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Mojo 04-05-2004 06:37 AM

After studying the second pic, I have come to this conclusion.

I think the most left structure (the one on fire) is a downed aircraft. Looks Covenant-ish, with that purple hue... Again, I'm wondering what the structure in the middle of the pic is. Maybe part of the "aircraft" on the left?

Fez 04-07-2004 01:26 AM

Little update, Halo 2 is confirmed at E3 this May.

Fez 04-14-2004 11:24 AM

This is the new Halo 2 screen. Keep looking till I say stop....


halo.bungie.net have had some huge updates. Check it out.

SeaRex 04-14-2004 11:36 AM

Hmm... the pic seems to be two different co-op teams (red and yellow). Perhaps we can expect a four-player competitive co-cop mode? You know, like most kills/objectives wins.

Fez 04-14-2004 11:38 AM

Thats just what me and Hobo were talking about. T'is a great idea. Oh, the graphics have been somewhat turned off.

Hobo 04-14-2004 11:01 PM


Oh, the graphics have been somewhat turned off.

We bloody hope, I'm not buying a game with textures like that.
Lots of sweet info here:


Some ODSTs:

Fez 04-15-2004 02:02 AM

WOW! Those are great!

Mojo 04-16-2004 04:53 AM

Whadda we have here.

A new team color. Brown.
Confirmation of dual wielding 2 different weapons (in this case a Plasma and Ordinary Pistol)
Some dude just dropped his Battle Rifle (right part of the pic)
We're gonna play in a level that is somewhat underground, and it supports vehicles.

The right Spartan is holding the SMG a bit funny.

What are those (obviously Covenant) energy(?) trails? A new weapon, maybe? (It's definately no Plasma Pistol, it has too much blue in it, it is too transparent, and it looks like the projectiles are, well, imagine an armed Plasma Grenade, put it in a Plasma Explosion, and add some yellow, to get a green effect. Also, the trails aren't exactly lineair. Looks like the projectiles moved up and down a little, which suggests that it isn't an energy-based weapon at all (Plasma being heated nucleons), but more of a ballistic weapon (think air-resistance)...

Hobo 04-16-2004 05:36 AM


Whadda we have here.

A new team color. Brown.



Confirmation of dual wielding 2 different weapons (in this case a Plasma and Ordinary Pistol)
It's an SMG, not a pistol, otherwise that's right

Some dude just dropped his Battle Rifle (right part of the pic)


We're gonna play in a level that is somewhat underground, and it supports vehicles.
Could just be a tunnel


The right Spartan is holding the SMG a bit funny.
That might just be so we can see what gun it is


What are those (obviously Covenant) energy(?) trails? A new weapon, maybe? (It's definately no Plasma Pistol, it has too much blue in it, it is too transparent, and it looks like the projectiles are, well, imagine an armed Plasma Grenade, put it in a Plasma Explosion, and add some yellow, to get a green effect. Also, the trails aren't exactly lineair. Looks like the projectiles moved up and down a little, which suggests that it isn't an energy-based weapon at all (Plasma being heated nucleons), but more of a ballistic weapon (think air-resistance)...
I don't think it's going to be ballistic and leave a trail. It isn't going to be a sniper rifle, as that'd mean there are stupidly large amounts of snipers over the other side. I think it would be some kind of new Guass Rifle, but seeing as they've already shown that at E3 I'd doubt it.

Fez 04-16-2004 07:17 AM

I think its just a simple plasma pistol. Some of the graphics are turned off remember?

If not then they look alot like the stuff that come out of Shade turrents. Maybe a portable minigun version of those is a new weapon?

Fez 04-16-2004 11:39 PM

New Screen!

Halo 2 weekly update

Xavier 04-17-2004 02:12 AM

well done...
I love that new screenshot
the Jackals look like punks more then ever

Oddys 04-17-2004 02:20 AM

Here's a pic of two Jakals!


ops! ou schow ist befor me! Sorry...

Esus 04-17-2004 02:28 AM

The screenshot link doesn't work... :(

Fez 04-17-2004 10:18 AM

Which link is that? you could try the one Dis put up.

Fez 04-18-2004 08:07 AM

Saw this Eva from Evangelion, look familliar?


SeaRex 04-18-2004 08:29 AM


Saw this Eva from Evangelion, look familliar?


(Damn you stupid "10 letter" rule. Always taking the drama out of my comedy.)

Fez 04-18-2004 08:40 AM

*cough* Hunter *cough*

Mojo 04-18-2004 08:40 AM


Nah, j/k. But I do think it looks alot like one...

Seems like the Jackals are gonna use the Plasma Rifle! Yay! Then they will finally be somewhat of a thread... Hmm, imagine what would happen if the started to use Needlers? Of all the Covies, the Jackals seem to be the most accurate... Ouch, we're gonna be pincushions!

Note how the teeth are really detailed. Looks a bit like the Raptors in Jurassic Park to me.

Fez 04-18-2004 08:41 AM

Nothin a good 'nade cant sort out though.

SeaRex 04-18-2004 09:00 AM

If the Hunters were giant retarded nuclear-fueled robots, then yeah I kinda see some... no wait... nevermind. It's just the spike things.

Silly ferril. :D

Fez 04-18-2004 09:00 AM

EDIT:The link has now been taken down.

Xavier 04-18-2004 09:18 AM

thank you so much for your pm ferill!
they just look sweet!
I want Halo 2 in my Xbox right now!

Fez 04-18-2004 09:26 AM

C'mon people they'll be gone by 6:30PM (English time) tomorow!

Esus 04-18-2004 09:42 AM

Seen em, just didn't reply :p

They're all very brilliant, can't wait for release...

Mojo 04-18-2004 10:04 AM

The... But... How... Why... YEEEHAAAAW! THOSE LOOK SMASHING! Take the link of by monday? Why? Just download the pics!

oddguy 04-18-2004 10:32 AM

Looks smashing! :D Can't wait for Halo 2!

Al the Vykker 04-18-2004 10:36 AM

All I can say to those multiplayer shots...Beautiful.

Fez 04-19-2004 09:10 AM

Links gone, if you want to see them then join the talkxbox forums.

Al the Vykker 04-22-2004 01:50 PM

The actual magazine is awesome and the shots are amazing. I really hope they give us some sort of demo in OXM of like a short demo level or something, cuz I know at E3 they probably will have some sort of multiplayer or something playable there. :fuzsmile: