Amazing... :)
Because I'm planning to make a level over the next month, and really want that grid-lock feature to be in there, for Collision Items, to make the level much easier to make. :) I know it will probably be much longer than one month before you release the next full version, which is why I am requesting for just the grid-lock feature now (seeing as you've already got it working). So do you think you'd be able to do that? Thank you very much; I send my great regards for all of your hard work Paul. It's all come along so great since I first asked you questions about editors around two years ago! :) |
I've ripped the whole core of the app apart so no can do :( I'm doing a big clean up of the core and also enabling multi doc support.
Could you also make it so it doesn't slow down everything running?
Firefox and other stuff just stop responding every time I run it, and it does the same on my other computer, so I know it's not just my laptop being sluggish. |
I never had that problem.
Edit: Oh.. and of course what CPU do you have? |
I can't seem to run it anymore.
It just comes up with an error after the message box about OpenGL rendering. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. It comes up with that even if I press No.:fuzconf: |
What is the difference between OpelGL rendering and software rendering?
I know what they mean but I can't seem to notice a difference beetween the both in the editor. |
If you've got a strong enough processor then you wouldn't notice the difference as software rendering just transfers all the graphics processing off the graphics card and to the regular processor.
That being said I remember there were some odd things happening with the editor with OpenGL rendering so I use software rendering all the time for it now. |
Paul, if you're taking suggestions, I have one right here
In a future version if it's even possible: Make collision lines snap to 90 degree rotations. Because the game doesn't like when you rotate them more than 1 degree even (thinking about floor collisions here, no idea how walls act like that), plus it's incredibly annoying to rotate the lines to pixel-perfect alignment |
I'm using 0.6 of your editor, and I always have Snap objects to grid activated, plus the actual grid doesn't even show when I tell it to, no matter which rendering mode I run it in. |
+ an actual visual grid (which is what I thought existed) would be nice |
Can't wait for the next version |
Paul, big thanks for your work. It would be nice if you make a Linux port, moreover (as I can see) it is written using Qt so it wouldn't be very hard to do it.
I woudn't hold my breath, if I were you.
Hm, are we both talking about Level Editor? I don't think if Paul used any Windows-specific techniques in his editor so I can humbly consider that making a Linux/Mac port wouldn't be a big problem. Furthermore, it was mentioned in «Future features» list.
I do most of the development on Linux, so it aint a problem ;)
Not had much time for coding these days so next release is still a while away, reworking certain areas takes a long time :| |
Oh, I'm sorry. Somehow I thought you meant porting the actual games.
What's the point of porting the level editor if you need Windows to play the game? EDIT: new page. |
I would like a Mac port because all of my image editing tools are on my Mac. It's also significantly faster than my dated Windows computer that I only use for playing games. USBs make it really easy to transfer data between the 2 because they are literally a meter from eachother.
The reasons are probably going to vary between individuals quite severely, though. |
Sometimes when i add .bmp screenshot (640x480 or 640x240) and save it. Then go to test it and game crashes... when i rechoose image and save again... then it works...
But there is only small change that this happens :) |
You should make it so if you drag the collision path while holding shift, it will lock the line to a fixated straight angle, and is it possible to create your OWN collision paths, rather than editing what you have already?
Adding your own collison paths, use the search button, this has been asked about a billion times over and people just keep asking, in short: It's not possible as of right now, but it hopefully will be |
I'm not heared anything while about Editor 0.7 version. When this come's out? :)
I know already that Paul is busy... |
I have new (hard maybe) question/suggestion: Would be possible to add new path in levels? :D
or add more empty screen places in path? :) *Waiting possible no answer and hold breath* |
FYI there likely won't be a new editor version before xmas.
BUT! The following out of the task list has been fixed/done/started: * Document more AE objects properties * More grid stuff for collision paths because editing them properly requires extreme mouse skill! * Undo/redo * Align to grid is buggy? And some extras: * Can open more than one path at once (tabbed interface) * Copy/paste items works properly * Multi selection of items * All sorts of other tweaks/bug fixes The following are still planned for the next version: * Allow custom CAMs in AE without a hook dll * Allow editing of FG1 in AO and AE * Check boxes and things don't keep their state between opening/closing a level And perhaps some other stuff too. Also @kapteeni13 not possible sorry :( |
Oh ok :( =)
Editor update looks cool anyways! ^^ |
Godd work :)
And when we can donwload it ?
And who made those pretty icons? :P
I think the collision path's look too thick,
I prefer the old ones. |