I threw a big, stupid hissy fit about Portal 2 Ten months ago, (which is almost a year!) if not longer. I actually had to look it up to make sure that's what this was about. So. If there is, figuratively or not, a stick up your ass, you need to wrench it out and move on to bigger and better things than being eternally pissed that I threw a temper tantrum about Portal 2. It was stupid, but I no longer give a shit, nor does anybody else give a shit, please grow up or let it go or whatever for your own good. If you can't do that, then you actually speak to me and don't hide behind grimy shit like this, thank you very much. Bearing this all in mind: People of OWF: Do not fear, I do not care what you think about Mass Effect 3. I have not played it. I probably won't until like, October, so look forward to my general scatology, genuine fear of children and complete and blatant disrespect for anything you have to say about it until then. I will quote specific posts from this thread in my little blurb, don't you worry. |
@Mac: No one with good taste actually likes the game anyway. :p
Dipstikk, what that mostly means is that you didn't resolve more people's issues well enough in ME2.
Thing is, I come here maybe once or twice every 2/3 weeks to see if there's any new Oddworld-related news, so I don't remember people here unless they do something that sticks out at me, such as the impromptu pants-pissing you tossed my way. So, when I told you to shut the fuck up just now, I was really just making sure I covered my bases, so that whenever I come back, I'm not greeted by another completely out-of-the-blue tantrum, inexplicably directed at me. It was just... weird and out of place, but not offensive. In short, it's not that I haven't gotten over it. On the contrary, I just want to make sure you understand that I don't want to talk to you, specifically, because you've shown me that you're a firecracker. In that one little instance, in the small amount of time I spend here, I've learned that I don't want to converse with you. You lay in the bed you make, brosaurolophus. :
So that explains that. Thank you, Strike, for actually being kind and helpful. You're a good example of what the forum veterans here lack. |
You let Garrus die? You turned Mass Effect into Ass Effect.
You guys see what I did there? Did you see? |
Further, don't play the 'I just don't want to speak to this person' card in a very thorough post directed at that specific person. On Topic: So really, how overwhelming is the gayness in this game? I have heard it's pretty fucking hard gay. Are there really Renegade Conversation options for saying anything other than "I'm Commander 'dickgrabba' Shephard"? Does the multiplayer resemble anything I might have played, or is it just the SP combat with less health? |
How exactly does it make sense to avoid animosity with an individual by specifically addressing said individual with antagonizing statements, Dipstikk?
To be honest, I enjoyed the game.
Until the ending. I downloaded 'From Ashes'. The DLC with the Prothean squadmate. He reminds me of a Kenyan version of OANST; a fucking cunt you want you stab in the genitals; but still love at the same time. But still, the ending sucked Alcar's cock. Ngh. |
To all the people complaining about the ending: Bioware react to user comments very strongly. If they want some DLC that offers a different ending, it will probably be made.
I'm really curious to see how all the missions play out if most of the ME2 characters die. I was really miffed when I played ME3 and Kaiden got shot. I mean, it's bad enough when you only have like 6 squadmates in this game, but when one dies? Jeez! Anyway I restarted and got him back :) |
If it isn't, it should be. |
Just finished the game and I agree that the endings aren't very satisfying. Played trough 3 games trying to be the good guy and in the end non of it really matters because the only choice you really get to make as a player is the color of the explosions.
Maybe Bioware chose a really really REALLY ballsy path by creating a very deep and philosophical ending. Maybe there is more to it with the indoctrinating theory. But in the end I play games with a good story to see the story come to an end eventually. Not to get to a point where the story says: Ok here's some last tid bits of info, now fill in the rest yourself as you see fit. The choices as they are aren't bad, and could have been worked out to some great and different endings. But instead of showing what consequences your decision had, you get basically the same cut scene for every ending. The Reapers leave or are destroyed. The Citadel is destroyed. Shepard dies. The Normandy crash lands on some (unknown) planet after barely escaping/being caught in (???) the blast. Only three of your squad members step out of the ship and we only get to guess at what happened to the rest. They had an awesome concept for an ending and for some reason decided to rape the shit out of it. It's really sad and frustrating really. Especially since the story leading up to the final 3 choices was so deep and mysterious. The developers say they like to keep the game mysterious, I just call this crappy writing. And if they come up with a DLC that provides an answer to all those questions it just goes to show it's all just a money tactic. |
OT: Took the game back and decided to play it when I can afford to buy a used copy. It sounds like an ending I'd be fine with, from what I've read, but I want to play through Mass Effect 2 again. |
I mean um how they pushed their icky lifestyle on me yes that is what I mean. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17gr...jpg/xlarge.jpg |
. Worst part I've seen is the writing, but it's always been kind of mediocre in my books. The graphics are still okay, but this has been the exact same shit for years, nothing really seems different or of higher quality. |
I've just finished ME3 :D
I really liked the blue ending, because I like blue color. Green ending was ok, however I dislike red one. What a piece of shit. I mean really, it's not JUST bad. It redefines "a bad game". Why did I ever start playing these so called modern RPGs anyway? Why 10/10 ratings? |
Easy now. It's not a bad game, just a bad way to wrap up a story. I dunno, somehow it almost feels like some EA shareholder went 'You want my money? Then I want to write the ending for some game you're making, I've always wanted to do that.'.
