Phylum, Wrath of the Lamb is 50p (or its equivalent in bushmeat).
Oh, right.
I sort of want to buy Thief. Anyone think of any reasons why I should/n't? |
Thief can be difficult to get working on Vista and Windows 7, if you have one of these prepare for some hassle getting it to run. It's pretty hit and miss whether it wants to run on any particular computer or not though, so you might get it working straight away.
The Steam version is apparently especially bad for this issue although there are workarounds here. |
Yeah, the only reasons not to buy any Thief game are compatibility problems. And poor graphics/animations, but that'd be pretty weird thing to dislike that old game series for
Thief games are fucking great, go buy them! |
Thief is so epic. Shame about the lack of compatibility, at least it's inspired many future games (Bioshock / Dishonored etc). Got the Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC, since I really really want to force myself to download it (have the game but have been too lazy/busy to play it) xD
If you don't have multiple computers I suggest having dual/triple/quad boot depending on how many OS you want. I need to experiment sometime and see if I can get Thief to run on Wine in Linux Mint. |
Just got Bastion. I tried out the demo not to long ago and I was waiting for it to go to -75%. I thought it was amazing and I can't wait to play the full game.
And as for Magicka, my PC can't run it :/ |
Hey, does anybody want a free steam key for a game Gish? It's one of the older games created by EdmundMcMillen, who's responsible for Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy. The game itself it's about a ball of tar, here's a screenshot: It's a physics-based platform-sorta-game. It doesn't feature ponies. |
Sure, I'll take it :)
Sent via PM
I never could quite grasp Gish.
Maybe it's because he was a ball of tar! But seriously, the controls were really awkward. I've only played a few minutes of it and it was just outright frustrating. |
I quite liked the controls from the point I learned the proper way to jump. That changed everything to me
IMO the Gish is awesome. |
Apparently there was an error on Steam that made Sleeping Dogs -91% off.
And I missed it... |
I haven't seen anything like it and I checked store page frequently, it was max -75% If I recall correctly
Yeah that 91% sale appeared for like a minute but I don't think you could actually buy it, my friend tried to but it gave him an error at the checkout.
Seems like I'm in a generous mood, so I can give away a Steam key for following games from Humble Bundle #2:
Braid Machinarium Osmos Revenge of the Titans Each one is awesome and I recommend it. |
Could I have Machinarium please? I've been considering getting it anyway.
I cannot give it separately. Let's wait, and if nobody wants more than one game from the pack, it will be yours :)
PS: I remember I still owe you a game, MM ._. Don't you really want anything? |
Ah, I see, you're giving away the games as a whole, I thought you meant you had a key for each. No matter then.
It's going to waste if I don't give it to someone anyway
I already have Braid, but if someone doesn't want all four, may I?
There he goes again. Always clawing away.
I've sent out another billion copies of DOTA 2, so check your inventories. I'd appreciate it if those who already have a copy would activate it so they don't show up in the list of people who need one. |
@Vyrien and Steamer_KING
Would you mind getting non-steam (no DRM) copies? This way I'd give you links and WoF would receive the Steam Key? |
I wouldn't mind at all. Thanks very much.
Thanks man! |
Ok, I need to make me feel even more as a good person...
Does anybody want a Binding of Isaac (+DLC) Steam Key? |
I'd feel wrong taking it just for the DLC after I missed the 50p sale, but if noone else wants it I'll claim it.