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Dynamithix 03-30-2013 11:23 AM

When did Steamerking become a Steam advertising bot.

Steamer_KING 03-30-2013 11:35 AM

Since I was a Steam(er). I don't pay much attention to Facebook updates, but these seemed good enough for this topic. Well, apparently not...

Nepsotic 04-01-2013 05:00 AM

Half Life 2: Episode 3 now available on Steam http://storestteampowered.com/app/4411/

OANST 04-01-2013 12:16 PM


Nepsotic 04-01-2013 01:33 PM

What? I think it looks pretty good.

AlexFili 05-03-2013 11:18 PM

There's currently a GOG.com sale for games such as Dungeon Keeper 2, Theme Hospital, Syndicate, Magic Carpet, Ultima, Wing Commander and Populous. Each game is being sold for $2.39 with a saving of $3.60 on each game.


Steamer_KING 05-07-2013 10:19 AM

The Humble Double Fine Bundle

Varrok 05-07-2013 11:46 AM

Tim Schafer shaved his beard and moustache.

*quits being a fan*

MeechMunchie 05-28-2013 02:09 PM

Nate 05-28-2013 09:46 PM

Sigh. I always like seeing a new Humble Bundle come out, but I've already got half of those games, and those are the only ones I'd consider playing.

Varrok 05-29-2013 05:51 AM

Do you feel remorse for supporting developers more by giving them a larger amount of money instead of waiting till their sales go down and buy the games while they're dirt cheap?

Nepsotic 05-29-2013 07:56 AM

Why would I pay for a game that's £30 when I can wait and buy it when it's £10?

Crashpunk 05-29-2013 08:48 AM


Sigh. I always like seeing a new Humble Bundle come out, but I've already got half of those games, and those are the only ones I'd consider playing.

That's exactly what I think when a humble bundle comes out.

Thomas was Alone is the only game in that pack that I care about. The rest I either haven't played or dislike. -The disliked game being Little Inferno. One of the most boring games I've ever played. :fuzemb:

dripik 05-29-2013 08:52 AM

Awesomenauts is actually fun, although I haven't played an awful lot of it, to be honest. Considering that's the only game I already have from this Bundle, I might buy it, even if it's just for Hotline Miami's cool soundtrack.

MeechMunchie 05-29-2013 09:18 AM

You don't get HM's soundtrack as a standalone, I'm afraid.

Ridg3 05-29-2013 09:25 AM

Humble Bundle: Alan Wake (CE) + Alan Wake American Nightmare.

dripik 05-29-2013 02:40 PM


You don't get HM's soundtrack as a standalone, I'm afraid.

I would have been content with just hearing it in the game. But yeah, I saw that when I checked the website.

In the meantime, I've discovered that Sword of the Stars: The Pit is also on sale on Steam. Being a major fan of Dungeons of Dredmor (and roguelikes in general, apparently), I gave the demo a try first before deciding on buying this or not. I think I'm sold. It even takes the feel I had in DoD a bit further by putting more emphasis on survival. Not only do you have to keep your health up through various means, but you also have to eat regularly. So yeah, a nice little sci-fi roguelike with turn based combat, percentages flying everywhere and a lot of scavenging for your dear life.

Nate 05-29-2013 08:50 PM


That's exactly what I think when a humble bundle comes out.

Thomas was Alone is the only game in that pack that I care about. The rest I either haven't played or dislike. -The disliked game being Little Inferno. One of the most boring games I've ever played. :fuzemb:

Thomas Was Alone is really good, and also has a great soundtrack. I enjoyed it immensely. It's one of the first games that comes to my mind when I talk about new ways of telling stories that are only possible through video games.

As for Little Inferno - I enjoyed it, but I don't really think of it as a game. It's more of a toy.

Varrok 05-30-2013 12:51 PM

New Weekly Humble Bundle features awesome Telltale games like Sam&Max Season 3 or I-don't-know-if-awesome The Walking Dead

MeechMunchie 06-01-2013 10:30 AM

£4.50 for my favourite first-person RPG ever.

And remember, with mods it can look like this.

Varrok 06-01-2013 11:52 AM

The normal price for Morrowind Gold in Poland (box) is currently 4 GBP or less

Nepsotic 06-01-2013 12:15 PM

How on Earth is Morrowind better than Skyrim?

MeechMunchie 06-01-2013 01:07 PM

Starts with an "N" and rhymes with "Bostalgia".

Vyrien 06-01-2013 03:15 PM

I don't have any bostalgia for Morrowind but it's still a better game. The graphics are worse, sure but the plot is so much more involved.

Although I do like the dragons in Skyrim.

MeechMunchie 06-01-2013 04:04 PM

Also the old more original setting/more daring story choices/greater subtlety in dialogue/weirder creatures arguments.

I've always seen Oblivion as Skyrim's mother - pretty, graceful, playful, nurturing. It passed on its rolling vistas, sense of directed freedom and variety. Morrowind is the father - rugged, principled, hardworking, learned. It passed on (some of) its depth of story, coherent society and attention to detail.

Rape! Slavery! Gays! Roll up, roll up!

1 So Vivec, who had a grain of Ayem's mercy, set about to teach Molag Bal in the ways of belly-magic. They took their spears out and compared them. Vivec bit new words onto the King of Rape's so that it might give more than ruin to the uninitiated.

- The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec, Sermon Fourteen

2 Take care with this slave, friend. She's worth more than you can imagine. Rabinna here might not look like much, but it's what's on the inside that counts. Know what I mean?

-Relam Arinith

3 NerevarxDagoth = AchillesxPatroclus [citation needed]

Varrok 06-02-2013 12:10 AM

Isn't Skyrim simplified as hell, and Morrowind is not?

MeechMunchie 06-02-2013 04:06 AM

Morrowind has more skills, but that's about it. I wouldn't say it's more complicated to play.

Wings of Fire 06-02-2013 05:20 AM

I keep hearing it takes hours to kill your first rat. That's literally the only thing I ever hear about it.

Nepsotic 06-02-2013 05:56 AM

Of course the story is better, Skyrim's story is really basic, but the gameplay and environments are incredible. Besides combat. I heard Morrowind is huge but it's nowhere near as detailed, you can go for miles without finding anything. Boring.

Vyrien 06-02-2013 06:12 AM

Pity about 80% of those incredible environments are white and/or grey. Even the green places look washed out. Of course there are mods that make it look amazing which I liberally used.

Morrowind's combat was really irritating, the whole miss/hit thing really pissed me off.