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Fez 05-18-2004 08:09 AM

Very nice. The Needler pics especially. I so cant wait for this.

Esus 05-19-2004 09:19 AM

Heres that age -old theory put into MY words :p I had lots more to it, but it was spread about and I couldn't find it all.

My thoughts on why they won't glass planet Earth:

We all know the civenant are obssessed with the Forerunner. They love the forerunner as if the forerunner are Gods or godly beings, and the Civenant are striving to become as powerful and technologically advanced as the covenant once were

The Covenant believes that the Forerunners, a long-since vanished and utterly mysterious civilization, are god-like, but not literally their gods. Rather, the Forerunners represent a level of being that must be attained, or at least attempted. This belief system is underpinned by the existence of numerous abandoned Forerunner artifacts, objects and installations, of which the artificial world Halo, is just one example. The evident technological perfection of Forerunner objects, and the awesome, and unknowable purpose for which these artifacts exist, has powered the Covenant theology for millennia.

There's nothing like evidence for the existence of god, than finding his abandoned toys scattered throughout your backyard. However, the Forerunner technology is as obtuse as it is arcane. The Covenant can only guess at its true purpose and origin, and much of their belief system is based on speculation and dogma. That said, they have been able to incorporate some Forerunner advancements into their weapon and transport technology.

We know the prophets are the guys in charge - the brains of the outfit, so to speak. These are the guys who do a lot of the research and direct their minions to destroy races and homeworld. The prophets decide whether a planet is to be glassed (i.e. there being no forerunner artifacts there) or whether to be taken by the ground (giving the impression that there is forerunner technology there).

The pact allows the prophets to advance their search through conquest and occasionally assimilation of species whose homeworlds or solar systems contain Forerunner architecture or technology, often unguessed at by the resident species.
Remember that the various covenant races are not at ease with each other. There is a lot of underlying tension and each is not sure of the others motives, so each will keep secrets. The prophets tell the other races that the forerunner are gods and that they must reach their level.

Elites coexist with Prophets uneasily. They need access to the Forerunner technology parsed and reverse engineered by the Prophets, and certainly demonstrably share some religious beliefs. But the Elites prefer to demonstrate their faith on the battlefield not the temple. They have little patience for those who believe that liturgical pomp, rather than conquest, is what the Gods require.
Another piece of evidence that shows tensions and secrets and perhaps deception and betrayal is:

They communicate only with Prophets - a fact that may contribute to the balance of power between Elites and Prophets - and in fact will usually ignore anything that is neither a Prophet nor a Forerunner artifact.
Now, lets think for a minute. What if the forerunners are ancient humans? Please, remember that the covenant are trying to obliterate every single human and every single human colonised planet. Why would they do this? Not every human planet has forerunner artifacts. Reach didn't have any. So why to the covenant strive to obliterate us? Well, I'll tell you why. The Prophets and perhaps the engineers know that the humans are really forerunners, so this destroys all their beliefs about gods and getting so powerful as to be in the next dimension. If humans are forerunner, ir shatters their entire system. So what do the prophets do? They keep this a secret from the other races. Because, if the elites or hunters knew that the forerunners are humans, then they would turn on the prophets and everything the prophets have strived to acheive would be lost. The elites and hunters etc blidnly follow the prophets orders, glad for conquest and blood spill. If they knew, the prophets may lose their leadership to the humans.

They have little patience for those who believe that liturgical pomp, rather than conquest, is what the Gods require.
Now, how can they be forerunners, you all rightfully ask? Well, their was this virus, dubbed the flood, which started eating and killing every forerunner/human (from now on called human). The plague destroyed planets full of humans, killed everyone. But lets imagine the humans, on one of their planets or ring worlds or space ships sent off one large life ship. On this ship was a whole bunch of humans who would escape the flood, and who would flourish and re-build the human empire. This ship landed on Earth. Over the years the humans lost their technology and went back to being primitive, and now they have become advanced again, not as advanced as before, but they're getting there, and none of them know about their true past.
Why won't the covenant glass Earth? because there is tons of 'forerunner' or ancient human technology deep under the ground there, waiting to be discovered. Waiting for the humans to discover their true past.

Now, more evidence as shown in Halo: Combat Evolved:
343 Guilty Spark speaks the wonderous language of English, though I highly doubt the ancient humans would have.
343 Guilty Spark gives a lot of hints away, at one point he even mentions that Master Chief looks like a forerunner!
343 Guilty Spark asks why MC doesn't have a Mark XII suit, commenting on his dated Mark II suit
343 also calls him a reclaimer, mentioning that he's "done it before" etc.
Environment on the Ring World shown in Halo: CE is incredibly similar to Earth's environments.
Gravity of the said sing world is implied to be the same as Earths.
Sky is also the same, as well as the "seasons".

You know it makes sense!
All quotes and sources are directly quoted from an official bungie source, of course.

