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Mac Sirloin 07-23-2012 06:21 AM

I watched The Skin I Live In, a spanish film wherein Antonio Banderas has sex with a sexy frankenstein. It was very intense and really interesting to watch (especially the parts with boobies) but it didn't really have a meaning to it. There was a theme, whatever it was, but it was so utterly convoluted and bizarre it was only worth watching to watch, and not to think about.

OANST 07-23-2012 06:59 AM


Never understood why Edward Norton didn't become a mega-star after a string of fantastic films. I heard it was because he was a massive dick, but I've also heard that of Daniel Day Lewis and he is a major A lister

Is Edward Norton not considered an A lister? I'm pretty sure he is.

Sekto Springs 07-23-2012 12:53 PM

He's an A-lister. I think by "mega-star" he means "celebrity". Norton is a big star, he just doesn't appear in twenty movies a year like Johnny Depp.

Laser 07-23-2012 12:58 PM

Yeah that is kinda what I mean. I always thought as an A-lister people almost go to see your films because you are in them, like Leo Dicaprio or Tom Cruise, and the massive directors want you in their films like Spielberg or Marty Scorsese.

Ed Norton has done neither. Probably out of choice (although I hear he has been kinda blacklisted by Hollywood because he is a bit too controlling and arrogant when he acts)

Sekto Springs 07-23-2012 01:03 PM

Even if Norton's an asshole, I appreciate him not being one of those actors/directors who makes a movie out of necessity, knowing people will see it simply because it has his name on it.

My own personal belief is that a really good movie humbles an actor, as opposed to putting them on a pedestal. When it gets to the point where it's like "This guy is in it, so it doesn't matter if it's good or not", that's when you need to tune out.

Mr. Bungle 07-23-2012 01:09 PM

Been watching Kids in the Hall and Mad Men. Kids in the Hall is always hilarious. Thirty Helens agree.

Mad Men is getting really,really good though. I'm nearing the end of the third season and shit is really starting to build up. I expect a climactic conclusion to this season.

Laser 07-23-2012 01:52 PM


Even if Norton's an asshole, I appreciate him not being one of those actors/directors who makes a movie out of necessity, knowing people will see it simply because it has his name on it.

My own personal belief is that a really good movie humbles an actor, as opposed to putting them on a pedestal. When it gets to the point where it's like "This guy is in it, so it doesn't matter if it's good or not", that's when you need to tune out.

I agree. Johnny Depp seems to be slowly becoming one of those types of actors. Why else would he keep doing Jack Sparrow?

As opposed to Brad Pitt, who seems be doing whatever the fuck he wants, which surprisingly is star is some pretty indie films. I bet he didn't get paid much for Tree Of Life or The Assassination Of Jesse James For The Coward Robert Ford. But then, I would say that as I am a massive Brad Pitt fan :tard:

OANST 07-23-2012 02:04 PM

Pitt has always made pretty good film choices.

Sekto Springs 07-23-2012 05:11 PM

Yeah he has. Even the shittier movies he's in are at worst mediocre.


I agree. Johnny Depp seems to be slowly becoming one of those types of actors. Why else would he keep doing Jack Sparrow?
Well, Jack Sparrow specifically is due partly to contract. When you sign with Disney, they own your soul for no less than a decade. The rest is due to a combination of Depp's marketability and for his own lack of quality control. Every movie to him is a good movie, and he's worked with almost every major director in Hollywood, so when he gets that phone call it's always an immediate "yes". Basically, he's a high class whore.

Laser 07-24-2012 06:37 AM

Be that as it may, he is still one fucking cool guy.

Steamer_KING 07-24-2012 07:51 AM

Adventure Time. I actually like this show.

Dynamithix 07-24-2012 09:00 AM

I completed watching the Blade trilogy today. This was the first time I saw the movies.

I thought the first one was very enjoyable, campy at parts and bad acting but still I enjoyed watching it. The second one was better on the visual side but it introduced way too many annoying characters, besides that, Nomak (the main villain) was cool. The third movie was a stinking pile of shit, that Hannibal King character was so fucking bad. I cringed every time he said something (usually a cheesy joke). Then again, it was 2004.

So yeah, uhh, Wesley Snipes is alright, the first movie was enjoyable.

I liked this song in the first movie.

Laser 07-24-2012 11:21 AM

I watched Real Steel yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. Hugh Jackman's acting was really solid, the special effects were perfect, yes the kid was fucking annoying but I guess so will all 11 year olds in 2014 and it had some very dark undertones about humanity becoming more bloodthirsty and brutal.

Varrok 07-26-2012 01:54 PM

I'm nearly at end of the eight season of the Simpsons. I can't believe how both funny and well-written it is for just a sitcom. Really, it's been unbelievably great to watch it. It's sad to hear it's not gonna be better from now on. I hope you're not that right

Mr. Bungle 07-26-2012 01:58 PM

Season 8 is pretty much the end of classic Simpsons. I wouldn't bother with Season 9. Apart from a few great episodes (Homer vs The City of New York is fucking hilarious), it's pretty mediocre. In fact, most of the ones worth watching (including the one I mentioned) were holdovers from season 8.

Season 4 is still my favourite. Seasons 4-7 are all perfect, though.

Varrok 07-26-2012 02:12 PM

I think I'll take my chances with S9 anyway, there's never enough dreams to be crushed by brutal reality

OANST 07-26-2012 02:26 PM

I'm watching Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Most asinine season yet.

Mr. Bungle 07-26-2012 02:37 PM

It's commonly regarded as the worst. Pretty boring for the most part, though I find on future viewings it gets more bearable. It still has some great moments.

