That's an image that's been missing from my life. Thank you.
I'll be there in two years. I can't wait to get drunk and fuck all you guys ^^
Somehow that post gave me the sudden urge to make sure these forums don't have an entry on one of those wikis yet.
I love you guys. :3
No it didn't. |
It means if the dude looks like a lady.
Hehe, I have to laugh at Mars.
It's okay, we will go on our own underage Manchester Oddtour 2010 only for 12-16's! Nar, I'm kidding. |
You don't think I have the grapes? =D
I'll like to make a bet that I can! |
Right. This is me putting my foot down, and thus, big letters.
As the leaders of this forum, we CANNOT allow any arranged meetings for those under the age of 18, this is for your safety and to prevent us from getting in a lot of trouble. Any more discussion of this will lead to a infraction AT THE LEAST. No ifs, no buts, even arguing with this message will get you an infraction. And so, to sum up: NO UNDER 18s WHAT SO EVER |
You'd think putting it in the title would help or something right?
I thought big letters meant funny.
This is gonna happen if I ever come on an oddtour.
I'm not joking, at all. |
Screw you guys! I'm gonna have my own Oddtour, with blackjack and hookers. Know what, screw the Oddtour.
I never wanted to go anyway. You guys have fun |
It sounds to me like you planned a night in Vegas?...Can I come?
Synchronized farting in Denny's.
What's a Denny's?
I dunno, what's a Denny's with you?
SO. London thinking members - June? Write if you're interested so I know how many people we're talking about here.
I am interested.
Interested, I am.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.
Would you like them here or there?