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Fez 04-24-2004 12:06 AM

Halo 2 Weekly Update

Fez 04-25-2004 06:46 AM

It mentions Elites reloading in the link above. May I point out they mean Needlers, there is still no "reloading" of plasma weapons.

Xavier 04-25-2004 10:38 AM

thanx a bunch ferill!
I love those weekly information

Al the Vykker 04-26-2004 03:37 PM

Maybe it will show how the Covenant are able to reload plasma weapons. I recall saying that the Covenant were able to, but the humans had not discovered yet a way to recharge the energy cell in the weapons.

Fez 04-27-2004 08:48 AM

Its a very interesting thought.

Fuzzles! 04-27-2004 08:56 AM

Wow that was awesome, thanks for the update ferill!!!!!!!!!! It's torture waiting for some of these games!!

Fez 04-27-2004 08:58 AM

It's not 'arf......

Esus 04-27-2004 10:16 AM

Maybe the reloading is refering to merely placing a new battery in a plasma weapon, once the old one has finally run out (which doesn't happen too often with enemies).

Al the Vykker 04-27-2004 04:16 PM


Maybe the reloading is refering to merely placing a new battery in a plasma weapon, once the old one has finally run out (which doesn't happen too often with enemies).

Yeah thats what I was going for in my post. :fuzsmile:

Fuzzles! 04-28-2004 04:41 AM


Maybe the reloading is refering to merely placing a new battery in a plasma weapon, once the old one has finally run out (which doesn't happen too often with enemies).

I don't think I've ever seen that happen!!! At least, not in Halo.

Hobo 04-28-2004 06:15 AM

As if the updates wern't enough: http://enkidu.bungie.org/index.html

What I've established so far is that enkidu is an AI and the lebanon is his ship. Yes.

Fez 04-29-2004 08:29 AM

Is that stuff official?

Hobo 04-29-2004 08:39 AM

Yes. Look at the URL silly.

Fez 04-29-2004 08:45 AM

It's weird....

Hobo 04-29-2004 08:49 AM

Yes. But hidden clues lurk within, hopefully

Fez 04-29-2004 08:50 AM

I looks like it came stright out of the game "Marathon", that was a great game, the MA5 assault rifle was cool......

Xavier 04-29-2004 10:39 AM


Yes. Look at the URL silly.

it's on www.bungie.org (fan site)
not on www.bungie.net (which is the official site)

Hobo 04-29-2004 10:52 AM

Thanks for correcting me Xav. *tips hat*

Xavier 05-01-2004 05:54 AM

Halo 2 Weekly update:

Esus 05-01-2004 05:59 AM


Buddman has been working on another top-secret character
Great Update!

Fez 05-03-2004 02:45 AM

Thanx for putting that up Xav, I wasnt sure I could make it.

Great update was that.....

Fez 05-03-2004 06:42 AM

some new stuff on the covenant, its official too.

Jakals with Needlers, shiet.

Covenant Primer

Fez 05-03-2004 07:52 AM


a few new Halo 2 pics, scroll down abit.

Mojo 05-03-2004 02:04 PM


Seems I was right about Jackals getting Needlers!

Hobo 05-03-2004 10:13 PM

They're ugly bastards arn't they?

Fez 05-04-2004 08:46 AM

Remind you of anyone Hobo?

Esus 05-04-2004 09:18 AM

I hope they make jackals and scouts and snipers they were destined to be.
Though I prefer their Halo look. In Halo2 they're making all the creatures more monstrous.

Fez 05-04-2004 09:39 AM

Thats good. The Jakals role as scout wasnt givin to it very well, i hope they do something about it. Where did you hear they were snipers?

Esus 05-04-2004 10:23 AM

I think I assumed they would be snipers after reading about their exceptional eyesight in the Halo book...

Mojo 05-04-2004 11:45 AM

Hmm... Then they wouldn't be really Snipers. I mean, with good eyesight you could kill a man, who is, like 500 meters away, with a Sniper Rifle, or just a Pistol. So they wouldn't have to carry a Sniper Rifle, thus making them ordinary Infantry. Like they are now. In the game, they are REALLY accurate. Well, when they shoot anyway. In Easy, they're just stupid, and walk to the wrong direction, and shtuff...