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Nate 07-13-2013 06:52 PM

Can someone please make a seperate thread for Steam cards? I'd prefer it if this one remained about Sales! and Saving $$$ while you sit on your butt!

Dynamithix 07-14-2013 02:37 AM

System Shock 2 is 75% off for about 6 hours. The first game I bought in the sale, yay!

Phylum 07-14-2013 03:37 AM

Wanderlust Rebith is only about $3. Fun game, nice devs and an influx of players now that its on sale.

Also, it's getting an MMO sequel soon that looks amazing.

Manco 07-14-2013 04:19 AM

OK jerks, I’m feeling generous enough that I will gift ONE (1) copy of either Abe’s Exoddus OR Abe’s Oddysee for a forum member who doesn’t already own it on Steam.

If you want one of these games*, post in the thread to say so. First come first served.

*and are too cheap to buy it yourself at the discounted price

Havoc 07-14-2013 04:24 AM


Can someone please make a seperate thread for Steam cards? I'd prefer it if this one remained about Sales! and Saving $$$ while you sit on your butt!


Phylum 07-14-2013 04:24 AM

I'm going to buy a $20 Steam gift voucher for myself tomorrow, and finally pick up HL2. Should I get HL1 as well? At this point it will be that or Terraria.

Also, I'm getting the Oddbox so that I can finally play SW, finish MO and own AE.

Havoc 07-14-2013 04:25 AM


I'm going to buy a $20 Steam gift voucher for myself tomorrow, and finally picking up HL2. Should I get HL1 as well? At this point it will be that or Terraria.

Forget about HL1 and download Black Mesa from Steam after you've installed HL2. It tells the same story but with modern graphics and gameplay. Unless of course you want the nostalgic experience of the original.

Phylum 07-14-2013 04:59 AM

I might go with the original just because I love Quake physics, but I could buy another game (that I probably don't need) with the extra $5.

I'm considering Universe Sandbox because I could totally invite a girl over to play that with me, but I'll wait to see what's cheap tomorrow.

DarkHoodness 07-14-2013 09:18 AM

Seconded on getting Black Mesa over Half-Life 1, unless you like nostalgia. If you do get it though, also get this mod for it which re-adds a chapter that the BM devs missed.

OT: Kerbal Space Program is on offer for £10. Sandbox fun with building your own rockets and visiting other planets - Updates regularly.

Havoc 07-14-2013 09:37 AM

Fallout New Vegas is on sale. Go get it if you don't have it yet. Well worth the money!

Ridg3 07-18-2013 06:26 AM

I have to once again recommend Dark Souls, down to just five dabs. You shan't regret it.

Havoc 07-18-2013 11:20 AM

Tropico 4 is very fun. Ironically I'm playing it right now even though I got it during the holiday sale last year.

Crashpunk 07-18-2013 01:43 PM


Forget about HL1 and download Black Mesa from Steam after you've installed HL2. It tells the same story but with modern graphics and gameplay.

Black Mesa is great and all, but I still love to play HL. Something about the graphics, the way it plays and the sounds does something for me.


I've hear that 'infestation: survivor stories' is just the WarZ renamed. And it's apparently a giant piece of crap that needs to be avoided.

Nate 07-18-2013 06:42 PM

The Humble Weekly Sale has a bunch of Jim Guthrie soundtracks as well as Swords & Sworcery EP and Indie Game: The Movie if you pay an above-average amount.

If you like games that are a bit lot wierd but interesting, Swords & Sworcery is really quite good. The soundtrack is great as well. If you have an Android or iOS tablet, I'd definitely recommend playing it on that; parts of the game are quite tactile, and it just felt better with a touchscreen. Also, the pixel-art graphics looked better on my 10 inch tablet than on my 24 inch monitor.

Manco 07-31-2013 03:10 AM


Speaking of Saint's Row, there's a Humble Deep Silver Bundle going on now, which includes, among other things, SR2 and SR3 (SR3 Full Package if you pay above average).

The latest Humble Bundle is selling Steam keys for Deep Silver games, including:
  • Saints Row 2
  • Saints Row 3
  • Risen 2
  • Sacred 2
Dead Island and Saints Row 3: The Full Package are being offered as rewards for paying above the average, and Dead Island: Riptide for paying more than $25. Plus soundtracks, etc etc.

If you don’t already own SR3 for PC it’s well worth buying, unlike SR2 it’s a decently-made port with no issues.

I’ve also been playing SR2 recently and while it’s a pretty bad port there are a couple of fanmade mods which make it very playable:Once you get it working SR2 is a very good game, and while it’s not as polished as SR3 it has a lot more to do in terms of missions and activities, and personally I think it has a more interesting story.

Vyrien 07-31-2013 05:25 AM

No issues? SR3 is incredibly temperamental. It crashes after the AMD logo on both mine and my friend's computer yet works perfectly on his brother's and unlike SR2 there is no workaround to this. I'd buy with caution.

Dynamithix 08-01-2013 11:28 PM

If you have Xbox Live Gold you can download Crackdown for free, I downloaded it yesterday as I had previously missed on this game and man, it's pretty damn fun. I might pick up Crackdown 2 sometime.

Dynamithix 08-14-2013 10:12 AM

EA Humble Bundle that has BF3, Dead Space 3, Sims 3 and more for less than 5 dollars. What the hell?

Varrok 08-14-2013 10:45 AM

I'm fighting myself right now. It's just a dollar, but on the other hand I'll feel terrible supporting them....

Wait... what
"Origin and EA are donating their share of the proceeds from this bundle to the following charities!"
Did something happen to EA?! Did they BUY OUT those charities so the profits go to them?!

MeechMunchie 08-15-2013 05:40 AM


Varrok 08-15-2013 02:58 PM

*I* know that. I just didn't think *they* do.

Varrok 08-18-2013 09:08 AM

Seems I have a spare Mirror's Edge steam key. Does anyone want it in exchange for nothing?

CAUTION: This game isn't about any mirror's edges. It's about parkour.

Havoc 08-19-2013 04:29 PM

"Spend at least this much to unlock this game in the bundle..."

Oh EA... for a moment there I thought we lost you. :happy:

I'm spending a dollar in that store if only to show EA how much their games are worth to me.

Also the top contributors list almost makes me cry. Some of that money will end up at EA one way or another. It's not like them to just do something like this without turning some sort of profit.

Edit: And just to taunt them I'm going to redeem all those games on Steam. Mwhahahaha

Manco 08-19-2013 04:53 PM

Doesn’t Humble Bundle allow you to choose what percentage of your money goes where? Send it all to charity, just to stick the knife in.

Phylum 08-19-2013 09:01 PM

The money all seems to go to charity or the Humble tip, depending on how you allocate it.

This doesn't cost EA anything, so they'll probably just reap the benefits of the good publicity.

Nate 08-19-2013 11:07 PM

I haven't been able to find a better quality version of this screengrab. It's apparently from Craigslist.


MeechMunchie 08-20-2013 01:42 AM

I knew reviewing their own games on Metacritic wouldn't be the last of it.

MeechMunchie 08-26-2013 01:56 PM


£3.74/75% Off

MeechMunchie 08-27-2013 09:51 AM


£2.38/66% off

It's almost as good as Audiosurf!

Nate 08-28-2013 04:42 AM

I hate games with novel mechanics that don't have demos. How am I supposed to know whether I like it or not?

It just looks like a Space Invaders clone with music mechanics. Am I wrong?