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3S9Six 01-26-2017 07:43 AM


Isn't that slig work? That makes me wonder about the scale of Soulstorm.

Perhaps he's just watching the Muds marching, while unseen sligs do the 'hands on' stuff. Similar to how Phleg is present during the Soulstorm Brew giveaway in the desert. I imagine a Glukkon would get a lot of pleasure from watching Mudokons being enslaved.

Edit: Damn, this forum moves so fast!

Nicky Ali 01-26-2017 07:43 AM


This looks fucking INCREDIBLE. Jesus, this is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for regarding Oddworld moving forward, just, this is amazing. Well done OWI! I'm guessing this could be a still from a cut-scene or something, so not neceesarily indicative of gameplay detail, but nevertheless it's truly gorgeous.

Yeah, I just want to echo this. The amount of detail is incredible, I hope this is just a taster of what's to come. Like, I'm genuinely considering getting a 4K TV and a PS4 Pro for this (I probably won't though lol). You can practically see that Mudokon's pores and that's something I never knew I wanted.

Also, I'm glad that they've given Mudokons feather hair after years of it just being implied that they had feather hair. They tried with Munch's Oddysee, but it's nice to see them going all the way.

Varrok 01-26-2017 07:45 AM


The high res models and (presumably) cut scene stills from Frima look amazing. But not entirely unimportant, can we expect a similar upgrade in in-game graphics compared to NnT?

It's a promo art. Unity Engine couldn't handle such polygon count without having disproportionately higher system requirements.

GlitterPanther 01-26-2017 07:48 AM

At least I was right about that face


So I was right about something. Yay.

Havoc 01-26-2017 07:50 AM


It's a promo art. Unity Engine couldn't handle such polygon count without having disproportionately higher system requirements.

I know that. I meant that the graphics in NnT were so so and the cutscenes were downright horrid for Oddworld standards. Now we're seeing the cutscenes go back to the standard suitable for Oddworld. So I was wondering if the graphics engine is getting an upgrade too, or if that's going to be left unchanged aside from in-game models and such.

sk8erbender 01-26-2017 07:51 AM

thats 100% Mullock

Crashpunk 01-26-2017 07:53 AM

...Holy crap.

I'm very impressed with the amount of detail in that image. This looks fantastic!

OWI_Pete 01-26-2017 07:54 AM


can we expect a similar upgrade in in-game graphics compared to NnT?

"similar" is a very difficult thing to pin down but I can tell you that OWI's art team is doing an exceptional job and I'm currently working with some of the most talented, enthusiastic artists I've ever known.

OWI_Pete 01-26-2017 07:57 AM


It's a promo art. Unity Engine couldn't handle such polygon count without having disproportionately higher system requirements.

This image has obviously had some post processing but it is a screen pulled directly from Unity. I won't say more than that... and a cheeky "wait and see"

Edit: and again, I apologise for the double post. Xavier, kick me out, man...

Varrok 01-26-2017 08:09 AM


This image has obviously had some post processing but it is a screen pulled directly from Unity. I won't say more than that... and a cheeky "wait and see"

As much as I'd like to believe the in-game graphics will look that detailed in the final game, I can't help but feel skeptical considering NnT ran at barely 50 frames per second, looking as it did, on consoles. Console hardware hasn't changed since then, and, considering fluid style of AO's/AE's gameplay, OWI wouldn't sacrifice even more perfomance just to make it look better.

Kakashi 01-26-2017 08:14 AM



Might be a bit unlikely considering the fact that he blew up at the end of Oddysee :goof:

Oh trust me, when they show gameplay footage I'll be going into full armchair-game designer mode. It's always better to get criticisms out there and heard so the game can be as good as possible before release!

Oh my dear gosh....Ali..I freaking love you...thank you for the Shrykull gif! ♡

Guineapiglet 01-26-2017 08:27 AM

Is it a window?

It looks like molluck with its similiar clothing, whatever that wide thing around his neck is called.


This made me smile so much!

Nice to hear! :D

Gunnr 01-26-2017 08:39 AM

[QUOTE=Guineapiglet;628341]Is it a window?

It looks like it, I thought it might be a door. Could be walking toward a building

It looks like molluck with its similiar clothing, whatever that wide thing around his neck is called.

It's a collar?


At least I was right about that face


So I was right about something. Yay.

Oh yeah you were the guy who pointed that out lol
I couldn't see that before at all good eye

Manco 01-26-2017 08:52 AM

I'm positive that's Molluck, which would place this photo as before the ending of NnT (and presumably before NnT as a whole, unless Molluck went out for a quick visit while Abe was doing his trials).

In AE, Molluck was in charge of Soulstorm Brewery and the Mining Co prior to his disappearance (he didn't die at the end of AO). So this could well have been Molluck on a visit to his mining operation, and looking on while Mudokons were being put to work.

So perhaps Ed knows the connection between Molluck and Rupturefarms, and therefore Abe? It would explain why he was so keen to get the word to Abe about what's going on.

Orrr it's just a coincidental resemblance and this Gluk ain't Molluck at all.

OWI_Pete 01-26-2017 09:02 AM


The high res models and (presumably) cut scene stills from Frima look amazing.

Just one quick note, this image is actually the result of some of the other teams currently working with us on Soulstorm - Cyrus McWilliams, formerly of Blur, and Fat Kraken Studios in England which is a group of key personnel that worked on New 'n' Tasty too.

PenguinX45654 01-26-2017 09:06 AM


Just one quick note, this image is actually the result of some of the other teams currently working with us on Soulstorm - Cyrus McWilliams, formerly of Blur, and Fat Kraken Studios in England which is a group of key personnel that worked on New 'n' Tasty too.

