it. Please keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Etc.

I mean, as much as I am up Halo 2's ass on Live, I can still admit DI has a point.

Yeah, that's what I said. Well, kinda... He posted his opinion, no? And since he doesn't like the game, there's no reason for hanging around here, right?
Cuz it would be spamming if he kept saying: I don't like the game, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc(The blahs being reasons) over and over again.

Sigh. If I have hurt your feelings, DI, I apologise for it. Now scram! :p

(For the record, that was meant to be funny, please don't yell at me for that)

Disgruntled Intern 12-06-2004 07:09 AM


The AI wasn't so bad in H2. I mean, when you compare the Elites in H2 to the ones in Halo, they're frickin' geniuses.

Jumping over boxes? What a nice idea...

Jumping over....boxes?

Wow! What an amazing innovation!

Yet 9 times out of 10 the elites will just stand there as you toss a plasma grenade between their legs, or walk right past you, or even better yet they'll manage to shoot other members of the covenant in the process of trying to get me.

Yeah, go bungie!.

SeaRex 12-06-2004 08:01 AM

Meh, I never really noticed. They always seemed to jump out of the way when I threw grenades at them.

The "glazed" quality of the graphics never really bothered me, either. What DID bother me was the horrid, inexcusable "draw-in" (I think that's what it's called) effect, like when you came near a stationary object and it "suddenly" becomes textured. It would be somewhat ignorable if it were only in-game and only in the midst of an intense shoot out. But no, the game actually takes time to load textures during cutscenes.


I'm surpirsed you haven't harped on that yet. :p

Esus 12-06-2004 08:06 AM

the graphic blips in cut-scenes, the fact that you can't see characters for a second or so before all of them are rendered in etc, makes it load a hell of a lot quicker. It is possible that they load it all up at the beginning of each level, like they did with Halo, but they decided to make it all flow as well as possible.

Fez 12-06-2004 11:27 AM

I dun like it, hopefully Bungie will give us a patch to fix that:D

So, what downloadable content does everyone want? I want some new weapons to piss around with:D

SeaRex 12-06-2004 01:04 PM

I want the Fuel Rod Cannon to be included in future maps on Live. The Rocket Launcher beats the hell out of it, but I still think it's a lot of fun to use.

I mean, they could at least use it to replace that useless Brute Shot...

They should definitely add a few more levels, a Big Team Training mode, and for God's sake, put some MORE variety in the pre-set matches, Bungie.

Cyber-Slig 12-06-2004 01:31 PM

I think they should add more multiplayer models like the flood or a brute or maybe even a grunt . And change every models professions . Example : The flood is a fast runner , great jumper and expert at melee . The Brute could have a very strong shield and good at melee . The grunt can't handle some big weapons but is very small and does not appear on the radar . And they could space out some differences between the Spartan and Elites

Majic 12-06-2004 01:34 PM

Fuel Rod Cannon ownz. On the rare occasions I came across it in campaign mode, it was good fun. I like it significantly more than the Rocket Launcher. More ammo, faster shots, and looks hella cooler.

Also, there's a good chance I shall be recieving X Box Live. Which means, I can suck it up with you all. More kills for the rest of the world, at least. I'm horrible.

Good stuff.

Al the Vykker 12-06-2004 03:58 PM

It be nice to have some more big base levels. Waterworks is ok but by far not the best map in the world. I'd like something of a mix between coagulation and waterworks. And maybe some classic maps from halo 1...damnation (one of my favorite team slayer maps)...hang em high or even chill out. Or get some of those huge maps from Halo PC like the one based on silent cartographer etc.

SeaRex 12-06-2004 05:14 PM

I'd like to see a Sidewinder 2. Maybe another Damnation or Hang 'Em High.

Besides that, I wouldn't give a crap if I never saw a Halo 1 map again. I hated most of them.

Mojo 12-07-2004 07:31 AM

I SO owned on Chill Out. But maybe that was because I was a rocket-camper. Although my needler skills were high too. I agree there should be more big base maps.
Because I haven't got XBL, and when we do a LAN party, with only 2 Xboxes (maybe we should get more :D)), the maps Burial Mounds and Waterworks are, although cool, too large. I remember me walking across BM one day, and I got killed. I got spawned on the other side of the map, all the vehicles were already destroyed, and when I finally got to the battle on the other side, everyone but 1 was dead, and spawned on the other side. Where I spawned. So I killed the lone gunman, and traversed my way to the other side. Same scenario. In the first 10 minutes of the game (Slayer, 250 kills, bonus on), I was behind, like, 20 kills, when I usually lead with 20-40. No bragging intended.

So that sucks. I vote for more levels like Coalition (sp? I keep forgetting that name), Sidewinder, and Blood Gulch.

Software Bug 12-07-2004 08:05 AM

i would like to see an level that is huge and a mix of Coalition , zanzibar and the highway an map that has more bases on the map and they are like teretories you can own them etc.

Fez 12-07-2004 11:12 AM

Bah, i'm happy with the maps the way they are, I want more guns damnit!

Reptile 12-07-2004 02:10 PM


Bah, i'm happy with the maps the way they are, I want more guns damnit!

I agree, they should put all the weapons in every map. I really wanted to use the Fuel rod cannon.

oddguy 12-07-2004 02:21 PM

You know what's really fun? Make a game variant of Slayer where your primary and secondary weapons are random, then take all the guns off the map. Try it. Much fun.


Al the Vykker 12-07-2004 05:13 PM

They took the fuel rod cannon out to balance gameplay on live. But under custom options I believe you can put that as a starting weapon. Because jokingly one round, and also to see how far it could reach I put starting weapons in a slayer game as Sentinel Beam Rifle. And they actually reach really really really far away.almost half way across one of the maps.

SeaRex 12-07-2004 07:15 PM


They took the fuel rod cannon out to balance gameplay on live. But under custom options I believe you can put that as a starting weapon. Because jokingly one round, and also to see how far it could reach I put starting weapons in a slayer game as Sentinel Beam Rifle. And they actually reach really really really far away.almost half way across one of the maps.

It's not under Custom Options. I would at least be happy if they put it there.

Sentinel Beam. WHOO.

Facsimile 12-08-2004 12:18 AM


You know what's really fun? Make a game variant of Slayer where your primary and secondary weapons are random, then take all the guns off the map. Try it. Much fun.


Also set it to nine lives, set vehicles to random... and... I think those are the only changes... I can't remember whether we have radar on or not, and call it Random 9.
Best. Game. Evar.

Fez 12-09-2004 10:14 AM

Sword and Sentinel Beam, amazing combo......

oddguy 12-09-2004 12:20 PM


Also set it to nine lives, set vehicles to random... and... I think those are the only changes... I can't remember whether we have radar on or not, and call it Random 9.
Best. Game. Evar.

The only amount of lives I can set under 10 are 5, 3, and 1. No option for 9.


Facsimile 12-10-2004 12:28 AM


The only amount of lives I can set under 10 are 5, 3, and 1. No option for 9.


Then your game is broken. As we also have a game called '7 UP' which, obviously, has seven lives.

oddguy 12-10-2004 10:00 AM


Then your game is broken. As we also have a game called '7 UP' which, obviously, has seven lives.

I only looked under quick options. Silly me. :rolleyes:
