I bought Brütal Legend yesterday. Now I need to wait for my PS3 to arrive in the post.
MW2 is awesome 4 player splitscreen, due to the profiles/leveling-up. That's what a group of my friends and I are doing over the holidays. Also, there are some epic moments online. |
I beat Dead Space. What a good game. Going to play through it from the start as SUPER SPACE ENGINEER now.
Also: http://www.destructoid.com/holy-god-...r-122138.phtml MUST HAVE And again: http://www.entertainmentearth.com/pr...number=NC44785 Seriously, those are all I want for christmas. Edit: it took my about 2/3's of the Big Daddy page to realize that it was snowing. Goddamn Canada. |
I'm trying to buy the new Zelda game today, but every place I call doesn't have it yet. Douchebags.
Also, it's snowing here, as well. |
It says it should be released today, but that's often confused with the estimated day that shipping of the first release wave is concluded.
Basically try again tomorrow because they're withholding it. |
I have just gotten back into playing Monster Hunter on the PS2. It's a shame it can't be played online anymore, I never got the chance to. I'm also remembering how frustrating and difficult the game can get.
THERE'S A NEW ZELDA GAME AND I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT?! Excuse me, I think i'm going to go shoot myself. The world can only stand so much ignorance. |
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time.
Fairly tricky on hard, loads of stuff to find and big guns. I'm loving it :D |
Adventure Island 3 on NES.... DONT JUDGE ME
Chrono Trigger DS. I've taken a sudden liking to 'end of the world' scenarios. Plus, I needed to replay it anyway so I could finally beat it.
I picked up Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks yesterday. I only played it for about an hour and a half before my DS ran out of juice, but that was a really fun hour and a half. From what I hear, it's a lot like Majora's Mask in terms of how many side quests there are, and how diverse they are.
Just curious, has anyone here played Anchorhead?
Modern Warfare 2 and Tekken 6. One of them I'm shit at. The other I am not. Guess which.
I bought Ninja Gaiden II yesterday. Playing on easy mode because I'M A BIG FAT PUSSY AND HATE HARD GAMES
It's still pretty difficult, though. Fuck the second boss fight. |
The ninja gaiden series was designed to hate us with a passion :p. It wants to kill us all horribly. It's not a question of if you get the game over screen, it's a question of when.
I'm playing Dink Smallwood.
I remembered vaguely a demo of an RPG I'd played when I was six or seven, and I knew there were monsters on the farms and you had to find a duck to get out of the village. So I googled "find duck escape village monsters farms" and Dink Smallwood was the first result. It's it. It's actually a pretty good game. |
I rented Borderlands and have more or less been playing it nonstop. I chose the Berserker because he's avenging his dog or something and his special ability is punching.
Really, really fun game, but I am really fucking sick of getting stuck in walls and having to reload. It happens stupidly often. They aren't kidding about the guns, either; as far as I can tell the only repeating weapons are those you get from respawning bosses, and usually those are only good for as long as it takes for you to become strong enough to kill them like any other enemy. I was kind of wary about getting rid of my old guns for better new ones at first, mostly for sentimentality. I kind of struck gold with the shields, too. The 3rd one I found recharges your health super duper fast. :
Once I got a boss down to a tiny amount of health in that game. Only to have it glitch and disappear. This boss was in a maze of sorts. This maze was full of enemies. These enemies respawned every five seconds. Fuck that game.
I'm playing through Mass Effect again. It's fucking awesome, but the uncharted worlds are pretty repetitive/
Use your mystical fire attack when he shoots his little flying sperms after you. Also, I was hero for the day at work for beating that boss. On my first try. The next day I went back to being the same old fuck, unfortunately. |
It seems Gears 2 is playable now, I've been playing games with no lag and no glitches that make me angry. Only problem is it seems everyone already left, so its hard to find games. Fun though.
I just started AND beat my first Valve game yesterday at the arcade. This was a triumph.
I've got into Second Sight again and almost finished it...
Does playing with yourself count?.. No, I'm just kidding.
I've been playing some spyro game, It's not much. |
You should play with me and Elvis some time. I'm getting a new headset soon. We play on insane mode, or whatever the fuck it's called. It's better that way.
I'd like that. I don't see myself getting a new card for about a month, though.
That sounds fine.
I finally started playing Brütal Legend. I'm still getting my head around the controls and gameplay.
Initial review: Gameplay = slightly meh, but I'll play it for the |
Even that starts to wear thin after a while.
Which illustrates my point perfectly.
But the game gets more interesting after that.
Meh. Psychonauts was just too tough of an act to follow, I think.
Rented Boarderlands for the week. It's pretty good, but I wish you started off with more inventory space.
Did you check your butt