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MA 11-27-2016 03:38 PM

she's answering back, Havoc! hit her with your belt!

Nepsotic 11-27-2016 03:47 PM


Sybil Ant 11-27-2016 09:44 PM


she's answering back, Havoc! hit her with your belt!

Ugh, don't, I'll cream myself.

MA 11-29-2016 05:38 AM

on the other hand if it were you whipping Havoc with a sparkly belt, i would cream myself.

he deserves to have the shit kicked out of him, specifically by a female, so it'd be like a cross between poetic justice and soft snuff.

Sybil Ant 11-29-2016 07:20 AM

And I think that's something we can all get off on.

Nepsotic 11-29-2016 08:31 AM

No I'd stil prefer it the other way round. With Havoc as his tiger avatar.

FrustratedAssassin 11-29-2016 10:12 AM

Kinky stuff

Varrok 11-29-2016 11:39 AM

Great debate.

Phoetux 12-01-2016 11:17 AM

Sybil Ant it is useless to do something good for this world like it useless to explain how the things should work to make it better. Even if all the evilness and shit daily done by the humanity could be erased, the world would be like this again. What I'm trying to say is that trying to improve the world in all the senses and ways could last for some time but everything will sure come back like before again for sure. Even if we start from the beginning. If you really want to exterminate forever all the bad things about all us you need to exterminate something else before:
Our species. Because evil will only calm down when we die. The maleficence is part of us, and more we get smarter more it will get bigger. That's my opinion, and if you try to argue about these things there will be always the Thief laughing at you. And the entire world won't listen because it's too late now to save it with the words.

MA 12-01-2016 12:22 PM

Phoetux can i whip you? you sound like you might enjoy it.

Phoetux 12-01-2016 01:02 PM


Nepsotic 12-01-2016 04:44 PM

ive literally never seen anyone more cucked out in my entire life

Phoetux can i whip you? you sound like you might enjoy it.
No ma it has to be a woman so she can tell him what a naughty man he is

STM 12-02-2016 08:14 AM

Wew lad lot of rogan josh spicy shitbant in this thread.


Varrok 12-03-2016 07:27 AM

I wish MTV was a person, so I could invite it to the conversation. Tons of laughs guaranteed

Havoc 12-03-2016 07:33 PM


Ugh, don't, I'll cream myself.

Hm, kinky. I think you and I will get along just fine.

Sybil Ant 12-04-2016 02:15 AM

I doubt it.

Havoc 12-04-2016 03:50 AM

Well, that's what the belt is for.

Nepsotic 12-04-2016 04:19 AM

Have you PMed her a dickpic yet, Havoc?

Varrok 12-04-2016 07:23 AM

In his case it would me a tigpic.

FrustratedAssassin 12-04-2016 09:09 AM

Are you implying tigers don't have dicks, Varrok?

Havoc 12-04-2016 09:18 AM


Have you PMed her a dickpic yet, Havoc?

Bitch I have more class than that.

Sybil Ant 12-04-2016 10:18 AM

Well you've yet to show any.


Havoc 12-04-2016 02:39 PM

Ooohhh edgy. I like it.

Sybil Ant 12-04-2016 02:55 PM

My dear, this is not edgy, this is me calling it how I see it. (◡‿◡✿)

Nate 12-04-2016 04:24 PM

Eh. Whatever the topic is, get back on it.

Nepsotic 12-04-2016 06:24 PM

This is the topic now

MA 12-06-2016 11:30 PM


Sybil Ant 12-14-2016 01:28 AM


Thought this was an interesting article. Sort of proves that the media is creating legions of mindless spergs who are happy to believe that brown people are swarming their countries because it's an easy scapegoat for the wrongs of the world.

Varrok 12-14-2016 02:19 AM

Mind you, 5 million out of 66 million is still a great number. Also, the actual number is greater than that, as the goverment can't explicitly ask people about their religion, and not all muslim migrants particularily show any signs of their ideology.

Additionally, according to the research site they quoted:

the number is most likely to grow further.

Not to the 30% percent, yes. That 30% percent comes from a survey among the people. They asked them questions like: "What's the percentage of muslims in France, in your opinion?".

It's no wonder people got it wrong. Statistics are *not a matter of opinion* lol. This is really dumb. They might as well have asked them:


What's the answer to:

in your opinion?
and it'd be as facepalm-worthy as this.

PS: I also wouldn't trust theguardian. They posted the troll bait story as a real article

Vlam 12-14-2016 03:42 AM

Varrok is right. Also, keep in mind that more than half of French prisoners are muslims.

Sybil Ant 12-14-2016 04:10 AM

Vlam, are you a member of the alt-right?

I had something legit to say but my phone disconnect me from the internet five times and I just gave up writing the same post out again after loosing it. All ill say is, if so many Muslims don't display their culture or religion, why would you care, Varrok? Considering that half your arguments against immigration seem to revolve around muh integration?

Nepsotic 12-14-2016 10:53 AM

They do display those things. And, from looking at other countries it's pretty obvious they don't integrate well.

Also, is "the alt-right" the latest overused buzzword? I've heard it around and everyone who says it means something different.