And EA just went 'Sure, take Mass Effect 3.'. With the entire developer team standing and looking in awe as their entire franchise is raped to death by some moron. |
My statement is Mass Effect is a generally really bad and retarded, commercial as hell series (has some good and a few great moments though), but my opinion is a result of comparision to classic cRPGs which were awesome.
Oh, and the "endings" are a ripoff from Deus Ex (No, I'm serious. Synthesis ending is Merging with Helios, Control ending is the Illuminati ending, Destroy ending is a... destroy ending from DE)... on the other side, most (if not all [Citation_needed]) plot points are ripoffs |
It's not necessarily a bad game, but it definitely is the worst in the trilogy.
It's confirmed Bioware are making a better ending.
Ha! |
I like it a lot more than Mass Effect 2. Although it's a shame not to have a Krogan on the crew. Also it's a bit too linear story-wise, but otherwise great.
No Krogan squad mate?! Then it's definitely the worst out of the three. Don't tell me you can't have Garrus as a squadmate...
You can have Garrus as a squadmate.
Also, I've never fought with ANY krogan in ME3. That's a bit disappointing. |
They're allies, true, but gameplaywise it would be better if there is some more variety in enemies. I've never fought turians as well... or asari... or quarians... I just fought cerberus forces and reaper forces through the entire game. I'm also dissapointed the other races (Elcors, Hanars and Volus...es) have completely no importance in ME3. I mean, I only remember that races BEING in ME3, that's all.
Actually, I think Mass Effect 3 has more variety in enemies than the other two. And to be fair, you do fight Krogans, and every other race. You just fight versions of them that have been taken over by reapers.
And this is a game that concentrates on building an army to take out the Reapers. Why would we spend a great deal of time on races that have little to no military strength? |
I dunno, it's never been shown but I remember reading about the Elcor YEARS ago on the Mass Effect Wiki and it mentioned that militarized Elcor strap tremendous artillery pieces too their backs and just kind of meander in the direction of the enemy raining death. That would have been very, very cool.
I imagine the Volus depend on rolling down a very steep hill and simply bowling enemy forces over. |
Speaking of enemies, Banshees are fucking horrible. Just before you encounter one I was thinking to myself that I hadn't seen a Reaperfied Asari yet. I tried to imagine how that would work, with all their biotic powers and stuff. Must be one horrible creature that comes out of that combination.
I turn a corner, and fuck I was right. |
You never get to see this regiment, but it adds a little bit to your over all preparedness for the final battle. |
How come everyone seems to be fine with the fact that, as Varrok said, Bioware completely copied Deus Ex's endings?
I haven't played Deus Ex. So, I don't know.
Well now you don't even have to.
I've only seen the Deus ex endings out of context and I thought they were fucking stupid.
I've seen the ME3 ending out of context and I thought it was even worse. |
Someone at EA probably had a brainfart and went 'Hey! Hey that popular game that wasn't made by one of our studio's did really well! Let's copy their ending! No I don't care what you had planned for the ending, do as I say!'. |
Okay. I've beaten the game and got to the ending. And my general opinion of it is that it's not much of an ending at all. None of the plot points in the previous games make any relevance whatsoever, you don't see any Asari, Krogans, Turians, Quarians. What's worse, you had that stupid kid that LIES because he says only one option causes the Mass Relays to be destroyed... but all the options do that. Stupid damned kid.
One other thing, why was Joker flying away? It makes no sense at all. And now all the alien races are stuck on Earth which has been destroyed. Facepalm moment. I still love the game. I can't really start hating something due to the final 20 minutes of the game. Bioware reacts to comments so hopefully this issue will be resolved somehow, either by retcon, DLC or other solution. Love multiplayer too. It's really addictive and makes sense for the story. Here's an alternative ending to give you all the happy feeling you deserve. |
Speaking to the "stuck on Earth" point. The FTL drives in Mass Effect would allow them to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in about 25 years without using Mass Relays. Most species could be back on their home planets in about ten years.
Another problem with the last few missions, just how do the Reapers manage to sneakily move the Citadel to Earth. This makes no sense for several reasons:
1) It would take time to move it 2) There would be people on the Citadel that would notice something 3) There would be at least one person on the inside who could open it Edit: There's a console you have to access to see the endgame messages. Also, I didn't even know you could choose between three endings. The whole "walk towards the colour" thing was never explained to me properly! |