Also, Splosion man.
They even have my name on their website. How exciting is that?! |
No, I didn't. Because I was playing the demo. Because I'm too cheap to buy the whole fucking game.
Playing ODST now. It's fun. |
I have to say ODST pleasantly surprised me...
fun game |
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
It's so fun, but I am so addicted to the Chao Garden. I LOVE MY LITTLE ABE! >w< |
I could never do the Chao Garden fully, it required me to hurt my cute little buggers.
I've been playing the new dlc for Left 4 Dead. Good stuff. Lot's of awesome new dialogue in it.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle had an awesome Chao Garden. Shame every single Sonic game since has been lacking.
Impossible Creatures was reasonably fun, shame that Genewars got overlooked (despite having similar creature mixing and great gameplay). Just playing Resistance PSP and Metroid Trilogy now. Waiting for the new Naruto PSP games. |
Some zombie game I downloaded from XBLA. It's...Eh.
Zombie Apocalypse. Like L4D, except top down and less fun.
Well, that new campaign was short but sweet.
I loved the "cool story bro" in the safehouse, though. |
Played Tales of Monkey Island: Lair of the Leviathan from start to finish last night. I won't say it's the best episode in the series so far, but it's still very good and had some great puzzles.
Plus, Murray is always hilarious. |
Playing on Crash Bandicoot 2 right now, for another playthrough.
Unfortunately, Fraps is evil enough to keep audio lagging. But it's a good game, nonetheless. |
Did you ever download Insect Invasion for Impossible Creatures?
I forgot to mention that I've been having a shit ton of fun with Flipnote Studio on the DSi. It's a free app that let's you make your own cartoons. You can even add three tracks of dialogue and a fourth track is set aside for music. It is absolutely the shit.
Renegade-X. The most awesome mod ever made.
I received my 'Splosion Man prizes today. I got an "Everybody loves doughnuts" shirt, and a poster that was signed by the Twisted Pixel team. No trophy, but I didn't get first place, and they never said anything about giving any items to anyone but the first place winner, so I'm more than pleased with what I got.
You can't fix your house with prizes, can you?
No, but my heart grew three sizes today. That has to count for something.
It counts towards your medical bills. You just bought a house. Way to go, stupid.
I'm not a doodyhead. You're a doodyhead.
Holy shit, troll war!
Holy shit, two days late!
Anyway, I've been playing Red Faction: Guerilla. More like gorilla. Angry gorilla, since the most fun you can have is in the breaking stuff area. Also Turok. It is fun. |
Turok as in xbox 360 turkok? Really?
I've been wanting to try Red Faction, though. |
Quake 2 the Reckoning for the firs time. After I finish it and Ground Zero on medium, I'll probably start them again on hard. I'm going through a quake phase at the moment.
Also, a bit of N+DS whenever I can. |
During my holiday, I will mostly be playing;
Scribblenauts Valhalla Knights Undead Knights PixelJunk Monsters Contact P.S. Turok 2 / Turok Evolution were my favorites (Rage Wars aint bad either!). |