The flood were cool. Face it.
And stop the text talk. Or I shalt smite thee into bits of biscuit. And then eat you. Yum. |
The Flood added the perfect group to the game. I enjoyed having them in, and I hope that they will be in Halo 2.
Weekly Update: it pays to do the dew! Win a Halo 2 LAN party! note: 18 years of age restriction? wtf. |
I live in the UK, bit of a bummer for me.....
I live in UK aswell.
Good pics aswell. |
Looks like Halo 2 is ready for pre-order for cheap, if you live in the UK.
Halo 2 Standard Version - This is not the cover. Halo 2 Limited Edition I'm getting the Limited Edition. |
I'm getting the lim aswell.
I have just pre-ordered it a second ago. |
as of right now, it is 117 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes, and 44 seconds... make that 40.... 38...35...24....
I wonder if Bungie will do anything special for today... |
Shut it CJ, Sligster had a good point.
Halo 2 is gonna be bling!
Bling means townie Jewlery, but i'm sure you knew that Luc.
Not in my vocabulary. Anyway I had better stop using it nonetheless.
this weeks Calvin and Halo: haha, this one made me laugh, as I share the same view point as Calvin. It doesn't have to be good to please me, as long as it's new. Humph. |
Loewes Theatre
if your gonna go see a movie, go to Loewes Theatre. They'll be showing a Halo 2 trailer for most of their movies.
Edit: WEEKLY UPDATE they mention a new vehicle, two new multiplayer maps, different types of water, and a multiplayer MC AI.... could this mean bots? |
Thats a pretty decent update.
Yeah it was a pretty good update, but not as in depth as last week.
Some beta pics were released... not sure if I should be posting them, seeing as how Bungie was pretty pissed, but here I go- at the bottom of the last one, you can see the "saved films" option. does this mean you can record and watch your own gameplay? |
nice screens! very nice...
can't wait to play that game |
Dammit. Those f*cking Beta Testers have to f*ck everything up.
EDIT: Oh my god! That Calvin and Hobbes friggin' ROCKS!!! I lurve them so much... |
Those screens are incredible. I cannot wait. AS quoted by The Funky Homeless Monk "enough said." |
I love bees
due to popular belief that a Halo 2 demo will be released on Aug. 24th (when the countdown on ends), Frankie himself finally came forward and confirmed that there will be NO playable demo whatsoever. this makes me sad :( |
Ah Bitch......
But they're still denying all relation to no?
New topic of discussion.
What are your theories on what this means? I believe CJ has some rather good conclusions. :
What am I supposed to be looking at on ilovebees?
Edit: After searching on a Halo forum I visit, apparently the plot is hidden on there. This is what one person think it says, he also says this isn't everything. "Theres a small Halo Installation inside Earth, this ones said to be under a large desert. In that Installation theres the Queen Flood Form. She can communicate with Flood throughout the galaxy, telepathecly. Cortana goes insane and interfaces with the Queen Flood. 343 Guilty Spark teleports himself to that Installation and taps into the Human databanks." Of course, it is very unlikely to be in the slightest bit true. However, it is factual that the countdown is counting down to the release of the Halo 2 special in the Official Xbox Magazine, and no, it won't include a demo. |