First, I typed a short amount of text, then clicked on preview post to test an emoticon. It told me my post was too short, so then I had to type it all again (as I hadn't bothered to copy what I typed before I clicked the button). Then, I copied what I typed the second time and clicked preview post again. This time, it came up with a preview of the message I typed the first time! So then I carried on typing my message from there and posted it, but in the thread only the first part (the one that finally showed up in the preview) showed up. And then I edited it and pasted (I did copy it that time) my whole message into it and it ended up all in bold. I don't know what's going on, but it's annoying... :fuzconf: And, it just did it now when I tried to submit this, it said "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters." What the crap!?!? EDIT: And it did it again and again, I only managed to get this to post by copying it all to quick reply and posting it from there... |
I like the way that the threads keep track of whether I've read them or not. Much more convenient than the old system. But is there anyway to put in a 'mark as read' button so I don't have to open any thread I'm not interested in reading, to have it stop appearing new?
Course there is hun!
- Rexy |
I also have the " 10 characters please " problem , I typed out a whole paragraph for w@rf , but it said it was too short and i couldnt be stuffed writing it again. What a waist of time.
Time has a waist? I wasn't under the impression it wore pants.
And yes, I too cannot do an advanced post without getting the 'message too short' error. On several occasions I've typed large paragraphs, and then they get erased... You'd think I'd learn, but I ain't not very smort. LOL I maek dubble negtive!!!!11 |
Wow! time has pants?
Wow.... Y'all are spamming?
I know this sounds trivial... But where do I go to see if my pms have been read? I don't know how to useing this new vBulletin. It's only something small, but... I wouldn't mind knowing. ^_^;; - Rexy |
This thing still logs me out every twenty minutes. I no like that.
Alcar... |
Oh, while you're on the subject of PMs, I have a question (though it's not about the upgrade, but it's also not worthy of its own thread)... Alcar, can you somehow read people's PMs? For example, if Rexy sent me a PM about how much she likes monkeys, could you somehow see her PM and read it with your spooky powers, thus discovering her secret love of monkeys?
AquaticAmbi, I'm sure if someone despritly wanted to, they could read other people's PMs. It wouldn't surprise me if Admins/Mods have the ability to view them without resorting to hacking... but ultimitly the question of "why would someone {bother / want} to read someone's PMs?" would say that it's very doubtful Rexy's secret will get out.
Righto... I was simply asking if Alcar had the ability. Not if anyone thought that they could, etc. It'd be easier if you just let him answer the question. Someone mentioned to me that he recalled Alcar once saying that he could, so I'm just curious if my friend remembers correctly. It gave me a weird "Big Brother is Watching" feeling for a bit, but overall, I don't really care. I just want to know if it's possible for certain--directly from the Admin himself. So please just let him, to whom the question was asked, answer it, kay?
(Side note: Sorry, but one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone answers something not directed at them at all. It's pointless and a waste of a post.) |
vBulletin doesn't come stock-standard with a PM viewing function for Admins, which SeaRex can attest to. However, if we wanted to, reading PMs would be just a task of going into the database manually and looking at the pmtext table.
But the only people with that power are Abe Babe and I. The only times as far as I can recall doing that was when members complained they were being harassed (or something similar through PMs). Alcar... |
Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
No worries, Rexy! Your secret is safe! ;) |
Is there any way for the View First Unread to work when the thread has spilled over into a new page?
And thanks Rexy. But is there a way to do it for individual threads or subforums rather than the forum as a whole? |
2. To make an entire thread read, you'll have to read every page with new posts on it :p That is how advanced the new read/unread system is :p Alcar... |
Or you can just use the 'Mark this thread as read' option in the 'Thread Options' dropdown menu at the top of the thread.
EDIT: Or wait, no thats for forum boards, my bad XD. I usualy just read what I want to read and then mark everything else as read on the index page. |
Just stopping by to comment on the new forum skin.
I think it looks really good, a nice show of Oddworld's natural aspects. I especially like the little vine touches on the boxes. Well done to who made it. I just thought I'd see how the forum was doing, and now I guess I have. Looks like everythings is going great, as usual. |
Mitsur, does this mean you're returning? Please stay for the forum anniversary, we're wanting the older members to come back for it!
I just came back for a little bit to check up on this place, like I said I would, and noticed the new skin, and thought i'd say something about it. But sure, i'll stick around for the anniversary. It sounds like it'll be cool.
I wasn't going to mention this because I figured you would know already, but seeing as it's still there after so long I thought I mention that there are still gaps in the banner at the top of the industrial theme. I'm getting this in both Firefox and IE. I've cleared my cache and it's still happening.
Alcar... |
Not in my browser. One of the gaps is fixed but the other one is still there.
ARgh Alcar why wont u tell what's wrong with the "10 characters" problem. So far 4 members have that problem, and you just ignore their question -_-
I have that problem too, fortunatly i can just go back one page and the text is there, but it's really annoying. |
I guess I'll have to leave the layout problem to Kristen. It appears fine on FireFox on my end, but I guess not on others.
T-nex, I can't explain that. I don't know what's going on. Alcar... |
Please do something about it cos I have firefox, so it can't be the browser, unless everyone facing this problem is using firefox...
Could it be a bug? Hmm... Maybe you should send a supoort-mail to VBulletin... |
Abe Babe... |
Looking good to me. Three cheers for Abe Babe!
Problem that I'm having now is that I can't log out. I post from work and I don't want anyone who jumps on my computer to be able pretend to be me.
Serves me right for being too lazy to install Firefox ATM. |
nate and OANST ... it sounds like caching issues. Try clearing your cache.
Like Alcar, I have no idea why that weird message would come up about the characters. Sorry. Abe Babe... |
Maybe you should just remove that limit, because alot of members are affected by it, and it's specially annoying in the RPG forums where we write a large bunch of text and then it gets deleted by that limits...
just a thought... |
You could just copy all your text onto your computer's virtual clipboard before you submit your post. I got into that habit several vB versions ago because it was so unreliable, to the point where I kept accidentally pushing everything I already had copied off my clipboard. -_-;
I've just been using the Quick Reply function lately. I'm not that active nowadays anyway, so it doesn't make a heck of a lot of difference and the Quick Reply box is advanced enough to do what I want. :p
But I agree with T-nex, maybe it would be a good idea to remove the limit completely? Considering most members simply add things like "10 characters" to their short posts to make them long enough, the limit doesn't really seem to do much good anyway. |
We'll give it a trial then. However, to post, at least one character MUST be 'inputed'. That I can't change I'm afraid.
Alcar... |
When I insert a link, it only asks me for an address and not the text to be inserted with it.