I think we need to be realistic here, posters and shirts are probably the way forward, which I'd be more than happy with.
Maybe some little figurines that I could stick on my desk or something. You could do a whole bunch for each species.
Anyone think these'd be cool?
http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/...acesbeanie.png |
I want an embroidered Slig Barracks beenie. |
This would probably be quite expensive, but full-size, unpainted, moulded copies of the creature sculptures from AO.
How about a scale model of the Feeco trains
Would you not buy them? |
Lego Rupture Farms.
I would snap up the yellow Mudokon Smiley beanie hat in seconds. Honestly I want one right now.. anyone know of any websites that you can create custom beanies on?
I'm sure if you did a quick search on Google, you'll find something.
It's better to wait to see if they release any official merchandise. Though, I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed. If they do come out with mudokon face beanies, then buying that will allow OWI to profit off of it, and that money can go to their future projects. And then there's always the option of trying to craft it by hand. |
I work in an embroidery store actually, was thinking of doing something Oddworld-related for myself. Those Mud smilies were definitely an idea...
I remember there being SoulStorm Brew bottled beer just like the games! It was merchandise around the time Abe's Exoddus was released, sadly I was under aged then and my parents would not buy it for me BUT NOW I have my own moolah and I am of a responsible age! :fuzgrin:
Don't worry, it was only bottled water handed out at expos.
What's so special about Chris' water?
Well I don't mean I stare intensely at them whilst they are drinking. :lol: I mean I looked every so often to see if they notice the SoulStrom Logo.
A little posable Scrab figure is all I'd like, around the same size as the sentry turret figure from Portal 2.
I think clothing is a very good route to take for Oddworld merchandise. It tends to have very flexible design prospects. And be cheap. Just gotta be careful with the way it's being done, it sort of becomes ironic in a terrible way if stuff's being produced in sweatshops by people being paid virtually nothing and all.
For some reason I really think the idea of a stitchlip bandana is fantastic. http://i.imgur.com/GNtvv.png Maybe something like this. Although come to think of it, this might be a better thing for Stranger merchandise... Still! It's an idea. A nice cosy idea considering the northern hemisphere is going towards the winter months now. |
If so, I want three.
Even better.
I'm sure novelty panties with terrible Oddworld pickup lines would sell too. |
Can't think of any Oddworld related pickup lines off the top of my head but just
Oddworld underwear Yes. Not talking about the mud face boxers or any of the other AE merchandise, no. I'm talking about some quality Oddworld underwear here. You'd have your paramite bras and angry mudokon g strings and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60726531/ser...tunderwear.png Personally though, I'd want something like this. Wear these and get all the bitches, guaranteed. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60726531/bestunderwear.png |