My definition of sandbox is being able to do what you want, when you want to do it. You're not forced to do a mission one particular way, you can complete it any way you like, as long as it gets done. You can punch that leader hunter with your bare fists for 10 hours if you want, it still gets the job done.
Just because GTA set the standard for sandbox games doesn't mean every game has to live up to the shoe shopping and the bowling alleys gameplay. Games are different within each genre. As for Prototype, that last bossfight was fucking annoying. I got impaled on that devastator like 17 times >_< |
The Elizabeth Greene boss had me frustrated for ages.
Yeah that one sucked. I just kept stealing tanks from the military and shot her until the hunters tore me apart.
I kept on getting caught out when she(actually,it) does this screaming thing and if you go near it it kills you, Bloody annoying.
I bought 'Splosion Man on Live Arcade yesterday. It's made by the same guys that made The Maw, and it's a lot of fucking fun. It reminds me of N+ a bit (although, it is a lot less difficult), but there aren't a ton of similarities. The multiplayer is a lot of fun, as well.
How many points is it? If it's 800 I might buy it.
It's 800 points that I don't have. The trial for that game is fun as hell. You can play it so absentmindedly.
It's funny, too. If you die a certain number of times in a level it lets you use the "Way of the Coward" option and skip it. However, you have to wear a dress in the next level. |
Which is both hilarious, convenient, and awesome.
I'm totally buying this tonight.
Apparently there is a slight problem with the multiplayer, but they intend to patch it soon.
No money to spend on game at the moment so I'm being a masochist and decided to hunt every flag in Assassins' Creed, I've already completed Masyaf and Damas.
I beat 'Splosion Man yesterday. The difficulty definitely ramps up as you get further in the game, but it never reaches N+ levels of frustration. And the ending is fucking awesome. It has the best songs made for a game since Portal.
However, hardcore mode gets unlocked after beating it, and that is definitely throw your controller at the wall frustrating. It's all the same levels, but they have taken out all of the checkpoints and everything kills you in one hit. I am currently stuck on the 10th level. I finally got too frustrated to continue at about 1:00 a.m. last night. At any rate, if you have the points, buy it. These people deserve your money. |
Punchout for the Wii is really fun, I got past Super Macho Man (who is now my favourite person to fight). Gave up after that...also videos (though this time, not mine...)
Also if you can't be bothered watching the whole fight skip to 3 minutes in. |
Playing an assortment of games right now, most of all Beautiful Katamari. I tried explaining it to my mom but she just kind of wandered away mumbling.
Also Universe at War, a 360 port of an RTS. It seems okay so far, not that I have a solid frame of reference. I always enjoy the actual construction of facilities and bases more than the actual combat in these type of games, though. Oh, and the units you assign to build things are really ambiguously gay. I have no idea why. Also replaying Half Life 2, at first just to get the Zombie Chopper achievement, but now I figure I'll finish the game since I haven't played it in awhile. |
Kastere get Gmod or something so i can play that with you.
I need a better computer.
Maybe not, actually. Can GMOD run efficiently on a PC that can (possible just barely) run HL2? I'd have no problem buying Gmod if that's the case. I could probably have 'Splosion Man sometime soon. |
Oh, and here is one of the later 'Splosion Man levels. |
I just bought The Conduit today and I must say it's pretty impressive for a Wii game.
Are you all sick of hearing me talk about 'Splosion Man, yet? Well, too fucking bad.
They have a contest going to see who can get the best time in level 3-8. The winner will receive a 'Splosion Man statue and poster. At first, I was excited. So, I started working on that level. And I mean fucking working on it. I would play that same level for three to four hours straight some nights. But the best I could get was 3:03. Now, there were thousands of people over that time, but still about twenty five who were under it. And they were like thirty seconds under it. Until yesterday. I had some revelations about the level, and got my time to 2:38. I'm pretty sure that I can shave ten to fifteen seconds off that, as well. I think I can win the contest. |
Wish you luck OANST! Be sure to post pictures of that statue when you'll have won it ;)
I got my time in the 'Splosion Man contest to an even 2:30 last night. There is now only one person who has a better time than I do. His time is 2:27. However, I realized that there is an area where I can probably take at least four seconds off of my time. I don't think I can win this contest. I know I can.
So, how is it coming along? Under the bar of the 2m25 yet?
I didn't play it last night. I went to the theatre, and when I got home April and I played Wii Sports Resort for a while. Also, I needed a break from it because my 'splode digit (right rand thumb) has gotten swollen and quite painful from all the constant 'sploding. I have actually developed a callous on it from playing this game. I shit you not.
I'll be back at it today. |
When does the competition close?
September. Also, I am currently in first place.
I bought GTA4 for cheap, been screwing around with friends in Free Mode alot. Im not very far into the story mode, but I like it so far.
Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Fun.