GRAW 2 was underwhelming. It was more of an expansion of GRAW than a real sequel. And I hate playing multiplayer with it. Waaaaaay too bulky to switch weapons and toss grenades.
In b4 halo 2 halo 3. |
Halo Wars demo, really liking it. AI can be pretty good even on normal.
i just finished Call of Duty 4 and i really wasnt too impressed ...the story mode was pretty good (for the time it lasted) but the online play is so fookin' overated! i really didnt enjoi it :P but i am just about to start Tomb Raider Underworld! heard good things ;D
and brother (the bastard) got rid of my xbox and m.o and s.r can i run either on my 360? thanks in advance! |
Yeah, I played through Halo Wars demo too. A bit of getting used to the controls, but after that not too tough, and pretty enjoyable. The base building is quick and easy, and controlling units, while a little frustrating at time if I have to paint them, is pretty simple.
It's not very fun once I realized to just rush elite honor guards as Covenant and warthogs as Human, though. |
I played the Bioshock demo last night for the first time, oh my God why did I wait so long to play it? :fuzconf:
Are you nuts? The AI sent only like 6 of them at my base early and they wiped out like 5 squads of my marines no problem. The only reason I didn't get killed early is that I fired a MAC round right on them and then rammed them all with 3 warthogs.
Did you upgrade your Marines at all? Most upgraded units are leagues better than the core unit. I had researched new blood and had rockets when the honor guards came.
I just bought Resistance: Fall of Man. I can't say that I am very impressed. I really thought it was going to be....well....better.
But Little Big Planet. Oh, Little Big Planet. So much fun. |
Started playing Oblivion. Not my bag, but who cares, easy gamerscore.
Wow exactly how I felt about both of those games. What's your PSN??? |
Anyhow, it will be OANST. Edit: I'm online now and my name is OANST, just as promised. I haven't gotten the headset yet, so don't be expecting any fascinating conversations until I do. |
Among other things, I downloaded Braid on monday, and I'm liking it quite a bit. I like the jigsaw puzzles a lot. Need to get some of those.
I just finished playing God of War II [yes, I know it's like old, but I don't have much time to play games these days]. I like the God of War games, I still have to finish the one on the PSP, but it makes me feel queezy. :(
I've also been playing Mario Kart Wii online a bit lately as we just got Wi-Fi. Cloverfield... (Abe Babe) |
Sorry about not replying the other night. I had someone over and couldn't find my mic. I'll be more available starting monday. You fucking assaulted me with chat requests, you jackass. |
Not getting L4D for a little while, which fucking SUCKS, but we can always play some N+. |
Just need to get me a PS3 though now ... :( Cloverfield... (Abe Babe) |
I just got an original Xbox so I've been having fun playing Stranger's Wrath, Halo 2 and Munch's Oddysee :p
Daxter King: If you ever do that to me again I will find you and beat you until the blinding rage disappears. I was in the middle of trying to beat someone's time in a fairly complicated level of N+ and ended up having to commit suicide every time you sent a party invite (every three seconds) because it was SO FUCKING DISTRACTING. I ended up bettering my time by quite a bit but still coming short of my goal.
Just so you know, that invite was completely DK's idea. Not mine at all. Not even close to the truth.
i've been playing a lot of games this week,
I've planned a Super Smash Bros Brawl match with my friends tommorow Wario Land the shake dimention, i'm quite stuck :( just finished Star Fox 64 again! and just started a new game on Crash 3 Warped and AE |
I downloaded the Demo for Rez HD and love it SO MUCH.
I also have that and I quite enjoy it.
Get the demo for Space Giraffe. I actually found it to be fun despite the creators wails of rage when no one bought it. |