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Strike Witch 06-25-2012 11:04 PM

It actually aired way back in 1999-2000.

Sekto Springs 06-25-2012 11:16 PM


Laser 06-26-2012 08:52 AM

2 words. Breaking Bad. That is all.

OANST 06-26-2012 09:06 AM

I like Breaking Bad, but I don't think it's as good as a lot of other people do. I find it to be a bit contrived at times. Mad Men is consistently great, however.

Mr. Bungle 06-26-2012 02:48 PM

Breaking Bad is pretty consistently great too, though there are some major plot holes that come up later in the series. But they do their best to work around those.

I've only seen the first two seasons of Mad Men, they're both pretty fantastic. Need the third.

Finally, I'm about halfway through season 1 of The Wire. Great show, things are finally starting to pick up and I'm actually starting to give a shit about the characters.

OANST 06-26-2012 03:05 PM

Season 2 is mostly considered a low point. It picks up again in season 3, and the 4th season is maybe the best seasons of television I've ever seen.

Mac Sirloin 06-26-2012 11:28 PM


Season 2 is mostly considered a low point.

But only just so. It's still a fantastic piece of television and talks about a lot of things that cop shows seem to avoid, and serves as a sort of puzzle piece for the relationship characters in later seasons have between each other and 3rd parties that simply wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Seriously S2 is my favourite just because it's such a departure from the rest and it departs on a stinky-ass Baltimore police boat to arrive amid the suffocating lifestyle of Baltimore Stevedores. Also BRUTHA MUZOOOONE

Mr. Bungle 06-27-2012 12:10 AM

Just watched the episode "One Arrest". Daaaaamn, shit is starting to get interesting. I reallly feel sympathy for James, and am starting to realize the complexities of the characters. I used to think they were all so generic, but they just take time to realize. And the way that dude got beaten in the interrogation room? Shit. I want to watch the next episode now, but it's three in the morning. Fuck it. Let's do this.

Mac Sirloin 06-27-2012 07:14 AM

I saw Ghost Dad. It was pretty much Ghost Dad.

I also saw Kuroneko, which is a rad as hell Japanese ghost story cinema classic black and white Criterion movie. It's about the wife and mother of a soldier who are raped and burnt to death by bandits/opposing soldiers and go on to haunt the wood their hut was in. A year later the husband/son becomes a samurai after killing an important figure from the opposing forces and returns home to find his house charred and his family gone. He's tasked with eliminating the monster from the nearby woods, and then I basically stopped paying attention. Excellent movie, excellent cinematagrophy, excellent spooky Japanese ladies with drawn on eyebrows. See it.

OANST 06-27-2012 07:21 AM


But only just so. It's still a fantastic piece of television and talks about a lot of things that cop shows seem to avoid, and serves as a sort of puzzle piece for the relationship characters in later seasons have between each other and 3rd parties that simply wouldn't make sense otherwise.

I agree. It is still great television. And it's not my least favorite of the seasons. If I had to pick a season that I loved the least it would be five. And again, it's still great.

Mr. Bungle 06-27-2012 02:37 PM

It's shit like this that makes me love Breaking Bad.

Minor spoilers, I guess.

Laser 06-27-2012 02:45 PM

Brokeback Mountain. What a phenomenal film and so heartbreaking at the end. How it lost to Crash is beyond me. Both the leading actors were fantastic and you get to see Anne Hatherway's bosoms, which is always a plus.

Nepsotic 06-27-2012 02:56 PM

Isn't that the one about gay cowboys?

OANST 06-27-2012 02:58 PM

It's not about ponies. You wouldn't like it.

Laser 06-27-2012 03:09 PM


Isn't that the one about gay cowboys?

Yes indeedy. Although they both have wives and children throughout the majority of the film. So make of that what you will.

Varrok 06-27-2012 03:11 PM

Doesn't that make them bisexual?

Nepsotic 06-27-2012 03:12 PM

From what I've heard, they were living a lie or something. They have to go on with their lives pretending to be straight, and they havesecret love affairs every now and again, I'm not sure though. Isn't it something to do with camping?

OANST 06-27-2012 03:13 PM


Doesn't that make them bisexual?

No. No, it doesn't.

Laser 06-27-2012 03:14 PM


Doesn't that make them bisexual?

I have no idea. It seemed to me that both characters were going through the motions of straight 'normal' life but loved each other in secret.

OANST 06-29-2012 07:51 AM

I started watching Trailer Park Boys a couple days ago. Before, when people would post scenes from it I just never saw why it was funny. Random scenes don't do it justice. You have to steep yourself in the absurdity of it before the funny sinks in. I think the episode that got me hooked was the one where Julian accidentally convinces Ricky that he's gay by telling him if he doesn't marry his girlfriend people will think he is.

