Most of the kids that are the really hard core halo players are of course going to be better, I dont have the time with school and all my activities, etc. to be the best in the world, but Im still really good, and Im content with that. I rather play at a lan gathering with a bunch of friends though, until Halo 2 xbox live. :) I'll probably start playing that a lot as soon as it comes out, and getting ready to play online. While I'm waiting right now though I'll probably just brush up on the old Halo 1 skills. :fuzsmile: Edit: It would actually be a duel for "Halo God" between death and MC. Im just a lowly halo master....:p |
Of course, I probably would have liked it more if you actually DID remove that stuff from your sig; you just came off as cruel considering how politely I asked you. |
DAMN! haha. Ok I'll shift it once I've done with this post. |
Oh well, I gues you can disregard my previous post. Im sure death could take me out easily in Halo PC. I dont even have it yet. :fuzemb:
I was talking about Halo for Xbox, although Im thinking about buying pc for the online multiplayer so I can keep me busy with someithing "haloish". So it looks like the duel we were hoping for is postponed, Jeremy is just really really good at Halo for Xbox, he doesnt have Halo PC. He mainly will play CS or SWG on his computer. |
Oh... I thought you were just being an ass. No hard feelings.
ahahahahhaha! MC verses Death, what a match.
i studied the writing on the Battle Rifle: "Kaliber 9.65mm" Kaliber is German for caliber. So this looks like H&K is still making guns in the future. 9.56mm is a made up round, but just as a guess i think it would have the stopping power of 5.56 and the accuracy of 9mm. halo round up part 2 |
As for me vs MC, I don't think it's going to happen to be honest. I'd like to play someone I'm evenly matched to, or someone who is perhaps better than me, but really I couldn't care less about it. I'm just any normal guy who happens to be really good at computer games. So if you want an opinion on what makes a good game, I'm the guy you can turn to. |
well, from info from himself and Al. He was so good he was asked to be in the halo tournament (sp?) last year. Not alot of people are asked...
MC can fight me over the net if he wants to, but I doubt that he will. Most the people I've played over internet get really stroppy with me when they start to loose. |
more sweet pics...
i've just heard that ALL the weapons from halo 1 will return. However they will be custom Spartan guns. So expect silencers and laser sights. Btw, it sounded official, but i'm not too sure. http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_51.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_55.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_53.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_39.jpg |
As I stated in my previous post, Master Chief only plays Halo for xbox, he doesnt even own Halo PC, and hasnt played it yet, so unfortunately there won't be a "duel between titans." :p On the computer he mainly plays counter strike and star wars galaxies now. When it comes to halo Im really really good at the xbox version like MC, but I would totally suck at the PC version because I havent even tried it yet. |
the PC versons cool. The rocket hog is lotsa fun.
what do you all think is the best weapon combo in MP? Plasma rifle and Shotty for me. |
Yeah heres also a list of the things people are looking forward to in halo 2. :fuzsmile: Remember to check out part 2 of the list also. |
Trust me, if you play Counter Strike well, then you'll play HALO PC well. The controls can be set up to be exactly the same. I kill all in my path, nobody survives. I've won every game I've played. Come get some if you think you're hard enough! [sup]tm[/sup] :D Like Ferill said, the new warthog, and banshee's in multiplayer make HALO PC the best HALO release yet. The banshee's are slightly annoying though. They need toning down really, they're a bit impossible to kill on foot. (although I've busted up loads with the fuel rod gun & firework launcher) |
i already put that site up Al.
i'm not too bad at CS, maybe i'll be good at halo pc. |
Halo 2 is looking really good. It makes it even more of a shame that I can't get Xbox Live :(
dont worry. I cant get xbox live either. Well, i could. But it would be much more money for me to get it. I might have to get it just for this game! the "battleground halo" idea sounds so cool.
Counter-Strike sucks because of cheaters? If you play on secure servers or whatever, you shouldn't have a problem. My brother actually got our CD key banned because he'd use a single shot script. Well, actually not our CD key, but a friends I believe. Copied disk.
I've been needing to reinstall HL anyways. But of course, we forgot the CD key to our copied disk, don't ahve the original, and... Psh. I miss CS. |
You wont be able to play online, but at least you'll be able to play HL, BS, & OF. |
i hate hackers in CS, really ruins the game. I tend to use secure servers, but still, hackers get in somehow.
sometimes i'm blamed for hacking 'cause i'm really good. Very embarrasing. anyway, back on topic. What are you most looking forward to? pics! http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_33.jpg duel SMG action! http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_56.jpg hairy buggers, arnt they. http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_30.jpg close up, what do we see? B-E-Autiful graphics. http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_25.jpg more nice graphics |
To be honest, when I lose, I don't care. Sure it pisses me off when people start rolling on the floor, laughing their head off every time they get a good shot in. But I don't make a big deal out of it. |
same. A few minutes ago i got three head shots in a row with one mag. God the abuse.
I had BS on my computer a while back. My brother had downlaoded it. I was relatively close to beating it too. Then I forgot about it, and it got screwed up somehow.
I think I'll just go get the box set and shell out 30$ or whatever. Have a legitimate copy and everything. Oh yea... and cheating in CS can be so freaking hilarious at times. A while back, me and my brother had gotten OGC. See through walls, no recoil, no flash bang blindings, no smoke, people glow, etc etc etc... So much fun. |
I really think the prophets are kick A$$! :) It would be cool to see them sit there in their floating chairs and be able to start lifting objects with their mind telepathically. |
gonna be shit hard to kill though...
You're not very good at this are you? Shit I'm glad you're not the game designer for HALO 2. (No offense) |
well, the only way i can think to kill a Prophet is to just overwhelm it with bullets. Or blow it to peices with enough C4. Then again this is how i kill most things on halo.
pics: http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_29.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_24.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_49.jpg http://343gs.the-junkyard.net/Big_06.jpg |
That bumb mapping is sooooo good :D
hey lookie! a small pic but its the T&R allright. |
It's good to see that MC's robotic Penis is ready for action...
Lookie look what I found!
http://dumbass.ionichost.com/?id=o.p It's a site where all pics known of Halo 2 are collected! It shows what their sources are, so I think these are all real pics (You'll find some new pics too!). |
Thats a good site, I've seen all of those pics except some of the final concept art ones, such as those for the new covenant vehicles. I'm also pretty certain they're real Halo2 pics.
thats neat stuff. All from the E3 trailer.
http://dumbass.ionichost.com/images/1.jpg http://dumbass.ionichost.com/images/5.jpg http://dumbass.ionichost.com/images/11.jpg http://dumbass.ionichost.com/images/10.jpg http://dumbass.ionichost.com/images/8.jpg http://halo.bungie.net/images/site/h...2/h2_e3_02.jpg dont know if this is official, but the SMG is called the ES117. |
Yup, those are some neat red x's you have there