I thought it was a great game. The story improved from the first game...I liked being able to get more information about the covenant. Also, variety of weaponry was awesome. You could blow up a sentinal, then use the fallen beam as a weapon. Now that was cool. And being able to take advantage of more vehicles in multiplayer is great.
-oddguy |
I don't think the game was based on MC anyway . It was more on the Arbiter . Do you think they will put new unit models for multiplayer up fer download? |
No, I don't think so. Although I believe a brute could work, I don't think they will.
Do brutes even have armour? I know some don't, but I can't remember if they all don't. I have my fingers crossed very tightly, however, for Sidewinder to make a return. The wraith would be in its perfect element there. |
Halo 2 Glitches fixed...
ALL MUST READ! http://xbox.ign.com/articles/566/566...html?fromint=1 -oddguy |
Unlocked Foundation earlier. Wonderful. Really is.
I got it, what a Game! Loved every minuet of it, but I shall now go into my gripes :P
*SPOLIERS* 1. The Gravemind - WTF what this thing? some sort of queen flood? I didnt see the point because the plot stayed the same after he was introduced. I didnt like him. 2. New Human weapons - I loved the BR and SMG to bits, shame we only got to use them on the first few levels. Needed much more Earth levels. 3. Vehicles - The driving was new and different, I dont like it. Bungie, do it again. 4. THE ENDING! - This pissed me off proper. They need to make Halo 3 now ^_^ |
You could use the BR and SMG on most levels. In Delta Halo and the one where you kill POR, they were in cases all over the place. In the levels as Arbiter when you need to lower the library's shield then nick the index, tons of the flood were wielding them etc.
yeah, Gravemind is some sort of Queen flood :p Without him, the Arbiter would never have went against the covenant and never would have tried to stop them from activating Delta Halo, therefore he was very important. Also makes the Arbiter work with the humans. I liked the vehicles :p |
But when you used the human weapons against the flood they sucked. I can see why there are so many Human-Floods.
-oddguy |
This game rocks, the ending was great. Im working on beating it on legendary now which is making me go crazy.
I unlocked Foundation by reading on another forum that you have to be on the last level using a banshee to do a right loop left loop then a flip, and finish the rest of the game. They are saying that Halo 3 may be on Xbox 2, but thats way in the future and also it is just talk. |
They released an auto update patch for those on Live a few days ago by the way guys. Unlocks foundation easier and some other crap too.
No Live I have. *Cries* Like Yoda I speak. |
Right, I think I fully understand the plot now, i'll write it all up later though.
Heres my reckoning of the plot, though Ill probably leave out most:
MC, Miranda and Johnson are all receiving awards aboard Cairo (the spacesation with MAc guns) orbittong Earth when a few covenant ships appaer from slipspace. Prophet of Regret has 'jumped the gun' and shouldn't be there yet, and the covenant didn't expect to find any humans here, which is why so few of them came. The covenant then run away with In Autumn Clad hitching a ride in their slipstream burst. A disgraced elite is given the chance to die with honour by becoming the covenant Arbiter. Arbiter are called upon in times of peril of the covenant (the prophet uses the Taming of the Hunters and the Grunt Rebellion as examples). Arbiter is told to go and kill some Heretics who have taken refuge in a forerunner facility near a gas giant. Arbiter kills the heretic leader, who has only become a heretic because of what 343 told him (that the halos are weapons etc). Tartarus comes and steals 343, and they fly away. In Autumn Clad 'land' out of slipstream near a new Halo, Delta Halo, which is being explored by the covenant. MC goes onto Halo to kill the Prophet of Regret (the one who prematurely came to Earth), and whilst there learns that the Hierarchs would probably have him killed anyway. MC does so just as the covenant high and holy city, High Charity (a spacebound city), comes out of slipstream near Halo with an enormous covenant fleet. MC falls into the 'sea' and Gravemind captures him. Whilst this is happening, Johnson and Miranda are trying to get into Halo's library so they can get the index before the covenant (naturally, the covenant want to activate Halo to get