Weren't they the rock group that did the original Cum on Bring the Noize? I don't really think they've been "boys" in at least 3 decades.
Yeah, they did.
And true, he was about 50... but still, it sounded better than local geriatrics. |
I thought he said 'Bring The Noise'
And was wondering how Slade and Anthrax got confused. And had anything to do with Christmas. Doh! |
Yeah, its 'Cum on Feel the Noize' if we're talking about Slade. I just can't read properly.
Anyway, back to christmasness. Its safe to say if you've had enough to drink, you'll like any christmas song, unless it's by Cliff Richard, then you'll rightfully commit mass genocide. |
In relation to the title of the thread, I probably listen to sum Pantera, i don't really like Chirtmas songs.
XD, if you keep up that kind of wit I'll be a hobosexual too.
I forgot to mention The Pogues song as well, we listened to it on Christmas Day and I remembered how awesome it is. |