Well that explains why this all looks awesome! Love the CG stuff they've done for Halo, Titanfall, Dishonored etc

GlitterPanther 01-26-2017 09:13 AM


Just one quick note, this image is actually the result of some of the other teams currently working with us on Soulstorm - Cyrus McWilliams, formerly of Blur, and Fat Kraken Studios in England which is a group of key personnel that worked on New 'n' Tasty too.

Will, would happen to be a reference to the will from the numbers that I decoded?

STM 01-26-2017 09:21 AM

Wait, Pete you're saying that still is a touched up render from Unity? That is very, very exciting, and impressive.

Also nice one Glitterpanther!

PenguinX45654 01-26-2017 09:41 AM


Wait, Pete you're saying that still is a touched up render from Unity? That is very, very exciting, and impressive.

Also nice one Glitterpanther!

I believe he means that this a cutscene that is viewed in Unity. Blur Studio are a CG studio that so contract work for other companies. Example would be the Titanfall 2 opening CG cinematic.

kjjcarpenter 01-26-2017 10:14 AM


Is it a window?

It looks like molluck with its similiar clothing, whatever that wide thing around his neck is called.


Nice to hear! :D

It's a lapel, and I'm glad you posted the comparison; I was about to do the same. ;)

I'm with Manco. Molluck is likely observing the new recruits/slaves at Necrum, sometime before New 'n' Tasty.

Havoc 01-26-2017 10:25 AM

If that's actually Molluck then the timeline is off. Ed supposedly just snapped these pictures ;) The lack of a cigar also makes me think this isn't him (or intended to be him, it might just be a placeholder). Either way, I think we're getting a bit carried away with speculation now.

kjjcarpenter 01-26-2017 10:29 AM


If that's actually Molluck then the timeline is off. Ed supposedly just snapped these pictures ;) The lack of a cigar also makes me think this isn't him (or intended to be him, it might just be a placeholder). Either way, I think we're getting a bit carried away with speculation now.

Ed said he could get pictures. That doesn't necesserially mean he took them. It could be surveillance footage?

HOMINIX 01-26-2017 10:32 AM


Ed said he could get pictures. That doesn't necesserially mean he took them. It could be surveillance footage?

that makes a lot of sense for this most recent image. That glukkon seems to be looking right in the camera's direction, and I don't think he'd be alright with a slave snapping his photo

PenguinX45654 01-26-2017 10:37 AM

The more I look at that glukkon, it looks like the style from the original Exoddus game rather than the style shown in New 'n' Tasty.

Hmmm... anyway that's the last time I'll mention it, sorry! Just gotta wait for OWI's next move. Gotta love the hype for this!

Kalhiki 01-26-2017 01:22 PM

Wow. That is one beautiful picture. One thing's for sure, this game is going to look amazing.

So aside from the image reveal, what'd I miss?

Scrabaniac 01-26-2017 02:34 PM

I agree with everyone that says the Glukkon looks like Molluck. If this turns out to be true, then I'd place bets on this being a "backstory" cutscene.. Probably showing the beginning of the Mudokon enslavement, or giving a history lesson about how they got there. I'm not sure, but it would be awesome!

Vlam 01-26-2017 03:06 PM

Or maybe it isn't a flashback. After all, Molluck isn't dead at the end of AO/NnT.

Havoc 01-26-2017 03:27 PM


Or maybe it isn't a flashback. After all, Molluck isn't dead at the end of AO/NnT.

That would change the entire story as we know it. I'm all for it.

Shade_Meadows 01-26-2017 04:00 PM

Damn... Sorry for getting a little off-topic, but i'm getting so exited... i think i may do a Human Glukkon for the Comic Con here in brazil!
=) i know a great Cigar place!
But i have something to add in-topic, We don't know if it is a flashback or not (i don't think so) i think a Mudd (Ed maybe) took a secret picture (don't know how) or stole from a Slig..
What i do think is that... This is before the events in Exoddus, possibly even Oddysee, i think this game will explain much more than we believe.

Vlam 01-26-2017 04:04 PM


That would change the entire story as we know it. I'm all for it.

I'm aware that's silly speculation but Molluck could have been demoted (before been judged) after the events of NnT. Moreover, I always thought it was a shame that he didn't appear in AE (given the fact he was meant to in MO).

JayDee 01-26-2017 04:27 PM

Whenever people wonder about the capability of Unity, and especially with the Oddworld franchise, I tend to point them towards this as an example of the engine's capabilities.

It's much less about the engine itself and more about what the team behind it are able to do with it. And from what we've seen the team behind Soulstorm seem more than capable.

Vlam 01-26-2017 04:31 PM


And from what we've seen the team behind Soulstorm seem more than capable.

We haven't seen actual footage of the game so far. Wait and see.

JayDee 01-26-2017 04:38 PM


We haven't seen actual footage of the game so far. Wait and see.


from what we've seen

This is more of a comment towards people who seem to take New N Tasty as a standard for what the Oddworld franchise is capable of within the bounds of the Unity engine.

Vlam 01-26-2017 05:03 PM


This is more of a comment towards people who seem to take New N Tasty as a standard for what the Oddworld franchise is capable of within the bounds of the Unity engine.

I don't disagree yet these people seem reasonable. I mean, some ex-employees of JAW (like Matt Glanville) are now working on Soulstorm. Like I said: wait and see.

GreenAnhinga 01-26-2017 11:10 PM

Now that the fixed up image has been released, does anyone want to weigh in on whether or not the Mudokon in the middle is lacking a few fingernails?