oh god i didn't actually click that link, haha. that's awesome.
My download for Psychonauts finished last night.
That was a pretty intense first level. |
Just wait until you play the Milkman level. Just you fucking wait.
The fact that TVTropes has a screenshot of a Psychonauts level as the page picture for That One Level fills me with much apprehension.
I agree with OANST; I've played much more frustrating levels in other games than Meat Circus. The second time I did it, it was positively easy.
I walked down to Blockbuster a couple of days ago to see if they had any more second hand games in for the ps2. It turns out they did so I bought Futurama, Sonic Gems and Spiderman 3, 3 for £10. I check the discs to see if they are fine on my way home and lo and behold inside Sonic Gems was both Sonic Gems and Sonic Mega Collection Plus (WOO free game). Tried them out and they all work, so i'm playing them along with Xenosaga Episode 2.
I downloaded Abe's Oddysee, but I'm going to finish Exoddus again before I play it too much.
~it's so much better than AE! Enchilado |
Ugh, DJ Hero hurts my hands.
I think its ment to be a PS or a Edit.
No, it's not. It's just a... thingy that I use. I just randomly started one day and haven't looked back since.
Played some New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It is immensely difficult.
Just to solidify my above point, NSMBW is honest-to-goodness hard. It's challenging, but in a good way. Also it's not just a port of NSMB, as I thought.
Definitely worth a try. |
It is very fun. Tried it on the demo wii at my local gametraders. I spent 20 mins playing it from world 2 and thought SMB3 FTW?
~This thought was closley followed by oh wait, it's a SMB game... The ~ is definitely for either in conclusion or additional |
Tomb raider 1. That's right, the old tomb raider 1.
I finished "World of Goo" ... It was pretty fun.
Twisted Pixel finally put up an online store, but everyfuckingthing sold out in the first day except for the Maw plushie. Which is awesome.
bought one for the fetus. She will be surrounded by that, a couple of uglydolls, and some crazy fucking bacon guy upon her arrival.
Also, Splosion Man and Dragon Age: Origins, still. Been playing Modern Warfare 2 and LFD2 at work on the weekends, though. |
You should get her one of the Mr. Pokeylope onesies from the Doublefine store. Those are the shit.
I've been trying to convince Dorian of that for months.
If Abbey hadn't already been too old for it when it came out, she would have been sporting that shit constantly.
The Maw and Splosion Man Tee's look neat. The Splosion man one is in stock, too.
Not sure about the Maquettes though. Maybe a signed Maw when I have money to burn. Aw, international shipping from my own pocket? Dicks. |
Left 4 Dead 2. Played some Versus with OANST and some other friends earlier. great stuff.
I got both Dead Space and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for about 10 bucks. M:UA is okay I guess.
Dead Space is a rather fun game :) Fun to watch in any case.
Trackmania Nations. Best. Freeware. Ever.
Dead Space is great. It's really challenging, and makes you take care what weapons you use when. The Upgrade node system is neat, too.
Basically, you can commit a node to either your weapons, RIG (your suit), the Stasis pack (a RIG mounted tool that slows things down), Or your...Kinesis. Which is basically an extremely simplified gravity gun. These are then broken down into seperate categories on a 'circuit'. Sort of like a fuse, or wiring, each node allows you to connect another node to the adjacent one, but not every single node has a use. O=Used node +=Open node that can be charged x=Open node that cannot be charged - and I='Wiring', the lines connecting nodes. (Ammo) O------------O--------+ (Damage) I(space)I O------------+--------X So while you may be tempted to simply upgrade the first echelons of every item you come across, it pays to commit to the empty nodes in the long run. I can understand if you find this boring but to me it's AWESOME. Also the guns and enemies are great. |
Playing Braid... some serious mindfuck at some stages
Playing Blob Wars: Blob and Conquer. It's actually pretty good.
What he said. Boss fights are pretty good, too. |
Dead Space is probably the best horror game this gen. |
Had to return Left 4 Dead 2 to Blockbuster. I played some MW2 last night, and it was boring as shit, probably gonna sell it. I might rent Dead Space/Mass Effect/GTA4 Epsiodes/AC2 later though.
You could probably find Dead Space used for as much as it costs to rent it.
I want to rent borderlands. |