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Mac Sirloin 08-25-2009 10:31 AM


I'm not bad at Resi 5, if you were looking for someone who isn't a complete fucktard to play with :D Been playing the series since it first came out, and I can safely say that I've run through most of the games with just the handgun and knife. Haven't had the chance to do a handgun-run with 5 yet though, been too busy preparing for my visit to Moscow.

The AI is, indeed, retarded. I give Sheva a nice AK-74 and what does she do? Continues to use the fucking handgun. Doesn't really help against Uroboros, the stupid tart.

And yes, get GTA 4!!! The game physics are brilliant and the missions are awesome superfun.

I don't have it any more. I played through it a few times before getting completely sick of the same shit over and over.

The poor AI was probably programmed poorly to motivate people to get Live.

I hate Microsoft so fucking much.


Get GTA. The single player will not disappoint, and the multiplayer is occasionally fun.

I'm replaying Mass Effect.

Yeah, GTA's going to be the way to go. It's really cheap, too.

AlexFili 08-25-2009 11:08 AM

I feel the need to play the Oddworld games again, namely MO and SW. I'll check out Flashpoint since I haven't played many oddworld-style games.

Godfather on the PSP was quite fun, it had like a board-game style conquest mode where you took turns capturing each others territory... I found it quite rewarding. Storymode was reasonably deep as well, for a third person game.

I'm just waiting for Scribblenauts and a few other games now. Right now I'm taking it easy by playing Rocky Balboa on my PSP and a few retro games.

Mac Sirloin 08-26-2009 03:31 PM

Alright, I have GTA IV. If you own it, and have Live, let's do some free play.

I like riding around in the little Airport-lawnmowers more than the helicopters.

shaman 08-26-2009 03:33 PM

I have literally just completed AO. This is the first time i have ever completed it.


OANST 08-26-2009 03:34 PM

I'm going to buy Batman: Arkham Asylum tonight.

Rich 08-26-2009 03:35 PM


I have literally just completed AO. This is the first time i have ever completed it.


About time dude. Did you save all 99 Mudokons?

I'm currently playing AE, just got through Slig Barracks.

shaman 08-26-2009 03:37 PM

No, i saved 60 something Mudokons, I recently completed AE killing all the mudokons.

I enjoyed that the most.

Anonyman! 08-26-2009 05:46 PM


Alright, I have GTA IV. If you own it, and have Live, let's do some free play.

I like riding around in the little Airport-lawnmowers more than the helicopters.

I find myself driving around in those things, randomly shooting people, and screaming GROVE STREET 4 LIFE at my television screen. Whether I'm online or not.

Xavier 08-27-2009 12:48 AM

Coincidence... I'm playing gta4 again at the moment trying to get the last offline achievements I was missing

Mac Sirloin 08-27-2009 10:39 PM


I find myself driving around in those things, randomly shooting people, and screaming GROVE STREET 4 LIFE at my television screen. Whether I'm online or not.

Oh god this would be awesome.

On a half-assed related note, my sister and I were driving around wednesday night yelling "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOW" (Spaceship going by quickly noise) at people.

AlienMagi 08-27-2009 11:43 PM

I love playing Team Fortress 2, GTA IV, GTA San Andreas, Overlord II, TES 4 Oblivion, Prototype, and I would love to play Fable 2 and Halo 3 if only they were for the PC.

moxco 08-28-2009 12:09 AM


I love playing Team Fortress 2

Wow. I don't think anyone on these forums have heard of that game before. Please explain more!

MeechMunchie 08-28-2009 05:59 AM

That's why I don't post in these threads. People will have heard of everything before.

Fuzzle King 08-28-2009 06:05 AM

Who cares if someone has heard of the game you are playing?
I've started playing a little-known game called Oddworld: Abes Exoddus.

MeechMunchie 08-28-2009 06:10 AM

Because I don't want to bore and annoy people.

OANST 08-28-2009 07:59 AM

Batman is great. There's a lot of detective work going on in the game, which is something that the movies and games have always failed at. Also, the Scarecrow areas. Dear lord, the Scarecrow areas.

Fuzzle King 08-28-2009 11:39 AM


Because I don't want to bore and annoy people.

What so we cant state old "known" games that we are playing in a thread called 'what are you playing right now' , because it might bore and annoy people?
I not trying to be nasty or anything but i find that reason a little pointless.


Batman is great. There's a lot of detective work going on in the game, which is something that the movies and games have always failed at. Also, the Scarecrow areas. Dear lord, the Scarecrow areas.

I'm looking forward to renting this,after loving the demo.

skillyaslig 08-28-2009 08:22 PM

Was playing Turok before. I do like the raptors, especially when they fly out of holes and attack. XD
Also, played Plants Vs Zombies on the computer last night. Bloody Zombies, get off my lawn!

Fuzzle King 08-29-2009 04:04 AM

Thats not the latest remake of turok is it?

Jordan 08-29-2009 11:58 AM

I've been playing Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for a while. It's quite fun.
Also maybe starting Chrono Trigger DS again.

Wings of Fire 08-29-2009 12:00 PM

The only huge problem I had with Oracle of Seasons/Ages was that fucking bear. Aaaand a few fake difficulty minigames you have to clear. One being on the island in Ages seems to spring to mind.

OANST 08-29-2009 12:08 PM

The dialog in Batman: AA is fantastic. For instance, after Joker has taken over the island, he makes a lot of announcements to his goons. The best one is "Now remember, there is only one rule that you absolutely must follow while on my island. Failure to follow this rule will result in death, no ifs ands or buts about it. And the best thing about this rule? It's a secret!".

joshkrz 08-29-2009 04:54 PM

I have been playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Saints Row 2, Crash Bandicoot 2 and a bit of Time Splitters 2.

Mac Sirloin 08-30-2009 03:04 PM

I downloaded Angry Barry, Battlefield 1943 and Banjo Tooie.

The former two are fucking terrible.

Angry Barry is kind of funny at first, but once you realize that A) It's not about killing the enemies, it's about getting to the end of the level and B) It's impossible to beat a level without killing absolutely everything to avoid dying it loses all of the fun.

Battlefield 1943 just generally sucks.

Banjo Tooie is great, though.

Fuzzle King 08-31-2009 04:52 AM

Finished Resi 5 the other day.Brilliant game, loved it. Hopefully my friend will play through with me on professional.(i ended up playing on my own the first time round)

AlexFili 08-31-2009 04:55 AM

Plants VS Zombies is very fun. I quite like playing Dungeon Maker 2 on my PSP at the moment. Hoping to try the Metroid Prime Trilogy sometime soon too.

Phylum 08-31-2009 04:59 AM

Quake 2 on hard. 'Tis surprisingly easy. I have been playing alot of Quake Live lately, though.

Oh, and I'm kinda also playing Quake live, now that I mention it.

Ridg3 08-31-2009 06:40 AM

At the minute I'm playing Castle Crashers, Lost Oddysey, FFVII and Halo PC. The latter is just used for testing maps that I'm making.

AlienMagi 08-31-2009 07:41 AM

Tribes Vengeance and still Team fortress 2

Xavier 08-31-2009 07:45 AM

Playing Prince of Persia, it's a nice game but a bit too easy and the combats feel weird