Justin, I was thinking as I looked at your photos on Facebook. We should totally take a trip to Falling Water if you decide to come up to PA. I went this spring and would love to go again.
What is Falling Water?
!!!!!!! Yes! Definitely! :)
...5 years...5 years...
Stop it.You'll hate us all by then.
I wantz to come but mebbe the year after the one that comes next when I is 18 yerz old an I can come :) :) :) :) :) :)
What? You guys are to funny for me to hate you.
and yet you want to kill us.
bloody hell, i'll be 25 by the time you come on an Oddtour. you may even be the king troll by then, and i bet half of us wont be here. Ench: do you live in Britain? i cant remember. |
Meh, i expect it will be 2011 before i can meet you guys :(
I live in Australia. No way I'm going to that one.
(and Melbourne is about as far away as Britain anyway) |
i don't think you necessarily have to be 18, i think you'd get away with 17, but i suppose the more 'exciting' Oddtours would be with 18+ year olds.
In fact... and you know I'm only 15 :( But I'll wait for that moment!
I can't understand why this is turning into such a big thing. It's people that have some strange compulsion to meet other internet people which frequent a forum where they talk big and post glamor shot after glamor shot of themselves. And one posts Japanese stuff, too.
Just to make this very clear. There are to be NO under 18s on any meetups. This is to protect you aswell as us from getting in a fuckton of trouble. So if you're under 18? Fuck off out of this thread. I don't want to see you moaning about it either.
I think he was being sarcastic.
Yup. Clap.
you caught it?
All things considered, I think we can safely rename this thread to "Oddtour 2010".
Justin, I'm going to set up a Youtube account under the name "Oddtour", or "Oddtour2010" if the former is already taken. I plan on taking a camera and documenting all of our escapades. |
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kay.
Hmm. Don't really feel like having videos of me on the internet. Just don't tag me if you put them up (and if I end up going for any part of it).
This thing is coming slower than OWI's next project. |
I have no idea what you're talking about, Nate. The plans regarding the time of year and those attending seem pretty finite at this point. If changes happen, it won't be on the behalf of bad planning, it will be due to unforeseen circumstances.
Also Gabe, stop feeding me this "If I go" shit. You're going, even if it means tying you to the roof. |
Tying you to something.
Okay okay, I'm bad. I can't talk like that in this thread. :D Now he won't come, just because of that, see? |
Two outcomes are a certainty for this tour...
We'll either all hate each others guts, or like each other all the more. |
IF we can confirm three people, otherwise..... we wait.
Seriously, Pilot. Stop the youtube poop.
It applies to the situation.
Vote for me and I'll allow YTP, heavily criticize it with empty threats publicly and privately give posrep signed with less than threes.
That combined with the AIDS is a pretty big problem, I think.
And that John Goodman poop too. |
if Pilot, Sekto and Used's tour isn't like this, i will be surprised;
http://www.forumammo.com/cpg/albums/Upload/Roxbury.gif |