into heaven, because they dont know its a superweapon). Arbiter is told by the prophets that he must lower the shield covering the library and get the idex (sacred icon) so the covenant can get to the devine beyond. He does so, and Tartarus comes and steals the index, Miranda (who got their first) and pushes Arbiter down a big chasm. Gravemind captures Arbiter. Gravemind then shows MC and Arbiter Penitent Tangent, Delta Halo's monito who tells the two that Halo is a superweapon etc etc. This causes Arbiter to work with the humans, to try and stop the covenant activating the Halo. All the while, flood have been released and are rampaging across Halo. Gravemind teleports MC (or he makes Penitent Tangent to the teleporting) onto the massive holy city (High Charity) thats now near Halo. MC has to try and stop the prophets getting the index to Halo. He doesn't do so.. yet. Arbiter is teleported to s spot on halo where he goes on a Brute killing rampage to avenge all the Elites that the Brutes have killed (yes, I've missed out the Brute/Elite war story arc). MC then has to get onto the forerunner ship. This ship is the 'centre-piece' of High Charity, which is powering down the ship (this is what High Charity uses to slipspace travel, and basically all it's power) and preparing to 'set-sail'. MC is told the covenant are going back to Earth, to "finish what they started", and MC hops aboard the forerunner ship - just before it goes into slipstream towards earth. Arbiter has to stop tartarus from activating halo with Johnson's help, and does so, killing Tartarus. 343 then tells Miranda, Arbiter and Johnsons that all six remaining Halos are ready for remote detonation. he says that you can detonate them all from a place called 'The Ark'. The forerunner ship enters Earth's solar system. The End. People think that Earth (or a place on Earth) is The Ark. |
Well done. Heres abit more.....
Humans were created by the Forrunner to basically take over after they all killed themselfs with the Halo rings (The big bang). I'm guessing there is a moniter of Earth in the Ark who began human evolution with some DNA samples the Forrunner left behind. Technically Humans could be the Forrunners. I think the Ark would be a huge installation in the planet, probably in Antartica or a Desert where no one would look for it. This does explane why 343 and 2401 call all humans "The Reclaimers" because the Forrunners hoped that we would find the Ark, and then go to the rings of Halo to find out our past. The 100,000 year war was probably a massive battle between the flood and the Forrunners. The forrunners created the Halo rings to study the flood to find any weaknesses, but they were also used as a last resort. The Forrunners activated the Halo Rings in order to kill all flood outside of the rings. They knew it meant they would die too, so they put the Ark on Earth. The Gravemind is a large flood organism, probably not made by the Forrunners. I think its an evolved form of the flood that escaped, and its tenticles reach out all over the ring. The "Blob" in the first Halo that Keyes was a part of is most likley a premature form of another Gravemind. Apparently if you beat the game on legendary during the credits "Coming, Febuary 14th" pops up. To be honest, Halo 2 is not 4 years of work. I think they made 2 games, Halo 2 and a bonus game (Not a Halo 3) to finish the story off. Disscuss. |
I think the 100,000 year war is the on-going war between the Flood, and, well, everyone. More specifically, the forerunners and forerunner created things (such as the sentinels).
That February thing is "We'll see you on February 8th" Oh, and I missed out that the Ark (most likely the Earth) is outside of the Halo's destruction radii, so any sentient beings in The Ark are not killed. |
7^3 = 343 (Guilty Spark) 7^4 = 2401 (Penitent Tangent) There are 7 Halos. Does "Delta" correspond with a four in any way? Anyway, my guess is that Bungie is releasing a "final" MC level on the 8th (I've heard from several people that it actually says the 9th) of February... you know, through Xbox Live's downloadable content. I bet they weren't able to finish the last level in time, so the game was shipped on schedule to give them time to polish it off and to prevent yet another delay. Or it could just mean nothing. Like the skulls hidden in every level that do random crap. EDIT: I'm such a geek. |
According to Halo.Bungie.Org, and several posts from Bungie.net, there's nothing "big" happening at Feb. 9th.
