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Mac Sirloin 08-16-2009 08:59 PM


I´m down to playing FFTA2 to entertain me during my holiday.

Tis awesomegood.

I asked a friend of mine if that was worth getting. He went on a tangent about how much better Disgeaeaeaasyeta(fuck this) was and shit. I decided I'd get Disgaya DS but didn't because of the box art and not wanting to blow 100 days of my life on a fucking DS game. I ended up buying neither.

Strike Witch 08-17-2009 12:06 AM

Disgaea is a great game, way deeper then FFTA, and with a more comical storyline and tons of cool shit.

EVP_Glukkon 08-17-2009 12:19 AM

Right now?
- Abe's Exoddus on Steam
- Unreal Tournament 04

Thinking about re-installing my Ghost Recon collection again...

Fuzzle King 08-17-2009 04:12 AM

I bought Splosion Man. Its HIGHLY addictive and very fun.

alf's brother's mate 08-17-2009 04:14 AM

I need a new game.

Re-playing old games is becoming distressingly boring.


Wings of Fire 08-17-2009 01:26 PM


I asked a friend of mine if that was worth getting. He went on a tangent about how much better Disgeaeaeaasyeta(fuck this) was and shit. I decided I'd get Disgaya DS but didn't because of the box art and not wanting to blow 100 days of my life on a fucking DS game. I ended up buying neither.

I still think Tactics Advance has the better story and the infamous broken aesop, but TA2 is so damn fun. New classes are good and finding a dozen new ways of breaking the game is always cool.

Mac Sirloin 08-17-2009 02:55 PM


Disgaea is a great game, way deeper then FFTA, and with a more comical storyline and tons of cool shit.

I'm not saying it's bad. I just hated listening to him drone on about it, and din't want to start deciating conversations to the subject.

I'm playing through Metal Arms: Glitch in the System now. It's alright for a 3rd person shooter, but it's really hard.

Daxter King 08-18-2009 12:50 AM

Metal Arms is such a good game. Its probably one of the only games I've bought twice, once for the Cube and then for the Xbox.

mr.odd 08-18-2009 12:20 PM

Playing a mix of COD WAW and FO3. I got the 3rd map pack for COD, mostly for Nazi zombies. I also got mother ship Zeta and operation Anchorage for FO3.

Mac Sirloin 08-18-2009 02:20 PM


Metal Arms is such a good game. Its probably one of the only games I've bought twice, once for the Cube and then for the Xbox.

Same here. I got to the part where you have to turn the Valve in the Zombot area but didn't know where it was, returned it, and got it again on Xbox a couple years ago. I want to beat it on Nuts of Steel now.

Hazel-Rah 08-23-2009 01:08 AM

I'm playing...

MGS4 on the boss extreme.

Making another level on LBP.

Playing through Shenmue for the third time, haven't played it in a long time and am feeling very nostalgic towards it lately, I'm going to collect everything this time around toys, scrolls, etc. I'm just going to play through it as SLOWLY as possible it's my fav game :)

Josh 08-23-2009 10:02 AM

I'm playing Spore.
http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/monkeyspark , if you care.

Fuzzle King 08-23-2009 11:00 AM

Bought trials HD on live arcade. Also the all fronts pack for gears 2 about a week and a bit ago, which is very good. The deleted scene is a bit...bland i suppose,but the online is sweet. The pack is great value for money considering what you get in it compared to buying the map packs seperately.

Psychocath 08-23-2009 11:24 AM

Alternating between GTA 4, Tenchu Z, Armored Core 4 and Command and Conquer Red Alert 3.

Fuzzle King 08-23-2009 11:47 AM

O i liked tenchu Z, when i rented it a while ago. A little repetitive, though.

Psychocath 08-23-2009 11:52 AM

Yeah, it is a bit. Still, it's fun to drag all of the guards away from their buddies and gut them, heh.

Fuzzle King 08-24-2009 04:17 AM

Have you done the mission ...17 i think, when you gotta follow someone through a town? Thats annoying.

ON TOPIC : bought resident evil 5, just started playing it.

Mac Sirloin 08-24-2009 07:10 AM


Have you done the mission ...17 i think, when you gotta follow someone through a town? Thats annoying.

ON TOPIC : bought resident evil 5, just started playing it.

Resi 5 is fun until you basically get the infinite weapons that make you unto a god.

Lol Hydra.

OANST 08-24-2009 07:15 AM

I'm playing Shadow Complex. I have 94 percent of the items, but the last 6 percent is giving me a fucking brain aneurysm. I think that I know where they are. I just can't figure out how to get to them.

Psychocath 08-24-2009 07:58 AM

@Fuzzle King: Yeah, stalking Echigoya through town is bloody annoying. Hard to get a perfect rank on that mission, too.

And yeah, Resi 5 is fun until the whole 'infinite ammo' thing is unlocked.

Mac Sirloin 08-24-2009 08:02 AM


And yeah, Resi 5 is fun until the whole 'infinite ammo' thing is unlocked.

Resi 5 is only fun when you have a competent online partner. People without mic's are okay if they know what they're doing, but usually it's easier to use the Retarded AI.

Fuzzle King 08-24-2009 10:42 AM

I do have a mate who has done the game and is willing to play with me, so it shouldnt be too bad. I think i will enjoy it.

Mac Sirloin 08-24-2009 04:30 PM

It will be fun the first play through, and unlocking some of the stuff is fun too, but it gets old.

I'm going to pick up GTA IV in the next few days. I was considering getting the ROTF game (Breakaway :D) but apparently it's no good.

Anonyman! 08-24-2009 05:50 PM

Get GTA. The single player will not disappoint, and the multiplayer is occasionally fun.

I'm replaying Mass Effect.

Psychocath 08-24-2009 06:12 PM


Resi 5 is only fun when you have a competent online partner. People without mic's are okay if they know what they're doing, but usually it's easier to use the Retarded AI.

I'm not bad at Resi 5, if you were looking for someone who isn't a complete fucktard to play with :D Been playing the series since it first came out, and I can safely say that I've run through most of the games with just the handgun and knife. Haven't had the chance to do a handgun-run with 5 yet though, been too busy preparing for my visit to Moscow.

The AI is, indeed, retarded. I give Sheva a nice AK-74 and what does she do? Continues to use the fucking handgun. Doesn't really help against Uroboros, the stupid tart.

And yes, get GTA 4!!! The game physics are brilliant and the missions are awesome superfun.

Phylum 08-25-2009 01:22 AM

N+ for the DS.

My cousin and I are racing each other through it, even though he started a month before me....

Fuzzle King 08-25-2009 01:40 AM

Four leaf clover's the best mission in GTA i think.

MeechMunchie 08-25-2009 06:08 AM

I just finished Trilby's Notes. Creepiest freeware I've played in a long time.

OANST 08-25-2009 07:40 AM

I beat Shadow Complex with 100 percent last night. It really is a fantastic game. I recommend.

dripik 08-25-2009 08:02 AM


Four leaf clover's the best mission in GTA i think.

That's probably the only mission before which I go "Oh no...", but I complete it anyway.

Currently playing The Godfather Game. Yeah, I know, it has faults, but it's fun to a certain limit. Otherwise, some AoE2, Bully and the classic Gearhead Garage. The latter is awfully short though...