Poor Nexy, I'm relatively certain I gave up about a week after I started, more pressing matters IRL. In fact, I believe I stopped because the date I began coincided with the death of an aunt, I never picked it up afterwards.
Do it in commemoration.
I once won 'Best Topic Starter'. Not just once, I won it three times in a row if memory serves. Yes, me.
That thread about zoophilia was fairly entertaining.
I get over-looked every year for these awards
Who are you?
I'm offended you even asked that question
You shouldn't be. I will not explain the intended humour behind my post, because I don't want to insult your intelligence, but look at it again now that I have made clear the context.
I remember you. You're Nath.
Goddamnit people! Don't mention the z-word. We'll just become google's nr.1 z-word search result again and have mare lovers coming to this forum to needlessly explain their case! :o
Hey everyone! Remember that thread about awards we had won?!
I don't. Because, you see, that thread doesn't exist. It would be an asinine topic for a thread. So why the hell are you guys discussing it? |
Thank you though. |
I hate that whole "forum award" bullshit anyway. I mean, it's just so clearly a flawed system. Seriously.
It sucks so much that I don't even care that I've never won. Don't care in the goddamn slightest. What bullshit. Honestly. |
You seem mad.
Haters gonna hate.
Incisive as ever, Sekto.
I used to love it... I was a sweet kid <3
also, you won one of the forum awards a couple of years back. it was shared with me. dick. i'm hurt. |
Could we have an award for best MLP avatar?
Are you going to keep it till the next year? (In case it'll start then)
If that's what it takes!
Right? |
Im pretty sure someone higher up would veto it. But no one holds you back from creating a mock MLP-avatar contest in say... blogs or something. Then you guys can jizz all over your avatars as you please.
So you seen Dyna's blog yet?
I think mine or MeechMunchie's wins anyway. :) Thanks, DeviantfArt!
True, true.
I think it's gotta be MA's or Enchilado's. Y'know, if we're voting 'bout 'dat shit.
So I've been away for a bit ... Someone tell me why suddenly ... ... Ponies.
Well you see Dynamithix had this cough...
Yes... yes I did.. but I have nothing valuable to add to the discussion... |
I didn't have anything valuable to add to the discussion either, and I still posted like five times.
What if you can say something nice but choose not to?
I'm an Award, Deal with it.
Anyway, I win the MLP award for my über colouring skills. |