As for your question about Delta; Delta is the 4th letter in the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta. Though I dunno why Bungie called it Delta Halo, as the Halo, on which Halo CE took place, was "Installation 04", as said by 343GS. And 2401PT stated he was the monitor of Installation 05, the Halo on which Halo 2 takes place. @ Ferill: You said Halo 2 isn't a game that's been made in four years. But you are forgetting something (due to ignorance, or amnesia). In the Halo 2 LE Bonus DVD, Bungie states that they came back from E3 with nothing more than a demo. So they had to cut a lot out of the game, in order to reach the deadline. In theory, this leaves only 17 months for creating a game. EDIT: Esus: Are you SURE it's Februari 8th? Cuz then it makes sense Bungie claims nothing big is happening on Feb. 9th, because it's the 8th! I don't know, still beating the game on Herioc. (BTW Needlers are a blast against Brutes!) |
I played my first game of Halo2 yesterday, and I wasn't really stunned. It's ok and all, but it seems like Echoes and HL2 have it beaten in concept, plot, and playability. Anyone else not very wooed by Master Chief having played Halo2?
Nope, I'm well and truely wooed.
I wasn't very "woooed"
Consider this though: Let's assume the Ark is Instillation 01. That would make the Instillation (which may not refer to the actual Halo at all... but the Library or even that giant cannon thingy which sets off each "detonation") on Alpha Halo be 02 and the one on Beta Halo 03 and so on and so on. If you take that into account, the 7^3 = 343 thing makes a little more sense. 343 may have been on the third/Gamma (explaining the third power) Halo, but it presided over the 04 Instillation (Library?). F*ck. When did I become such a loser? |
I'm back!
Ahem. In the bible, Noah's arc was a huge ship that escaped that flood with all the animals. I think that the Ark is that forerunner ship that powered High Charity. You send in some dude to activate the rings, get out of the galaxy on the Ark, get the poor guy to activate the ring, and come back when the flood are left with no way to get anywhere. If the guy starts up the rings, but the don't finish, then you can set them off by a remote, on the ark. Oh, and that list at the begining of the thread is kind of... uh... wrong. Ps: I think the MAC gun on the station is cool. |
I kinda meant that Fax, The Forerunners (I spelt it right!) left traces of their own DNA on Earth for a moniter to reactivate. It would make sence if Earth was 01 because it would show how we need a moniter to bring back life.
Searex - What skulls? |
There are a number of skulls located throughout the game, for example, the "Blind" skull, at the beginning of the level "Outskirts".
There's a "skulls" page at High Impact Halo: http://www.highimpacthalo.org/skulls.htm |
The 7 to the (whatever) power = a Monitor # thing still works, but that's all I've got. :p |
Does that include the one that was destroyed?
Ridley Scott has been approached about doing a Halo movie. Geeks rejoice! :p
http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/567/567654p1.html -oddguy |
I really hope there is never a Halo movie.
Oh look. An alien. *shoots* oh look. Exactly the same alien. *shoots* oh look a short bit of shit plot. *shoots plot* *film then ends because i destroyed the projector with a wedge of cheese because of it's crimes against me* |
I dont want a movie of the game, the books would make a much better film, i've only read one though......
If done WELL, a Halo movie could turn out quite well. However, I'd give a low probability of a positive turnout.
Dunno if it still exists, but I can see a connection appearing with the Ark and Stone Henge, dunno why:p
Damn Im late to the discussion! Anyways I personally loved the ending cliff hanger yes but reminded me of so many good sequel endings in a trilogy. Namely Empire Strikes Back. Also about the February 9th thing, Bungie has been known to keep quiet on stuff like that....and let people find out for themselves. I mean I was completely surprised with playing as the Arbiter in Level 3. Im playing through or I attempted to play through legendary I've beaten outskirts on it (hard as hell so many god damn snipers) and also high charity on legendary co op.
Xbox Live is also so addictive every night I play with my friend in town that I go to school with and each night we play like ten games of team skirmish and are undfeated. Our Clan we restarted is now called VYRIS. It's Jeremy (MasterChief on these forums) and some other really really good kids including myself from this area. All I know is I never have liked to brag but I was really good like jeremy too at halo 1, but now we are all so much better at halo 2 so much more balance with guns etc. And anyone wanting to play some Halo 2 with me sometime my Gamertag is LordSeth318. Peace out. |
I wish I had Xbox Live. :crying:
I have a 2 month free trial, but I don't know if it'd be fun without a headset. -oddguy |
Have you all tried to snipe the "birds", on the level Delta Halo, Regret, and the ones in High Charity? It's fun! Although the 2-winged white ones at HC explode in the same manner as the 4-winged brown ones on DH...
I'm gonna start my 2 month trial soon, Gamertag of The Hate Cupid