And, yes, I agree. |
Why even have sex at all? Not having sex is the less messy and less awkward option.
I did it once with Steph. We were drunk, and I was in a weird mood, and I asked for it, and then, of course, blood, and poop, and shame. So, I'll never ask for that again. Sex should be fun for both people. |
I personally don't understand the appeal, I very much dislike the idea of splitting my missus in two and lots of shit on me cawk.
Not to mention the most boring.
I ain't researching or stretching shit. Literally and figuratively. Too much trouble. Little to no gain. Vaginas and mouths work just fine.
Plus you have to watch what you eat before you do it... and that's just effort like.
I agree with the honourable gentlemen above.
I rate these last few posts disgusting/10.
It's okay. I also shroud my envy in disgust.
I shroud OANST with things he is disgusted by...
Florida Georgie Line CD's?
Very true. Plus, if you take pictures afterwards, you can show people to back up your claims of having a big black cock.
The big part was a stretch, huh?
Is having a black dick while being of a caucasian skin color considered a sign of bad health?
Shit just got real, folks. Shit just got real.
I dunno, I still think we're all being too vanilla here.