I am reading a book right now called Daughter of the Forrest, the lead is a woman and is a very strong character.
I am nearly half way through and I like it. I didn't think I would because it's classified as Sci Fi and I don't normally like those kinds of books but my best friend gave it to me to read so I thought I'd try it. |
Earth's Children.
There are 5 books in the series now (one more to come). It starts with "Clan of the Cavebear" or something, and all 5 of them are brilliant. And they have a female protagonist. |
If you're looking for one that's reaonably long, but won't let you set it down, then I would highly recomend Wicked: The life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. It centers around the life and times of (you guessed it) Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It explores her early life, her friends, and just how she ended up so damn "evil." Oanst has read it too if I'm not mistaken, so you can ask him if you don't believe me. :fuzwink:
Ooh, yes. I can't believe I forgot that, seeing as I was reading it when this thread started. Finished it for the second time last week.
It's an odd book; rather opaque and vague at times but worth reading. |
Hmm, very interesting. I've always liked reading the villian's view of the story and the like.
There's also a lot of references of our own world's worst faults cleverly built into the plot as well.
I will have to get the sequel sometime this summer, once I read all of these books I have collected over the holidays :rolleyes:. |
Wicked was a fabulous book. I picked that for my book club.
I also read Confession of an Ugly Step Sister by the same author. I have to say that I found that one to be a much harder read. I am curious about the musical. Everyone raves on how good it is but I just think that people tend to take something that rocks and f*ck it all up by making a Broadway show out of it. Could have made a really cool movie tho. |
It's completly different to the book - Elphaba is made much more likeable and Glinda is in it a lot more. But taken as a completely different story that has some parallels, it is amazing.
Nate dog is right. The musical has its dark parts but the story in the musical is much shorter and isn't as dark as the book, IMO.
I am eager to read Mirror Mirror someday. It's by Gregry Maguire as well, it takes place in the story of Snow white if I'm not mistaken. |
3/4 words.
Tomb Raider Fan-Fiction. |
I believe him.
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Hard to describe really; it's set in an alternative history where people take literature way too seriously, to the point that there is a department in the police force just for policing literature matters. And then someone invents a machine that can let you enter a book and screw things up. Plus a lot more stuff happens. It's really funny, if you've got a taste for the absurd. And the main character is a female and she kicks total arse. |
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Hmm, Ayn is a pain. Reading her is torture.
Hmm, Ayn is a pain. Reading her is torture.
Sewer, Gas, and Electric takes the piss out of her in a hilarious fashion and features a great female lead. Excellent book. |
I am more into fantasy
Wolf Tower by Tanith Lee if you like this go for the sequels Wolf star and wolf queen. One favourite is the "chanters of tremaris trilogy" by kate constable I have to confess I judge a book by its cover and it was books 2 & 3 that caught my eye. So I read book 1 obviously but the cover is rubbish on it. |
sorry all mom for got to swich to abe crazey we both yous the same comp eksept wen im at my dads hows
C.J. Cherryh's books have a lot of good female leads. Melein and the she-pan Intel in the Faded Sun Trilogy are good female characters.
Because Of Winn-Dixie