Started watching the PowerPuff girls after quite a long time and it's so good.
I refused to watch that when I was little because I thought it was for girls. Haha, look at me now.
Do I really have to?
I watched the first episode of The Worst Week of My Life. That was possibly the worst hour of my life. The jokes were bad and terribly predictable and I laughed twice through the whole thing. I'm not watching any more of it to even see if it gets better because the pilot put me off it.
I've also started watching Dynamo and I swear to god he is his son, reincarnated. I mean, big scar from the spear puncture on his lower abdomen, walked on water and he, metaphorically, turned water into wine. Definitely the best magician, if not wizard, I've ever seen. Check him out. It's long, but watch it all if you haven't seen him before. |
Recently for Netflix so I've been abusing that for the past couple days. Catchin up on season 3 of Mad Men and the second of Weeds. Both great shows. Weeds is fairly addictive, as I can't just watch one episode, always end up watching like three in a row before realizing I've wasted an hour. I've heard the recent seasons have been kind of bad, so I'm not sure how much I'm gonna watch. Enjoying it for now, though.
Third season of Mad Men is pretty great so far, if a little bit slow. Only seen the first 3 or 4 episodes, so Im sure it'll pick up soon. I loved the episode where Peggy and the bearded guy smoked dope in the office. You'd never see anything like that today. Funny shit. |
Sat down and watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
It was interesting to see a movie that was more low-key than usual, but I felt it was a little difficult to actually follow the story. Mainly because an awful lot of the story is told through a couple of old men sitting in a room talking. |
I saw THE AMAAAAAAZING SPIDER MAAAAN. It was a'ight. It had the most not-annoying-to-me Stan Lee cameo of all Marvel flicks so far, so that was a plus. I'm not sure what to think of the movie over all. I like it more than Tobey Macguire Spider man, but I'm not sure if it's a better film. There were problems, just little things. Garfield's performance was great, but the scenes where he cried were just bizarre. He made strange sounds and his face just didn't contort right. I understand that the face is a strange thing and pretty much everyone looks pretty stupid when they're crying, but he was far more believably upset in The Social Network. Maybe it was supposed to be campy.
It wasn't as much balls to the wall action as The Avengers, and the gay incest romance between Channing Tatum and Matthew Mcconaughey in Magic Mike was a significantly more believable love story than Gwen Stacey getting a loveboner for Peter because he beats the shit out of people, or at least I assume it was, but it was still pretty damn entertaining overall. I think you should see it. It was different than the Spider Men that previously filled my life, but still a fun watch. WARNING/DANGER: You will be expecting the showdown fight between Godzilla and Spidermang about a dozen times before it actually happens. |
Watched The Wicker Man, the original one. It was pretty interesting and weird. Some of the main character's reactions to things were priceless, though.
I finished watching the second season of Breaking Bad today. I thought it was good, not up to par with the first season but still really good, with the exception of a few episodes.
I thought the first few episodes with Tuco were really fucking intense, he was a crazy character. Also, the introduction of Saul Goodman, oh man, I have a feeling I'm going to like this guy. What I didn't like at all was Skyler. Fuck that bitch seriously, in the first season she was at least normal, in the middle of season 2, she just starts acting all weird and thinks Walt is cheating on her or something along those lines. Also that Ted Beneke guy seems like an asshole. Oh and the Tortuga scene? Holy fuck, man. I was not expecting that. A few scenes other than that made me almost physically ill, like the part where Jesse is at the meth addicts' house, just seeing their house was pretty revolting. Jane's death was also pretty sick, but I was glad she died. What a bitch. I also love the scenes where they are cooking meth, they are shot really well. I'm definitely hooked on this show if you can't tell and I'm trying to catch up to speed with the episodes before the fifth season starts so yeah, back to Breaking Bad now. |
I watched Super 8 recently. Wasn't what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be closer to a Cloverfield but with Speilbergian elements. Instead it was a brilliant almost pastiche of E.T. with some rather touching and realistic tween romance in it. I loved it.
I saw Moonrise Kingdom yesterday. I loooooved it. Best Wes Anderson film since The Royal Tenenbaums. Easily my favorite movie of the year. He perfectly captured that beautiful sincerity that he somewhat falls short on all of his movies except Rushmore, and Tenenbaums. I definitely recommend it.