The Cartels assassins are pretty ridiculous though, even for Breaking Bad standards.

OANST 07-26-2012 02:44 PM

I call them "The Murder Twins".

Dynamithix 07-26-2012 03:12 PM

Huh? The third season is considered the worst? I liked that and the fourth one most. Hmmph.

OANST 07-26-2012 03:27 PM

Oh, yeah. It's really good. My favorite part was when THE MURDER TWINS killed an old, crippled woman so that they could steal her minivan with the wheel chair ramp. It did raise a few questions in my mind, though. Like, how does the cartel not have the means to afford a minivan? Or how did they get the old crippled bell ringer around before this? Or how many fucking supermarkets did they have to stake out before they found one with a minivan that has a ramp in the parking lot?

Mr. Bungle 07-26-2012 03:46 PM

Maybe they couldn't smuggle a minivan in from Mexico? I don't know.

I think if you can get past the little nitpicky details like that, it's a great show. I can tell because you love the Wire so much that every little escape from realism can be bothersome, and I understand that. Breaking Bad isn't meant to be 100% realistic all the time. It's a study of change: one mans journey from being a meek, modest and weak man to a ruthless drug dealer who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Think of it more as if it were a graphic novel, or something like that.

OANST 07-26-2012 03:49 PM

I was also really impressed with Jesse's girlfriend's voice mail still working on her cell phone five months after she died.

I get what it is. I like a lot of aspects of the show. I just wish they had someone read their scripts for them before they went to production.

Mr. Bungle 07-26-2012 03:50 PM

It's not supposed to be five months, is it? I'm pretty sure at that point in the show, it had only been 5 months since Walt got cancer.

Dynamithix 07-26-2012 04:21 PM

I don't know why but I watched Cyberbully. It was bad, she couldn't even get the damn cap off.

OANST 07-26-2012 04:21 PM


It's not supposed to be five months, is it? I'm pretty sure at that point in the show, it had only been 5 months since Walt got cancer.

Fuck no. It was five weeks between the time that she died, and the plane crash. Then Jesse went to rehab for a couple months.

Mac Sirloin 07-26-2012 04:27 PM


I was also really impressed with Jesse's girlfriend's voice mail still working on her cell phone five months after she died.

As someone who worked for a mobile provider I can lazily say that this isn't unheard of or all that rare. If she wasn't on a contract then her Pay as You Go could have just had a policy of keeping the Voice Mail greeting on file for 6 months past the last payment, that's what mine does.

Also at which point do Paco and Taco murder the woman? I thought they just killed some old Mexican or Native woman and took the truck of that cop.

OANST 07-26-2012 04:32 PM


As someone who worked for a mobile provider I can lazily say that this isn't unheard of

Also at which point do Paco and Taco murder the woman? I thought they just killed some old Mexican or Native woman.

Nope. This is right before their sit down with Gustavo where he asks them to wait to kill Walt. They approach an old woman in a motorized wheelchair in a supermarket parking lot as she's getting into her van, kill her off screen, and steal the van.

Mac Sirloin 07-26-2012 04:48 PM

If we're nitpiking I remember they never explicitly indicate that they killed her.

OANST 07-26-2012 04:54 PM


If we're nitpiking I remember they never explicitly indicate that they killed her.

That's true, but I assume they weren't going to let her report the van stolen.

Sekto Springs 07-26-2012 04:55 PM

Mac is right.
They raped her, then killed her.

Mac Sirloin 07-26-2012 05:37 PM

Then ate her.

Then ate her again.

Nate 07-26-2012 07:11 PM

Remember that this is the 'I Have Just Seen' thread. If you want an ongoing discussion of Breaking Bad, do it in its own thread.

Mac Sirloin 07-27-2012 06:47 AM

I'm going to see Batman today with a PhotobucketgirlPhotobucket, really excited to explain all of the connections to the comic books to her. She'll LOVE that.

I've been watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Best show. It's on the season where Spike is introduced and he kills whatever that small child was supposed to represent. Perhaps small children? Last episode, KENDRA THE NOT RACIST CARICATURE VAMPIRE SLAYER was introduced and tried to behead a few folks with a hatchet, last we saw her and Buddy

Sorry, her and Buffy are duking it out in Angel's apartment. Then TO BE CONTINUED and it's Jersey Shore Pop Up Video, which is pretty much the best show.

MeechMunchie 07-27-2012 07:25 AM

I like the Nightwing thing at the end.

Varrok 07-27-2012 09:13 AM

Just watched through an episode of the ninth Simpsons' season, "Lisa's Sax". It was a first one written whole by Al Jean, and booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy it sucked. No, really, it wasn't just average (as I expected it to be), it was a mix of boring and unfunny. Never smiled throughout the episode, not to mention laughing. Although, there were many moments when the characters said something, and about 5seconds later I realised that was supposed to be funny

EDIT: "The City Of New York vs. Homer Simpson" was fun though, just as Mr. Bungle said

Wings of Fire 07-27-2012 01:19 PM

I don't think the series got consistently terrible until a certain character was stupidly killed off.

MeechMunchie 07-27-2012 01:30 PM

I miss Bleeding Gums Murphy so much

Varrok 07-27-2012 01:36 PM

I miss Bleeding Gums Murphy a bit.

His death was unfair and unnecessary

Mr. Bungle 07-27-2012 01:40 PM

Are you gonna keep going? Cause it's pretty much more of the same, to be honest. Not necessarily bad, just really average. Especially compared to the previous seasons.