-oddguy |
I know, it looks so sweet.
I would love to play on Zanzibar, but unfortunatly, it was most likely just a "special" map intended only to play at E3. Read This: http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory....nzibar&p=82603 so sadly, no Zanzibar in final version :( although there is hope... |
I took that as saying that Zanzibar might change a little bit before Nov. 9th. I didn't see anything that said Zanzibar wouldn't show up in the final game. You really freaked me out there for a second. How dare you! Grrr!
-oddguy :fuzcool: |
Frankie, their community relations guy, said they were expecting Zanzibar to become the next Blood Gulch, in terms of popularity. I think.
wohoooooooooooo 3D screenshot!
never saw a 3D screen before http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory....nshot&p=107003 |
This is so good!
Heh, did you all see the newspost about an Ebay auction?
http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/ebay_halo2fraud/ http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/ebay_halo2fraud/bids.html I thought it was funny! |
lol! what idiot would bid on that?
And that pic with the elites in the hog is pure genious! Go elites! |
What he said.^
Um *unspams post as final mod act* |
It has to have had the funniest Mister Chief yet.
New disscussion: The Battle Rifle or the Covie Carbine, which would be a better choice? |
um. As we know little about either I vote for the new needler. Yum.
Lol. I'm so looking forward to the SMg, its gonna kick ass. The latest update looked like it mentioned something about a new weapon returening from the first game, I hope that its the AR from Halo 1, that was such a cool gun.
Nooo! I want..... A more pistol like pistol. With a v. fast Melee but less powerful shooting mode. Yes.
*cough* Automatics *cough* Why am I such a gun smartass? |
The pistol in Halo 1 felt like a semi automatic zoomable hand cannon.
I want something that'll put a hole in a marine, not in a hunter. |
I agree... I don't want a weapon that's good, but not too good. Hunter's are too easy to kill in Halo 1. 1 pistol shot to the back (or neck or stomach if your a good shot) and their dead! WTF!
It should take at least 5 shots. not 1. |
The Hunter easy kill didn't annoy me, and we will have Brutes to be the big badasses now, but I think the pistol should still be in it, but should be toned down. Having the best weapon in the game as a starting weapon wasn't right...
Technically... the rocket launcher is the best weapon in the game... but I can see your point with the pistol..
Observe: sigh... poor grunt never saw it comin.. |
Heh, thats funny!
Anyway, I hope the Aim-Aid will be taken out. You know, when you're targeting an enemy, and the enemy moves, and your reticle moves too? I always had troubles with that, I'm usually following the enemy with the reticle myself, and because of the Aim-Aid, I sometimes miss... |
I never had a problem with any autoaim, but there were a few times up against the flood where it went abit funny. |
Just out of nowhere- FUNNY BEHAVIOR AMONGST NPC'S!!
my favorite funny behavior in Halo 1 was when a sentinal all of the sudden went berserk- he(it?) would go all vertical and spin around like a helicopter, for about 5 seconds. This happens alot on Two Betrayals and The Maw. It'll sometimes happen on 343 after a combat form melees it. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw this. I hope there will be unusual behavior amongst NPC's in Halo 2... |
*Intentional spelling error. |
You can turn that off I believe right or was that just the auto center option under advanced settings. Oh well, I can't remember off the top of my head, I just know I never really had that problem.