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Nepsotic 06-23-2012 04:04 PM

Woman in Black. Don't know what all the hype was about,not a film I'd rewatch, although it wasn't terrible. Not at all scary, just a bit jumpy at times, acting wasn't awful, but wasn't great either. The biggest dissappointment, though, was the ending, has this massive build up, then nothing, just ends. So anticlimactic. The characters have no depth or personality whatsoever and they need a new guy who chooses the camera angles.
Final verdict: A rushed, unfinished, unoriginal, cliched ghost story with no climax and poor camera shots, and although it has a few good moments and scares, not a noteworthy or original ghost film. 5/10.

Anyone seen it?

Wings of Fire 06-23-2012 04:06 PM

I saw the vastly superior play and BBC television series.

Sekto Springs 06-23-2012 04:16 PM

Somehow I knew anything Daniel Radcliffe signed onto after Harry Potter would be forgettable trash.

AlexFili 06-24-2012 01:47 AM


Wall-E was awesome, but did run on for a bit too long. I felt like there should've been more Earth shenanigans and less fat people.

Felt good to me. Don't know how you can say those movies run on for too long? If anything they're too short. Most are only 1h10m-1h30m.

GLaDOS 06-24-2012 08:52 AM

Watched Top Cat at the Cinemas today. I was very disappointed, the animation looked cheap and it was some blend of cartoon and CGI. The story line was weak aswell. Also finished watching all off the Adventure Time episodes to date, there's a new one out tomorrow and then there's Season 5 in progress. My favourite episode would be Hug Wolf/Enchiridon. Also starting to watch Silent Hill, Nepsotic lent it me, I meant to watch it sooner but had no time, its okay so far.

Crashpunk 06-24-2012 10:41 AM


I saw the vastly superior play and BBC television series.

Agreed. I watched the original Woman in Black TV series in English back at school. It was really good.

Mac Sirloin 06-24-2012 10:43 AM

HAhaHa, they made a Top Cat movie? No way.


Well shit.


The film was release in cinemas as Top Cat: The Movie in the United Kingdom through Vertigo Films in June 1, 2012.
Wow. No release in Canada or The States yet, but...

(wait for it)

The movie has become one of the most successful Mexican movies ever; in its 5th week it had earned 108 million pesos
So India has Dabangg which cost about a million billion rupees to make and doubled that in its first hour. I highly recommend Dabangg.

Mexico has Top Cat The Movie

Which has the same animation quality as a commercial for Honey Nut Cheerios. And without actually bothering to do any calculation I decree that these are per-capita equivalents.

Picture a box. It's dusty and old and spackled with graffiti and salsa, taco shells line the streets. The crack of fireworks thunder nearby. To escape from the heat and phosphorous, you enter the box through a curtain protected doorway. Inside is dark and cool but you feel comfortable. The popping of children blowing their faces off dwindles in the darkness. Your feet find mottled shag carpet, and after an eternity a box office gently lights into view ahead. There is no attendant, nothing but an old pile of dust and a copy of LOS TACOS MUCHACHOS magazine, your favourite quarterly. You reach through, pick up the magazine and a slip of paper falls out. It's a ticket that reads Don Gato y su Pandilla: EL MOVIE. A shuffling noise behind you bringsyour gaze upon a snackbar materializing out of the din. A plastic container of nachos and a large soft drink dripping with condensation await you and your sudden hunger and thirst. You shovel a cheesy pile of nachos into your mouth and enjoy the hearty, gravy-like coolness of Salsa Soda. The way to the theatre opens and you wander into the darkness again, warmed by nacho cheese and fueled with savoury soda. You come upon a dimly lit door with a steel outcropping on it. You feed your ticket into the machine and the door unlocks. You're sure you've walked the length of the box several times over before a brilliant white light momentarily blinds you and nachos spill on the floor. A shielding hand reveals that you're standing in front of the screen. You can't tell where a free seat is and movie away from the screen, but the blinding light constantly seems to fill your eyes. You stumble around disoriented and tumble into a seat. In the dark of the theatre you can't tell who the people sitting next to you are but you quickly forget about them as the movie starts. As it progresses, you notice the characters seeming to steal glances at the camera once in awhile, darting there eyes right or left for a split second. The score descends into a series of hollow tones and banging noises and the animation quality deteriorates rapidly around the 3rd act. You notice that Top Cat has all but disappeared from the film. The other characters all look off model and their voices warble and morph in your ears. And without conclusion, the movie stops and the lights come on. The crowd is quiet, and you finally look to your right and AAAAAAH A SKELETON!

