If the hellions kept their shitty attitudes to themselves and stopped trying to stir the pot, there would be absolutely no controversy here. This thread isn't even in one of the main forums. Let the tiny minority of MLP fans have their corner, and the rest of you can go back to hanging out with all the cool kids in OT.
I think we should rename the topic as just "Ponies". I keep forgetting and visit the thread to read about awards
It's because we're all sick fucks.
A nerve got trapped, and actually I spend a fair while writing that believe it or not, because I was trying to tone it down so I didn't just write anything too explosive. Also I was probably tired. =P Erm, yeah, so, ponies, I was interested to find out recently that the lady who does MLP also did Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Now that, was a good cartoon. |
I've never seen it, by the time we got Cartoon Network and all those channels, I was getting to the point where I was too old to watch cartoons...actually, I probably wasn't, but you've never met my Dad. XD
It's like that wasn't already mentioned and joked about a thousand times in here |
Well excuse me if I've been absent for a few months. I wasn't really up to trawling through 28 pages of ponies.
Ok,.so if you had to, Twilight, or a real pony?
You wouldn't ever have to. That would never fucking ever be a possible instance. It's not funny, the novelty wore off the second or third time you shared that you wanted to fuck an animal, give it a break.
No but if you had to. I'm just making conversation. You'll never have to decide if you'd rather be blind or deaf, but that comes up a lot.
I don't really understand the distinction. If you were in a position to enter congress with Sparkle, surely she would have to be a real, physical pony?
She doesn't. No one ever said that. Its never going to happen is it? We're just having a bit of banter. Lighten up, STM!
That's not banter, it's banal.
Keep reading a thread you don't like, STM. Keep reading it.
Nepsotic... there's a limit, dude.
I'm cool with discussing ponies, but I'd like to keep this thread relatively clop-free. It just makes everything look bad. If you want to discuss pony sexuality, join Ponibooru. |
Hmm, OK, how about your favourite episode?
Though I agree, I'm curious as to what Nepsotic is actually trying to suggest. I mean... unless a cartoon is morphed into a physical object, he's just going to be ramming his weiner into a TV display. Which he can already do, provided he doesn't mind picking LCD cells out of his peehole.
Assuming he has an LCD tv and not a glass cathode ray.
My favorite episode? Hard to say. They all have their pros and cons. The season 2 finale was pretty sweet. |
Last page he said he watches it on the phone, so it's rather a flat screen
I wonder why this thread is in The Classics.
I just wonder why this is a thread.
Wow. That must have taken a lot of work...
I'm astounded that this is still in Welcome and Birthdays for neither topic is relevant.
We're very welcoming.
Especially ponies get a very VERY warm welcome.
In a butt. From Nepsotic.
Because horses generally have more than one arsehole.
I'm gonna ask MeechMunchie to give his creation two horse arseholes in Design Democracy.
And I'll request that the next person requests that they are removed.
I'm interested to see how MM captures the subtle distinction between a horse anus and any other anus on a small size drawing.
I'm now curious as to how many cool members (as opposed to the FC nerds - and they are nerds, even by our standards) read Design Democracy.
I should read that sometime.
It's cleaned up since the kool krew left. Ridg3, Phylum, STM - the guys who joined around the same time as me. Shame. No more giant insectoid Robotnik testicles.