Breaking Bad, season four. Holy fucking shit. I thought this was hands down the best season, the last three episodes have some of the most intense moments in the history of television That one scene in the last episode. Goddamn. You know, that scene. I'm so glad I wasn't spoiled about it. Whew.
Is it just me or are they really just trying to turn everyone into an asshole throughout the series? Hank turns into a grumpy mineral-collecting man, Walt turns into... Heisenberg, and Skyler and Marie just turn into bitches, well maybe Skyler is actually a bit nicer in the latter seasons than in the second season, but anyways. I also like how they made Jesse a much deeper character in the fourth season. I liked the episode that ended with Walt laughing in the desperate situation and Skyler getting a call from Marie that Hank's life is threatened and the panicking ambient music just keeps getting louder and louder and to be honest, they could have ended the season right at that moment and it would have been a fucking great cliffhanger. Just my opinion. But yeah, fucking amazing series so far and I'm so hyped up for the fifth season. |
Good man. Although I don't really see Hank as much of an asshole towards the end of season 4, in fact once he gets his eyes on Gus he pretty much stops being an ass and starts realizing he still has a purpose in his life.
Walter is just an asshole. Jesse is the only truly grounded character in the show, other than the fact that he cooks crystal meth he's a pretty good guy with good morales. |
I really should get around to watching Breaking Bad again. I got about four episodes into Season 2, and I was really enjoying it, but then I just forgot that it existed. I'm not actually sure which episode I was up to.
I watched some episodes of that new Disney show, Gravity Falls.
It turned out to be really, really, really funny. |
I didn't even know the Disney channel ran cartoons anymore.
Cartoon Network certainly doesn't. |
Yeah, the only bad thing is, in the UK we have "Harry Hill's TV Burp" re-runs from about 6 years ago and "Harry Hill's Shark Infested Custard" yet again, re-runs, and Mr Bean, you guessed it right, re-runs. I heard annoying orange is coming out in America. That just crosses the line. The first ever episodes of TAO were good but then it went terrible. So they decide to make a show. Great idea executives.
I stand by that even one live action show on CN is one too many. I probably wouldn't mind if they weren't all horrid. Does anyone remember that show "Out of Jimmy's Head"? Also Johnny Test. Fuck that show. |
I agree that I don't like CN having live action shows, but they've dropped the majority of them. And Disney Channel is like the poster child for having almost completely dropped animation for awful, stupid, and insipid live action broadcasting.
Also Mad, I hate that show. For the sole reason it take's the piss out of good shows. Like Avenger Time and My Little War Horse. Guh
Same with Nickelodeon, with a few insignificant exceptions. Everyone followed the example of MTV, and put all the good shows on subsidiary channels like NickToons and Boomerang that often don't come with standard cable packages.
Boomerang is amazing.
Yeah, Boomerang is great and one of the main reasons is it always plays cartoons. And they're good cartoons at that. And to stay on topic of the forum, well I am anyway but just watched that Blondecai episode of Regular Show. It was actually a nice storyline.
I watched the Tim and Eric movie for what I think is precisely the 10th time because it was the only DVD I moved with me. Someone recommend some DVD's.
Like DVD's dripping with special features?
I still can't recommend Thirst enough. What a fucking awesome vampire movie.
That was a long time ago. MOD EDIT: The conversation that this post sparked has been split off to this thread here. |
And any early season of the Simpsons. Those are always great. |
Ah, fuck Disney. And MAD, like Sekto said, it's not the fact that it takes the piss out of shows I like, it's just so damn unfunny. Yes Boomerang is the best channel on TV currently but I think it's best that I don't say why I think that.
Even though I'm a massive Ricky Gervais fan, I've never actually seen the office. So I picked up both seasons today in Entertainment Exchange for £3.50. Loving it so far. |
I love Boomerang. Expecially since they have actually commercials now and not just, "YOU ARE WATCHING BOOMERANG" every five minutes.
You must be loving commercials then.
FYI, a whole bunch of posts discussing Hanna-Barbera were split off to this thread here.
Thats why my "ah, fuck Disney..." post looks completely irrelevent and unrelated, thanks mods.
The Disney Channel and MAD discussions weren't moved. If anything, I've made your post seem more relevant by removing all the posts in between yours and context. :p
Breaking Bad's fifth season already has the highest score possible in Metacritic. Fuck, I'm so excited.
The comic-con trailer is badass. |
That trailer made me all kinds of excited. I can't wait to see Mike's role this season; looks like Walt may have another rival in the future.
Walt versus Mike in some sort of Drug war would be amazing and would finish his arc of chemist to drug lord.
I'm not watching that, but I did just remember it premiers tonight. Going in blind as a bat.
Unfortunately as I live in the UK it won't be airing until about 3am our time, so I doubt I'll be able to watch it until tomorrow, but I can. Not. Wait.