Watched following recently:
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I, too, saw the Amazing Spider-Man, but the Lizard was truly Spectacular. I had forgotten how much and how long I had wanted to see him on the big screen, and his appearance at last was hugely satisfying.
Loved the film, but feel kind of odd about it. A bit like watching Spider-Man through rippled glass: clearly Spider-Man but not as I know him. Probably because I read the comics, and for me Spider-Man is approaching his thirties. working a real job at a lab superior to Connor's movie lab and doing his solo hero career in addition to serving on both the Avengers and Fantastic Four. So another (and different) rendition of his high school origins is weird for me. |
I've been watching Heroes. Initially I was watching it with housemates at uni, but we've moved out now, so I'm watching it by myself sporadically. I'm currently near the end of the third season. I feel like I enjoyed the first season the most, and the other two less so, although I feel the third season seems slightly better. The fact that I enjoyed the first season more may have been because I had company whilst watching it, but this opinion seems to line-up with what others have said.
Can he still talk to crocodiles?
Just Watched CHRONICLE which is a ridiculous movie.. thats all i can really say about it
So, just finished the third season of Breaking Bad. I'd say it was a bit better than the second season, I thought the finale was a bit bland though. The second last episode was really great. I also like how they had a bit more humor in this season, for example the handjob scene and the whole episode with the fly. The Salamanca cousins were really fucking badass too, maybe a bit cliché with the "silent but deadly" style but they brought more action to the show and that's a good thing.
Also, the guys that play Gus and Mike are really great actors and I hope there's more of them in season four (please don't spoil anything). This show is just getting better and better, it's probably the only series that has gotten me this addicted, I just have to watch it, it's so good. |
The second season is easily the slowest, but it gets fucking crazy near the end. Season 2 is my favourite however.
And, if you like the show so far, you're gonna adore season 4. It's easily the most intense, action-packed season. But yeah, Breaking Bad is a fucking great show. One of my all time favourites. I can't wait for next Sunday when the fifth season starts. |
I watched Captain America and Thor in preparation for when I ever get the chance to see The Avengers. Both surprisingly good, if similar storylines or at least similar story beats. Especially the endings when it came to the love interests.
Captain America did have the hotter love interest, as much as I love Natalie Portman. |
Thor was an absolute piece of shit. Dumbest movie I've seen in a long time.
I loved Thor, it was stupid fun with ridiculously over the top acting. Exactly what I went to see.
I thought it was just stupid. Why didn't they just let the ice people have their box of batteries for fucks sake?
And what a disappointment Loki turned out to be. The character was not fun at all. He should have at least been a little bit mischievous instead of just being a wet cunt. Edit: In the future, if I ever see a guy get creamed by a large vehicle doing 60 mph, I'm going to yell "Get the first aid kit". What a dumb bitch. |
He calls Scarlett Johansson a cunt in The Avengers. That was entertaining.
I didn't see Thor or Captain America and somehow I was able to navigate the labrynthine plot of The Avengers with little to no problem.
On that note, let's talk about Ultimates. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe or Goest could corroborate/invalidate what I have to say on the matter, but I feel like sharing how outrageously fucking stupid this graphic novel was. The Avengers took a LOT of queues from this book, which itself was pretty much pieced together Marvel plots. So Hulk talks. This is my most minor gripe, because Hulk has never NOT talked, but the way he talks is just bizarrely juvenile. Like, you can tell that whoever wrote it has some seriously repressed urges. First of all, he basically goes on a rampage for the purpose of raping Betty Ross and then later some other supers because Bruce Banner CANNOT handle being compared to Steve Buscemi. If I remember right, at one point Iron Man or Captain America gets the better of him in the ensuing showdown and says something like "How do ya like that, big guy!?" to which Hulk responds (paraphrasing over here) "TINY MAN JUST REMIND HULK HOW MUCH HE WANT TO FUCK BETTY!" and the frame is him smiling. I am very glad that didn't carry over to The Avengers. There's been a subplot in Marvel of Antman/Giant man/Hank Pym beating women for years, but in this instance we have ONE presentation of Hank and The Wasp getting along just fine at home, nothing significant happens and then suddenly Hank is a total meanie and beats his wife and tries to make his ant henchmen devour her. It was just terrible. It's such a terrible comic book. |
At least in The Avengers Loki was kind of fun. He was just boring, and stupid in Thor.