Now i'm considering looking for a pipe. I have long held the creed that they look more Aesthetically pleasing than any joint...
EDIT: Nothing i feel guilty about. |
yea actually a guilty pleasure can be the fact that u like motorcycles and hate cars!heh!
Btw, I forgot to mention I don't watch too much pr0n (cuz it's boring to me, and has absolutely no effect on me) but when I watch pr0n I prefer lthe lesbian one cuz I can't stand when there's a ugly guy with that hot chick!Double the gun, double the fun, heh! I was wondering is thre anyone else here with macrophilia? |
I've never owned a pipe. I've always been a cheap ass and just rolled it or used someone else's bong/pipe/etc.
I prefer rolling blunts, personally. Slow burning, smooth flavor and I can get away with smoking one in public as they look like a small cigar when properly rolled. Also, you can save them without them drying out.
Last night I got rather demolished and was convinced the "shaggy death" was in my house. :
What I've noticed is that when I smoke weed with a blunt I'm functionally high; I can carry on a convincingly non-high conversation, when I smoke a pipe I can't stop eating and I keep using really heavy words to describe minor things. "Shit, that was combustible." |
I'm the exact opposite. Pipes fucking ruin me. Blunts give me a degree of intake control, plus I mix a bit of tobacco in with my pot. I never smoke to the point of stupifying myself, but I also prefer the more mellow 'body high' strains.
Nice. |
NE-WAY, the Pot tends to make me paranoid but I don't have a lot of experience with different 'strains' which makes me think that the stuff I've tried is shit. |
Probably. Pot is pretty amazing stuff these days. The growers have turned the act into an artform, and it shows.
Most of the pot I've smoked I've gotten through my sisters, and the first time I bought it (from my shady gangster friend) it was fucking terrible
Luckily, I have another friend who gets AMAZING weed (Probably the most potent I've smoked, not to say I have a wide palette) and is always willing to sell some for an honest (herp) buck. Last summer I went to a cabin about fourty five minutes to an hour from home with my sister, her crazy vegan anarchist friend who is sometimes annoying, sometimes not and the above mentioned 'other friend'. I was still a mundo-lightweight, smoked a few bowls, drank some cheapie pseudo wine-cooler/vodka/energy drink that was blue and I was absolutely fucking obliterated. I wasn't hallucinating, but whenever I closed my eyes I'd see shapes and patterns that were like neon vegas vomit. I was convinced I was in an action movie and kept farting one liners around. I actually had to take a lie-down because I was so full of energy and at one point got mad at my sister because she kept asking me if I was okay. The atmosphere was super positive too, so no paranoia. I can't fucking wait for this summer. |
I do not think I could smoke pot with you, sir.
That was very atypical of how I usually am. I'm quite mellow, and keep to my own space, but I have a habit of touching my hair a lot and as I said before, if there's some kind of food I try to consume it.
Food I can dig. I like to cook when stoned or drunk, and beer and pot go hand in hand for me. Just don't stroke my beard.
Also, I've never had 'bad weed' mostly because I get my stuff through friends that wouldn't fuck me over. We have mostly purple kush out here, which I hear is DA GUD SHIT but I have no clue if that's true. |
'Purple Kush' is what everyone calls decent pot. The fact is that growers rarely give their plants non serial number names, so what your smoking is whatever the fuck you and your buddies want to call it. In reality it's probably GBH-102.
Cool beans. I kept getting bullshit contradictory answers and I never really cared to much about what I was inhaling so I just accepted it. BUT NOW I KNOW
I've never smoked anything before.
Not even sausages?
Bacon? Kippers? Salmon?
used to smoke cigarettes regularly, and once i did try dope. i was 16 and at the farm, one of the farm-hand's got some and afterwards i just started feeling really talkative. didn't really do much else, so i never bothered with it again. it must have been shit.
now i only have copious amounts of alcohol and the occasional roll-up (to go with the beer). i'd love to just smoke cigars all the time, but i think i'd look like a tosser so i don't bother. shame. combo-breaker. yes, i know. |
Yeh, it sucks that people think you're a twat if you have a cigar but not a cigarette especially at my age. Also there 'spensive and I can't get em because I don't have any loot. But I don't want to be a heavy smoker. I have a bong but I don't use it. Anyone else think that smoking isn't cool, kinda just killing yourself. r e a l s l o w l y
I think you're a twat if you're 18 and smoke a pipe. It just looks really pretentious to me.
My brother's had a pipe since he was nineteen.
Move that age up til about 30. |
I smoke cigars. I enjoy them with meat. Red meat, dark beer, and a good cigar make me very happy.
But I think I've mentioned that before. Also, MA is too cute for calling it 'dope'. |
Oh, no. I'm talking tobacco pipes. I owned a multitude of pipes for weed when I was younger.