I just saw that vid, kinda cute I guess, I wanna hear the old voice though, I love to find cut content of things. =)
She must be in it later on, no? I'm only on episode 10 or 11 at the moment.
EDIT: Speedy shit! |
She's thee extra.
EDIT: Oh sorry, guess I was a little late to the "party" and responded to posts that were 2 pages ago without noticing they weren't recent 'cause I'm tired. Oops. My advice may still stand, though:
Guys, I know it's hard, but just ignore Sheridanm when he posts poorly, or you'll give him gratification for doing it simply by arguing with him or even by acknowledging what he posts, unless he posts something that was actually funny or contributed in a positive way to a discussion. He won't learn anything about how to become a better poster this way, 'cause when people start arguing over stuff that means very little, it's a slippery slope. |
I genuinely think Sheridamn's beyond help. Let's just get his rep power down to zero so he's fully incapable of expressing his opinions, then all block him. If everyone blocks him, you don't need to worry about missing half of a conversation. We Love and Trollerate all, but sometimes it's just not worth it.
Combining someone else's suggestion with T-nex's praise, I decided to make Rainbow Dash my signature for the time being.
Rarity's my favourite due to her design and her being fabulous, but I adore all of them for many reasons. I can totally understand why people would get upset about Derpy, but cartoons have done worse, and doesn't it kinda make it look bad on Hasbro/The Hub/whoever to remove or alter Derpy for being perceived as... "special", I guess is the most PC way I can put it, but you know what I mean. Either way, the internet is forever as far as the old voice is concerned, and she's still adorable and ditzy. I wasn't offended then and I'm not offended now. |
And I don't think special people were either.
I'd seen some mixed reactions regarding that, but overall it seemed fairly positive regarding Derpy's appearance.
I more take issue with the fact that the episode in question, The Last Roundup, is a big fanwank and is one of the weaker episodes of the show for it, in my opinion at least. |
The hypocrisy runs even deeper when you realize the show already has one other overtly retarded character, who has had several speaking lines and has been far more intrusive than Derpy.
http://images.wikia.com/mlp/images/a/aa/Snails_id.png :
And I was also referring to "Pinkiepool". Maybe the Pinkie hyping in the episode and the horror of realising AJ's ordeal seemed awfully euphemistic made me like the episode less than others, I dunno. |
The whole chimichanga thing.
It's an exaggerated reaction, yes, but most people when talking about that episode will discuss Derpy or Pinkie, when it was supposed to be an episode about Applejack as far as I could tell. o_o Generally I like fan shoutouts, but to allow fans to have such an effect on the show can grow troublesome. /glance towards BioWare |
I would say it was more a nod to the fans than fanwank. As for the chimi-cherry/cherry-changa thing, I didn't think that was uncharacteristic of Pinkie at all.
Now if Derpy not only made an appearance, but was also delivering mail and flirting with Doctor Whooves, that would have been fan wank. |
Who the hell is Doctor Whooves?!
I thinnk Fluttershy is an underappreciated character, she's the best one in it in my opinion, but she's the character you see the least of. She's not even in some episodes. She also kind of reminds me of Flippy from Happy Tree Friends. If you don't know it, youtube it. |
I love Fluttershy. She's definitely one of my faves. Don't worry, she has more spotlight in season 2.
Doctor Whooves is one of many background ponies based on different Doctor generations. I think he represents the David Tennant one. Derpy and the Doctor are a popular pairing among fans, but I forget why. |
And he's canonically called doctor whooves? Thats brilliant, I can't believe there are Doctor Who referances in MLP.
The bottom one is the one I'm referring to. He makes the most appearances. |
I notice they all have the little hourglass cutie marks to represent time. I love tiny easter eggs like that.
But going back to Fluttershy, is there something wrong with her? Because she's 'sinisterly' quiet, and I've seen a few clips of her going mental. |
Fluttershy is just very quiet and delicate, there's nothing "sinister" about her. She's generally very patient, but she has her limits. She's also a doormat, so it's safe to assume that she has a lot of pent up resentment that eventually boils to a head.
There's an episode in Season 2 that covers this, but I won't spoil it for you. There's also a lot of fan speculation that she's secretly a huge slut, but that's a different conversation entirely. |
Alright. The fact MLP got on OWF is one thing, but people discussing episodes is another.
^ See thread title.
I'm aware.
Hence my post. |
I can't tell if you're approving or disapproving.
Is there a subtle joke to this cartoon or what?