I'd waste my life savings to see Olly and Hobo.
I damn well hope we're calling it a weekend. |
I would so come if it wasn't 18+.
i would so come if i could afford to.
Ah yes, what I would do to see Nate...and rip his bleeding flesh from his pale bones, poke his open eyes out with a crude stick, remove his squishy innards to feed to dogs, and rip out his still beating, gruesome heart and eat it in one bite, muhahahaha...
But alas I can't go. Sorry. :fuzsad: |
yeah. you aren't coming on any Oddtours. ever.
Damn, he heard me.
i actually read it, but each to their own, i suppose.
oh christ, learn to read.
What's with the 18+ tag? Is Alcar coming?
If that 18+ tag was gone I will come faster than you could ever imagine.
Because when we go drinking and clubbing, we don't want underages folks following us.
You're too kind ;) Alcar... |
Around the block, up the street and halfway to Perth.
I suppose if you were to measure all the penii I've encountered and add them together it might just reach halfway to Perth :p
Anyhoo, you cool with May/June? Alcar... |
Gr...why couldn't all of you quit drinking! WHY!? WHY MUST WE SUFFER...
I wish you could just bring a parent. Also if I really do half to wait 6 years will you guys even still be here? |
Hell no!...well sorta.
Dad introduced me to Oddworld many years ago, in the form of Munch's Oddysee. I think I was 8 or 9. So after playing the game (check my profile for my results), Dad showed me the site (Alf was on vacation. I thought it was recent) and I played the demo of Abe's Oddysee! I DIED! YAY ME! This was also before after Stranger's Wrath was released, and when it did Dad got it for us. I died in that one too. Never got to steef till about 6 months ago. Many, MANY years later I came across the site again. I checked some other things, such as Alf's letters, and I came across the fansites. So after finding this japanese site I stumbled upon this one. I found this thread about something, but all I can remember was that Seckto Springs (user) was in it. So I signed up as MarsMudoken, not realizng spaces were allowed and I had spelled Mudokon wrong. And I went to the RPG!...and of course we know where this led. So in a way, he did sign me up. |
I wouldn't really be surprised if people were still here in 6 years...
I'll be 28. That's old beyond belief. I can't imagine anyone being 28 and still posting here.
But seriously, If not people still being here, I think owf will still stand in 6 years... maaaybe. If Lorne releases something soon. |
dunno whether i'll still be here by then. i need to go cold turkey with this place.
I will definitely not be here in six years. By then, I should imagine that I will have things that need fulfilling. My internet days are nearing their end.
I don't think I'll ever let go of the Internet seeing as I'm even studying to become a web-developer :p Internet will be a part of me. I also imagine that as technology evolves, the Internet will become much more interesting than it is today.
otherwise i'll revert back to saying 'your' in all the wrong instances. |
I'll try to stay.
I imagine Alcar will be here until the end of time.
Luring youngsters into his lair of geriatric pervertedness. - Rexy |