Sybil Ant 12-14-2016 12:49 PM

It's just a PC way of saying 'fascist', i.e., using terms to stop the far right getting triggered.

Varrok 12-14-2016 01:08 PM

Is everyone who disagrees with you alt-right?

Also, Vlam appears to be correct

Manco 12-14-2016 01:16 PM


Mind you, 5 million out of 66 million is still a great number.

It’s about 7.5%, or less than 1 in every 10 people. When you consider that Muslims are the second largest religious group in the world (around 23% of worldwide population) after Christians, it turns out they’re very under-represented and not a very large group at all in the UK.


Additionally, according to the research site they quoted:

the number is most likely to grow further.

A projected rise of 0.8% from 2010 to 2020 isn’t particularly terrifying. Compare that to the 3.9% increase in unaffiliated people over the same period, which is bigger even than the 3.4% estimated rise of Muslim population from 2010 to 2050.

I’m sure somewhere there’s people crowing about how the atheists are going to out-populate the religious folk and murder them all, but we would dismiss that as silly scaremongering, wouldn’t we?


Not to the 30% percent, yes. That 30% percent comes from a survey among the people. They asked them questions like: "What's the percentage of muslims in France, in your opinion?".

It's no wonder people got it wrong. Statistics are *not a matter of opinion* lol. This is really dumb.

The purpose of the survey isn’t to gather accurate demographic statistics, it’s to compare public perception with the actual statistics. This is a useful comparison to do because it can give an indication of public opinion and perception – in this case it indicates potential biases, discriminations, and negative opinion of Muslims among the general population.

But please, continue with your dumb strawman.


PS: I also wouldn't trust theguardian. They posted the troll bait story as a real article

[citation needed]


Varrok is right. Also, keep in mind that more than half of French prisoners are muslims.

France also has a very small prison population – 68,514, around 0.1% of the total population (France’s population is around 66.03 million people). When you have a very low population you’re going to get skewed statistics; add in that ethnic minorities are more likely to be over-represented in prisons, and France’s historically poor record of integrating Muslims, and guess what happens?


Also, is "the alt-right" the latest overused buzzword? I've heard it around and everyone who says it means something different.

I know right? We should just call them what they really are: fascists.

Varrok 12-14-2016 02:13 PM


It’s about 7.5%, or less than 1 in every 10 people. When you consider that Muslims are the second largest religious group in the world (around 23% of worldwide population) after Christians, it turns out they’re very under-represented and not a very large group at all in the UK.

7.5% is a big number. It's nowhere near as a majority, bit it's significant, especially for the culture from another continent. It's not like that 23% of the worldwide population comes from Europe anyway.


A projected rise of 0.8% from 2010 to 2020 isn’t particularly terrifying. Compare that to the 3.9% increase in unaffiliated people over the same period, which is bigger even than the 3.4% estimated rise of Muslim population from 2010 to 2050.

I’m sure somewhere there’s people crowing about how the atheists are going to out-populate the religious folk and murder them all, but we would dismiss that as silly scaremongering, wouldn’t we?
I bet there are atheists who'd gladly murder religious people if they had an opportunity. Being an atheist alone does not make you a civilized person like us.


The purpose of the survey isn’t to gather accurate demographic statistics, it’s to compare public perception with the actual statistics. This is a useful comparison to do because it can give an indication of public opinion and perception – in this case it indicates potential biases, discriminations, and negative opinion of Muslims among the general population.

But please, continue with your dumb strawman.
How saying the percentage of muslims in France indicates you're biased towards them?


[citation needed]
Read it. The narrator gives valid arguments for the position then changes his mind purely due to virtue signalling from his friends whom he considered SJWs. The whole thing makes no sense.

Plus, there's that one guy who claims he made up the article as a joke. He didn't explicitly prove it, so that's in no way a hard evidence, but considering the inconsistent nature of the article, I find his claim very plausible.


France also has a very small prison population – 68,514, around 0.1% of the total population (France’s population is around 66.03 million people). When you have a very low population you’re going to get skewed statistics; add in that ethnic minorities are more likely to be over-represented in prisons, and France’s historically poor record of integrating Muslims, and guess what happens?
How big does the prison population need to be to satisfy you? 70 thousand people are a reliable sample for statistics.

Also, it's not France's fault the Muslims in prison weren't willing to integrate. Do you think the migrants would continue migrating to France if it was so hostile towards them?


I know right? We should just call them what they really are: fascists.
How does what Vlam posted make him a fascist?? Are you insane? I thought YOU were the one accusing ME of making strawmans.

Sybil Ant 12-14-2016 02:17 PM

When you posit a tongue in cheek question to someone but fucks fail to understand.

I'm like, "eh".

Varrok 12-14-2016 02:20 PM

There's a time and place for tongue-in-cheek questions.

The political threads are not the best place for them, though.

Sybil Ant 12-14-2016 02:28 PM

Didn't realise you were the fucking hermeneutics and mordancy police.

Double standards, when vlam does it (and oh boy does he do it), you don't give a fuck, because he agrees with you.

Varrok 12-14-2016 02:34 PM

Vlam has his own problems, but he didn't post anything misleading in this thread.