Alf Shall Rise 06-29-2012 10:23 PM

Just watched Don't Look Now. That ending. I already knew what was going to happen, but it still managed to creep the hell out of me.

Nepsotic 06-30-2012 01:22 AM

Don't look now is an amazing film, although I didn't find it very scary.

Mr.Spandexpants 06-30-2012 03:05 AM

So I just watched the entire first season of Doctor Who. It was amazing. I also watched part of David Tenants last episode(s). I feel accomplished.

Crashpunk 06-30-2012 03:25 AM

I didn't really enjoy the last episodes of David Tennant's doctor however he did go out with a bit of style, though the whole thing was a bit of a troll. Falls from a spaceship, lands on some glass, Defeats the Time Lords and the Master only to be defeated by a old guy.

I adore the first season because of Christopher Eccleston. He should of done at least one more season because in my opinion he was one of the best Doctors.

And I'm not watching the current Doctor Who because I really can't stand Amy and Rory. Oh look Rory died again ect. I know some of you will now hate me now.

For what I have seen, The new seasons were okay. I like Matt Smith, he is a pretty good Doctor and his my favorite part of it all. I saw the Episode where they meet the Weeping Angels again and it was pretty enjoyable; Those monsters could make a excellent horror film.

Varrok 06-30-2012 03:29 AM


I adore the first season because of Christopher Eccleston. He should of done at least one more season because in my opinion he was one of the best Doctors.
He left because he didn't want to be identified with only one role

Phylum 06-30-2012 03:46 AM

Eccleston did a really great job, but the writing for Tennant's episodes was fabulous. I watched them again recently after the newer seasons and I loved it. The episodes were tense. The Monster of the Week was actually developed and scary if not terrifying. The overarching theme of The Doctor is God was really well done. That doctor was worshiped. At the end of Season 3 he defeated The Master by use of faith, which was a bit silly but well executed. The Waters of Mars really drove that home, just in case it wasn't obvious in the preceding seasons.

The Tennant/Tate series was the best of the new ones, really. They were more entertaining. Even the reasonably rubbish first episode of that season was saved by the way it built to the scene with the window.

MeechMunchie 06-30-2012 06:33 AM

The Guard.

A fantastic Irish black comedy. About corruption, apathy, and a hundred little reflections on life, it's the film Hot Fuzz should have been. The Oirishmen here should try it, I thought it was spectacular. First scene:

Gang of yobs drink-driving, music pounding. They speed past a waiting police car. The police officer silently watches them pass, allowing them to kill themselves in a crash ten seconds later. The police car pulls up; the officer gets out, pockets some LSD from one of the bodies, swallows a square, and gazes across the grey, clouded coast.

[Thick Irish] "What a fuckin' beautiful morning."

Nepsotic 06-30-2012 09:05 AM


I didn't really enjoy the last episodes of David Tennant's doctor however he did go out with a bit of style, though the whole thing was a bit of a troll. Falls from a spaceship, lands on some glass, Defeats the Time Lords and the Master only to be defeated by a old guy.

I adore the first season because of Christopher Eccleston. He should of done at least one more season because in my opinion he was one of the best Doctors.

And I'm not watching the current Doctor Who because I really can't stand Amy and Rory. Oh look Rory died again ect. I know some of you will now hate me now.

For what I have seen, The new seasons were okay. I like Matt Smith, he is a pretty good Doctor and his my favorite part of it all. I saw the Episode where they meet the Weeping Angels again and it was pretty enjoyable; Those monsters could make a excellent horror film.

Matt is an excellent Doctor,and the writer for the later episodes, Steven Moffat, is really underappreciated, he really brought back the feel of classic Doctor Who,and Matt has a bit of all ten doctors in him. Crashpunk, you really should watch the new series starting later on this year,its amy and rory's last season, yay! And Moffat has confirmed that one of them WILL die. I hope it's River. She's been over used and has no mystery to her whatsoever now, so there's no need for her. She was great in her first few episodes, though, especially the one with David.

Nate 06-30-2012 07:53 PM

It can't be River. We already know when she will die.

Also, if you want to discuss Doctor Who, make a thread about it.

Nepsotic 07-01-2012 02:52 AM


It can't be River. We already know when she will die.

Also, if you want to discuss Doctor Who, make a thread about it.

(this is a thread about tv and films,.I think we're OK here)

No, because she doesn't actually die in that episode, remember? But you are right,she can'r die yet because that would create a paradox.