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Nepsotic 05-28-2012 10:42 AM

I just watched "Party of One". And now Im on the series finale. I never thought I'd say this about my little pony, but in that episode, Pinkie Pie is fucking terrifying. Whats she called, Pinkamena or something? Or is that not her actual name?

Sekto Springs 05-28-2012 10:42 AM

Pinkamena Diane Pie.
She makes a few more appearances later on, don't you worry.

Nepsotic 05-28-2012 10:51 AM

I am. A kids show hasn't creeped me out like that since Ren & Stimpy...

Wings of Fire 05-28-2012 11:01 AM


See, this is the point where the fandom starts becoming creepy. It’s cartoon horses, not realistic drama.

I can name you examples of abused kids in shows for little girls.

Hell, I can do better than that

There's a character archetype that is pretty much centered around the demographic.

Nepsotic 05-28-2012 11:03 AM

Thats anime though. Anything goes.

Wings of Fire 05-28-2012 11:20 AM


Thats anime though. Anything goes.

I don't even know what you're trying to say here.

Manco 05-28-2012 02:15 PM


I can name you examples of abused kids in shows for little girls.

Hell, I can do better than that

There's a character archetype that is pretty much centered around the demographic.

I don’t think that’s exactly the same thing.

On the one hand, the trope you’re talking about is when an anti-villain is evil because of the conditions she grew up in. Sure, abuse is listed as a possible reason, but most of the examples listed on that TVTropes page are a) not terribly specific/relevant, and b) don’t read like shows aimed at young children.

Then on the other hand, you have a fanbase speculating that because a character’s family have yet to be featured, she must be a victim of abuse, with no other evidence to back it up.

Wings of Fire 05-28-2012 03:00 PM


Then on the other hand, you have a fanbase speculating that because a character’s family have yet to be featured, she must be a victim of abuse, with no other evidence to back it up.


Well that's just stupid.

Sekto Springs 05-28-2012 05:13 PM



Well that's just stupid.
Welcome to fandom.

Nepsotic 05-28-2012 05:23 PM

Anyway, I watched the first two episodes of season two, and, while they were brilliant, I feel they could have been.much better. I think with all the opposite personalities, it lacked emotion. And I think in those two episodes they had an opportunity to create something really sad, but it wasn't siezed. I like a good sad episode once in a while.

Havoc 05-28-2012 06:40 PM

It's really creepy how this fad is actually turning people into bronies...

enchilado 05-28-2012 06:47 PM

Not me, thank goodness. I watched one of the videos that was posted here and it was fucking awful.

Sekto Springs 05-28-2012 06:57 PM


Anyway, I watched the first two episodes of season two, and, while they were brilliant, I feel they could have been.much better. I think with all the opposite personalities, it lacked emotion. And I think in those two episodes they had an opportunity to create something really sad, but it wasn't siezed. I like a good sad episode once in a while.

Your opinion is irrelevant because John De Lancie.

Wings of Fire 05-28-2012 07:15 PM


Your opinion is irrelevant because John De Lancie.

So good he made portions of Torchwood: Miracle Day somehow watchable.

enchilado 05-28-2012 08:35 PM

Fucking Torchwood. Most overrated TV show I've ever seen.

T-nex 05-28-2012 10:22 PM


It's really creepy how this fad is actually turning people into bronies...

Lol your avatar fits then, doesnt it? :p

Despite having watched two seasons i still not a brony... x_x

Sekto Springs 05-28-2012 10:36 PM

That's because you're a girl. My Little Pony isn't for girls, Nikki. You should know better. :dodgy:

Nepsotic 05-28-2012 11:26 PM

I'm now a fan, I wouldn't call myself a brony because that word seems to be for little girls. Bronies are always gonna have a bad rep because when somebody has the word BRONY on them, people instantly know that they love my little pony, and they are branded with the word FAG across the forehead. Which is offensive to Bronies and gays alike. So even though I love the show as much as a brony, and I admit I am one, I still wouldn't refer to myself as a 'brony'.

Crashpunk 05-29-2012 03:03 AM

Brony isn't a word used for little girls. It's a word to describe guys who like MLP, Hence the 'Bro'

AND before you start, you don't have to be a MLP fan to know that, It's kinda obvious.

Mudokon_Master 05-29-2012 03:49 AM

People don't care at school that I actively watch and participate in MLP discussion.
I'm also collecting the figurines - I have Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, my favourite so far.
I guess I'm a brony.

Strike Witch 05-29-2012 04:01 AM


The show has covered bullying, political unrest, kidnapping/hostage situations, insanity, betrayal, black magic, terrorism, and racism.

If MLP does those then so does Ninja Fucking Turtles.

MeechMunchie 05-29-2012 04:45 AM

Considering it's a title with three entirely literal descriptors vitally important to the premise of the show, you should really be careful inserting "Fucking" into it. It conjures up disturbing images.

Strike Witch 05-29-2012 06:04 AM

Ninja Fucking Turtles is a mature show for mature adults like myself!

enchilado 05-29-2012 06:15 AM

Mmm, get a load of that carapace.

Nepsotic 05-29-2012 08:02 AM


Brony isn't a word used for little girls. It's a word to describe guys who like MLP, Hence the 'Bro'

AND before you start, you don't have to be a MLP fan to know that, It's kinda obvious.

I do know what it means, thats why I accepted that I am one, I was just saying that the word'brony' doesn't sound particularly manly.

AND before you start, I know thats rich coming from a guy who watches a show intended for little girls. (actually, you'll be surprised to know that the shows creators have awknowladged (is that right?) the 'bronies' and the show has a subtle adult side to it as well.)

Crashpunk 05-29-2012 09:02 AM

Yeah your right, That is rich.

Nepsotic 05-29-2012 09:20 AM

Come on though, you understand where I'm coming from? I mean, 'Brony'. Ugh

Sekto Springs 05-29-2012 09:32 AM


Brony isn't a word used for little girls. It's a word to describe guys who like MLP, Hence the 'Bro'
The term is unisex, actually, but only because "pegasisters" takes too long to say.

Havoc 05-29-2012 10:19 AM

Both words makes me want to beat someone with a bat.

Manco 05-29-2012 10:23 AM

I agree with Havoc.

“Bronies” is pretty much the catch-all term for the nolifers of the fandom as far as I’m concerned.