Steamer_KING 06-24-2012 10:54 AM

Wings of Fire 06-24-2012 03:14 PM

I recently bought the first season of Twin Peaks and Breaking Bad. I watched the first couple of episodes of Twin Peaks tonight, I liked it a lot.

Man did Deadly Premonitions crib off the setting a lot.

Mr. Bungle 06-24-2012 05:43 PM

Breaking Bad is fantastic, one of my favourite shows ever. You'll probably like it. Or not, I don't know your taste in TV really. Other than that you like Anime and the Simpsons.

Nepsotic 06-24-2012 05:50 PM

I checked out Drawn Together after hearing Twilight was in it. An original show, I'll probably get into it.

Strike Witch 06-24-2012 06:21 PM


I checked out Drawn Together after hearing Twilight was in it. An original show, I'll probably get into it.

Her name is TARA STRONG you stupid fuck.

Wings of Fire 06-24-2012 07:05 PM


Breaking Bad is fantastic, one of my favourite shows ever. You'll probably like it. Or not, I don't know your taste in TV really. Other than that you like Anime and the Simpsons.

I very rarely dislike critically acclaimed dramas (My taste in comedy is slightly off kilter, but dark comedy is always a winner) and Bryan Cranston was by far my favourite actor in Malcom in the Middle

Mac Sirloin 06-24-2012 07:29 PM


I checked out Drawn Together after hearing Twilight was in it. An original show, I'll probably get into it.



Her name is TARA STRONG you stupid fuck.


Drawn Together is pretty outstandingly terrible. Is that the word you meant? Terrible?

I watched Hobo With a Shotgun. Again. It's still pretty much the best.

Sekto Springs 06-24-2012 07:47 PM

Yeah. Drawn Together is kind of bad. It was too gratuitous, which normally I would like, but they did it in the laziest way possible.

Nepsotic 06-24-2012 11:41 PM

It doesn't look that bad, mind you, I've only seen 'Best Of' clips.

Her name is TARA STRONG you stupid fuck.


Mac Sirloin 06-25-2012 12:08 AM

Did I miss the OANSTing of thise oaf or something seriously he justs keeps fucking getting WORSE.

Sekto Springs 06-25-2012 12:31 AM

Is an OANSTing the equivalent of a Grinching?

Steamer_KING 06-25-2012 12:55 AM


Is an OANSTing the equivalent of a Grinching?



Mac Sirloin 06-25-2012 01:09 AM


Is an OANSTing the equivalent of a Grinching?

In this instance it's a forum event that nips folks like Abe619 and his vore in the bud

Nepsotic 06-25-2012 07:51 AM

But... I'm not a bud anymore. I don't think.

OANST 06-25-2012 08:07 AM

I'm trying to ignore the Nepsotic thing outside of that travesty of a thread.

I saw a few great movies over the weekend. First, I watched Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. What a horrific, disturbing piece of trash. I haven't seen so much filth and depravity on screen since I watched Pink Flamingos. John Waters would be so proud of them. And by the way, I'm complimenting them. Everyone should see this movie. It is terribly terrible, and good.

I then watched Thirst, a Korean vampire movie. Holy shit was that good! And I'm not being facetious. It starts off a little slow, but by the time the vampire is having an extremely uncomfortable three way with his girlfriend, and the soaking wet ghost of her husband that he killed by drowning I realized that I was watching one of the greatest horror films of all time.

Mr. Bungle 06-25-2012 09:46 AM


It doesn't look that bad, mind you, I've only seen 'Best Of' clips.


It's pretty bad, man. Just watch an episode on YouTube or something and you'll probably be turned off it. Unless you like bad TV.

Been watching episodes of Seinfeld. I don't know why, but I can't stop. They're mesmerizing.

Sekto Springs 06-25-2012 09:50 AM

Drawn Together appeals to the most low brow demographic of comedy cartoon fans. People used to think the same of South Park, but South Park actually has twice the heart and twice the brains of Drawn Together.

Mac Sirloin 06-25-2012 10:29 AM

Drawn Together is just Adam Sandler in flash.

Sekto Springs 06-25-2012 10:45 AM

It's actually not Flash, but yes, it is very Sandler-esque in it's "humor".

OANST 06-25-2012 10:48 AM

As long as you erase Punch Drunk Love, which is a fantastic movie, then yeah. I agree with that. Drawn Together was terrible.

Sekto Springs 06-25-2012 10:50 AM

Punch Drunk Love wasn't actually one of his movies though. He was just in it.

Mr. Bungle 06-25-2012 10:51 AM

I liked him in Reign Over Me. Only because he was only a little bit silly in it.

OANST 06-25-2012 10:51 AM

Fair enough. I just like getting to talk about it. I adore that movie.