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Fez 08-06-2004 02:53 AM

Yes, we are talking about ilovebees.

[ripoffhobo'stheory] I think that 343GS has found earth and crashed into the desert. He then will 'possess' the closest robot to him, which could possibly another Spartain. However, a single flood infector was hiding on the ship MC escaped in. this infector started the flood's attack on Earth. [/ripoffhobo'stheory]

sligster 08-06-2004 02:32 PM


What am I supposed to be looking at on ilovebees?

Edit: After searching on a Halo forum I visit, apparently the plot is hidden on there.
This is what one person think it says, he also says this isn't everything.

"Theres a small Halo Installation inside Earth, this ones said to be under a large desert. In that Installation theres the Queen Flood Form. She can communicate with Flood throughout the galaxy, telepathecly.

Cortana goes insane and interfaces with the Queen Flood. 343 Guilty Spark teleports himself to that Installation and taps into the Human databanks.

Of course, it is very unlikely to be in the slightest bit true.

yes, there is a secret message about the ilovebees thing, although noone has been able to accuratly determine what it means. This could be it, or it could not. Although Cortana going insane wouldn't surprise me at all, seeing how she was acting at the end of the third book.


^^ Credit for that amazing explanation goes to Sligster, I think it deserves to be in the right thread though.
^_^ ty. although I was in a hurry and may have left out a few details and mabey I missed a few typos.

Fez 08-07-2004 12:48 AM

Halo 2 Weekly Update

Getting Ready For Halo 2

Hobo 08-07-2004 02:58 AM

Ugh. The second thing is just trying to get more people to buy stuff from them a& their sponsors.

I'm pretty fucking bored of Halo 1 & the Halo 2 hype.

Fez 08-07-2004 03:46 AM

I second that. The hype for Halo 2 has just gone now.....

Al the Vykker 08-07-2004 02:49 PM

They hype is still there in my opinion its just people are impatient. I myself am very impatient still about it coming out in November, but I rather have a game that is probably perfected and going to be one of the best games ever made, rather than missing features and more etc.

Hobo 08-08-2004 02:21 AM


going to be one of the best games ever made

I would very highly doubt it's going to be that good a game

Al the Vykker 08-08-2004 05:19 AM

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I mean I could be seriously wrong and if it were t be a major disappointment I think theres going to be a lot of pissed off people. But I think Bungie is going to deliver they've spent 3 years and there is major dedication in making sure this game gives that experience that we all expect and the experience that might truly be amazing and better than the original. Just my two cents...

Fez 08-08-2004 07:22 AM

I think it'll be just as good as the first game. No better, no worse.

sligster 08-08-2004 07:31 PM


I think it'll be just as good as the first game. No better, no worse.

nah, the Live play will make it a little better

Facsimile 08-09-2004 01:03 AM

I think it will be better. I'm sure it will take a lot longer to get bored of compared to the first. That happened after a couple of months for me.

Fez 08-09-2004 03:13 AM

I fogot about Xbox Live..... but I dont have it. Oh well, back the to bots as usual then.....

I think the story mode is going to be great. Cant wait for me and Lucipher to burst in and kill everything, just like old times.

sligster 08-11-2004 12:51 PM

The new Halo 2 Xbox Live headset pics have been released.

heres the pic:


heres the description:

Plantronics XBOX Live Halo 2 Headset it the perfect headset for any Halo 2 fan or Xbox Live gamer. Plantronics is the world's leading designer, manufacturer, and marketer of lightweight communications headsets. Microsoft looked to Plantronics' proven record in audio technology to develop and manufacture the Xbox Live headset. From Neil Armstrong's first words transmitted from the moon to mission critical 911, FAA and US Army headsets, to today's multimedia, internet telephony and gaming applications, Plantronics products have earned a reputation for excellence, innovation, and reliability.

* Engineered specifically for Xbox and Halo 2

* Optimized speaker maximizes the audio directly to your inner ear for amazing sound that immerses you in the game

* Noise-canceling microphone amplifies your voice relative to other game sounds

* Adjustable micorphone boom provides ideal positioning - away from surround sound

* Exceptionally light and balanced, with selectable earbuds for a custom fit

* One-Ear-Fit allows gamers to be completely absorbed in the game while keeping a social ear on what's up in the room

* For serious gamers - can be worn on either ear for extended play

Hobo 08-12-2004 12:03 AM

Ewwww that looks horrible. Thank god I don't have live...

Cyber-Slig 08-12-2004 05:07 AM

I just see that as an x-box one not halo...I mean its fookin green and almost any computer game thingie which is green = x box / Xbox thingie or game.The normal one looks better to me.

Xavier 08-12-2004 10:42 AM

My headset is broken, I'll probably get that one :p

is it limited or something?
can you buy it without the game?

Al the Vykker 08-12-2004 03:53 PM



Cyber-Slig 08-12-2004 05:37 PM

*Grabs and snatches at the screen like mad* GIMME THE ****ING GAME BITCH GRAAGH!!!!!! ......Lol...j/k...or am I?

sligster 08-12-2004 07:38 PM

you can get those at Gamestop. I've seen at least 3 people with them.

Oddfan 08-13-2004 01:07 AM

Wow this thread is still going..... hmm I want one of those cases for the game cool...... oh and btw technically Halo is the best game ever made but it might not be everybody's favorite but it's a fact....... and Tom clancy's splinter cell got the highest rating ever, but as said in OXM "we would of gave Halo a 10 but we rated it just based upon the demo level, if we had more time to play the whole game and see how people loved the game then Halo would of recieved a 10 out of 10" but since they didn't realize how the game would become the best selling game ever and still rising and they didn't play the whole game through Halo got a 9.5 and splinter cell with a 9.6. :confused:

Hobo 08-13-2004 01:20 AM


btw technically Halo is the best game ever made.

What do you mean by technically? graphics and hardware wise?

Oddfan 08-13-2004 01:31 AM

well yes that along with the deep storyline so deep that there are books for it the action packed gameplay with excellent control scheme just overall it's the best game cause it has all the good things about video games packed into one game.... and no I don't work for microsoft/ bungie.

Hobo 08-13-2004 01:35 AM


well yes that along with the deep storyline so deep that there are books for it the action packed gameplay with excellent control scheme just overall it's the best game cause it has all the good things about video games packed into one game.... and no I don't work for microsoft/ bungie.

I don't think that anyone can judge this unless they've actually played it though...

Oddfan 08-13-2004 01:41 AM

um I have played it.

Hobo 08-13-2004 01:47 AM

Oh right, my mistake, it thought you were talking about halo 2. I disagree then. There are games with better graphics (doom3) and the story line for halo is pretty crap actually looking at it, the missions are dull and all the same (Reach point b doing c,d,e on the way) There are better storylines in most RPGs

Xavier 08-13-2004 01:55 AM

Al, sorry but... HOW?
What? Explain?
where can I get it?

the brew master 08-13-2004 02:11 AM


Tom clancy's splinter cell got the highest rating ever

ummm.........actully HL has gotten the highest rateing EVER..........and instead of nameing all 50 awards i'll just name one."best game ever".nuff said.

Oddfan 08-13-2004 02:30 AM

ok ty brewmaster

Esus 08-13-2004 04:28 AM

The Title of Best Game Ever is a very subjective thing. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, etc.

Fez 08-13-2004 05:04 AM

