Hm... I actually wonder... Would it be sensible to buy some ponies now, and see if they increase in value in time due to Bronies never going un-brony? :p
T-Nex Nooo! Stay with me!
Just a matter of time before we get you too, Chris. Just a matter of time.
Lol? No Im simply looking at this from a profitable standpoint.. You know... in every apocalypse, someone has to profit somehow.
Ponies will never get me! |
If you have ponies, you ARE ponies!
Or... Something to that effect. |
You'll never take Chris alive, he's staying un-ponied damn it! >=C
http://pinkie.ponychan.net/chan/file...3743658669.png Just look at those big round eyes and cheeks! |
Honestly I dont find the ponies that cute... Like yea they are cute... but too... girly.
Im more into the anime style/asian style cuteness. So Ponies still having nothing on me :D Yeeehaaaw! Don't worry Crashpunk, I'll protect you! But if it was a death or alive situation, Id sacrifice you to the ponies anytime! muahahahha! |
I'll find a good one... Just you wait...
Suddenly I have flashbacks to my best friend's little sister's birthday party. I was 9, she was 6 and thought I was the best thing in the world. So she invited me.
Now imagine her party. A circle of tiny girls playing pass-the-parcel, and a glum-looking boy about a foot higher sitting there, conical party hat tilted. So. Much. Pink. SO. MUCH. MY LITTLE PONY. And it wasn't even "cool" modern MLP. Everything, just everything... ponies. I snuck out to play with my friend later. |
Did you still have the sideburns and moustache back then?
No, but thanks to memories being 90% artificial reconstruction, I sure as hell will from now on.
Yea right... you were probably born with them!
They were born first. They’re his older brothers.
They're symbiotes. When I die, they'll detatch and find a new host.
Before me, they were bound to Ray Dorset. |
So you've essentially got parasites stuck on your face.
Symbiotes. It's good thing Bullet Magnet isn't here, he'd go textbook on your ass.
I'm going to google that. Stuff like that intrigues me.
EDIT: Ah, it means companion. Dissappointing. I like stuff like parasites, I thought thats sort of what you meant. On a pony-related note, I'm sick of the cutie mark crusaders episodes. A one-offs OK, but theres been about four now! |
The Cutie-mark Crusaders are major players in the series. It's on par with Simpsons episodes about Bart and/or Lisa. And not unlike The Simpsons, those episodes are often weaker.
There's a lot of character potential in the CMC's. Especially Scootaloo, as she's the only filly whose family has yet to make an appearance. A common misconception is that she's related to Rainbow Dash, especially since the other two are related to respective members of the Mane Six. The truth is, no one knows anything about Scootaloo's family, which has led to speculation that she comes from an abusive home. |
Is it just me, or is Phylum's avatar just slightly the wrong shade of aqua?
EDIT: Am I going mad, or did he just fix it in the last five minutes? |
Um, ok. That's actually exactly right.
I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of my avatar. For a few minutes it was this. http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/1180/phylum.png Rather than http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3733/avatarvz.gif EDIT: That's still not the avatar I've had for the past year. It was a larger version of this. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5088/suitcolour.png That is the earliest iteration of the blue square, only slightly older than my current avatar, which is also my Facebook profile picture. |
I can see the pony.
However, that's all irrelevant, and I don't know about pony symbiosis. |
How do they get away with it? A careful balance of humor and subtlety. They present it in such a way that isn't too severe, and consequently, it can remain a kids' show. I'm not even suggesting they'll cover familial abuse in the show, but if they did, they could probably find a way to get away with it. A general rule for childrens' media is that you can make it about whatever you want as long as you couch it in enough music and magical absurdity. |
And make sure that it has a happy ending. What annoys me about the show is that the solution to a lot of things just seems to be Twilight going "Ooh, I'll just use my *so and so* spell!".
Like when she conveniently 'remembers' Rarity's gem finding spell. And by the way,.is it just my screen or is the pony in Phylum's avatar gone? |
Again, that's the consequence of a kid's show. Often times they don't have enough time to create a genuine conflict and fit in a resolution that isn't a hamfisted deus ex machina.
They got a bit better about it as the series progressed though. In season 2, Princess Molestia makes all of the Mane Six write to her, as opposed to just Twilight, so the solution doesn't always have to fall on her. |