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-   -   Anyone here interested in the Football [Soccer]? (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=16007)

Crig the Slig 10-08-2007 08:49 AM

Very elegantly put, Bullet Magnet. I've never actually heard anyone use the word 'begot' in a sentence.
I mean, if we can accept(ish(well, not really(but we can live with it))) that a game in which you carry the ball is called football, then at least accept that the kicky-ball game is also called football.

Case Closed

AlienMagi 10-08-2007 10:22 AM

I'm from Slovenia and we always loose!:chairhit::D

moxco 10-12-2007 02:47 PM


I'm from Slovenia and we always loose!:chairhit::D

I thought you lived in a UFO?

Bullet Magnet 10-12-2007 04:09 PM

Interesting. Looks like you caught AlienMagi in a lie there, MoxCo...

Mac Sirloin 10-13-2007 02:17 PM


I thought you lived in a UFO?

you win 36 golden internets for noticing.

mudling 10-22-2007 01:34 AM

Yeah, used to play, I still go for Australia, and sometimes England, but my bro goes for Man United, Newcastle and Portsmith.

Laser 10-22-2007 06:31 AM

england are hoping for israel to win against russia so we can be knocked out in the euro cup instead of the qualifiers

abe is now! 10-22-2007 11:15 AM

Anyway, the Italy is going to win the European Cup and then..... in 2010..... another world championship :D!!!!

~^_^~ 10-28-2007 10:17 AM

Sorry, but i dont like football [Soccer].

Bitter Buffalo 10-28-2007 11:37 AM

I love football. The Patriots are gonna kick but this year.