There was more to this, but I lost it in various places :( So I decided to immortalize what I had, here.

Fuzzles! 05-19-2004 09:25 AM

Wow very well thought out Esus, I need to take a few mins to absorb all of that. I especially like your comments on 343 Guilty Spark.

Fez 05-19-2004 09:30 AM

Very nice Esus. But I always considered that the ring was a man made thing. The humans in the future, say the year 5000 or something, built it. When Keyes went to it he went back in time. The destruction of Halo changed history so that Earth would be attacked. Well, it explanes 343GS anyway.

Esus 05-19-2004 09:32 AM

Also makes some sort of sense... but why would they call the builder; Forerunner's?

a. One that precedes, as in time; a predecessor.
b. An ancestor; a forebear.

SeaRex 05-19-2004 11:03 AM


343 Guilty Spark speaks the wonderous language of English, though I highly doubt the ancient humans would have.

Remember? MC has a translator thingy in his helmet, which is why he can understand grunts. I have no idea if it works on anything besides grunts, but it certainly would explain why 343 spoke English.

Fascinating theory, though. I can't wait to see if your right.

*makes mental note to reserve Halo 2*

Hobo 05-20-2004 05:54 AM

But searex, why doesn't he understand the backwards english of elite's then? Huh! HUH!?

Fez 05-20-2004 06:33 AM

Who cares if its backwards or not! Its still English!

Hobo 05-20-2004 06:35 AM

But surely that'd mean that the Elite's were always speaking backwards in their own language if it translates it backwards. Or MC fiddled with the settings and broke it like I would.

Fez 05-20-2004 06:37 AM

LOL! You so would break it and all. you'd somehow stop the leg parts working, then i'd have to turn them back on with a switch between your legs. Then Henna would film me doing this so she could take the piss. If we were in the Halo world anyway.

Hobo 05-20-2004 06:41 AM

Now you're just being silly......:p

Fez 05-20-2004 06:45 AM

No! I was being sooooooo serious.

sligster 05-20-2004 02:23 PM

check this out...


apparently, if Halo PC ever allows downloadable fan created content, this guy's gonna make every effort to make these downloadable... lets hope.

SeaRex 05-20-2004 04:44 PM


But searex, why doesn't he understand the backwards english of elite's then? Huh! HUH!?

Because you suck and I hate you.

See you in a week. :kiss:

Fez 05-22-2004 01:48 AM

Halo 2 Weekly Update

Secrets Of Zanzibar

Hobo 05-22-2004 03:36 AM

yay. Usable Brute Weapons.

Fez 05-22-2004 06:55 AM

They're gonna have a nasty melee move.

Fez 05-22-2004 07:33 AM

New Halo 2 multiplayer clip

20 seconds of sheer beauty. I can't wait to use that SMG.

sligster 05-22-2004 09:17 AM

ride the pickel..... lol

Fez 05-22-2004 09:33 AM

I'm still trying to think how the hell that relates....

oddguy 05-22-2004 10:52 AM


20 seconds of sheer beauty. I can't wait to use that SMG.

I don't have IGN Insider! :crying: I did see some good Halo 2 Multi-Player Footage on techtv last night, so I'm cool...I guess. I just can't wait to play on Zanzibar! :D


Fez 05-22-2004 11:24 AM

I know, it looks so sweet.

sligster 05-23-2004 03:35 PM


I just can't wait to play on Zanzibar! :D-oddguy

I would love to play on Zanzibar, but unfortunatly, it was most likely just a "special" map intended only to play at E3.

Read This:


so sadly, no Zanzibar in final version :( although there is hope...

oddguy 05-23-2004 07:27 PM

I took that as saying that Zanzibar might change a little bit before Nov. 9th. I didn't see anything that said Zanzibar wouldn't show up in the final game. You really freaked me out there for a second. How dare you! Grrr!

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Esus 05-24-2004 03:42 AM

Frankie, their community relations guy, said they were expecting Zanzibar to become the next Blood Gulch, in terms of popularity. I think.

Mojo 05-24-2004 07:18 AM


Here you are...

Xavier 05-28-2004 08:56 PM

wohoooooooooooo 3D screenshot!
never saw a 3D screen before


Hobo 05-29-2004 12:01 AM


Hobo 05-29-2004 12:02 AM


Fez 06-04-2004 12:51 AM

This is so good!

Mojo 06-04-2004 04:26 AM

Heh, did you all see the newspost about an Ebay auction?


I thought it was funny!

sligster 06-04-2004 03:01 PM

lol! what idiot would bid on that?

And that pic with the elites in the hog is pure genious!
Go elites!

Facsimile 06-05-2004 12:02 AM


so sadly, no Zanzibar in final version :( although there is hope...

Yes there will be...

Hobo 06-05-2004 12:03 AM

What he said.^

Um *unspams post as final mod act*

Mojo 06-05-2004 03:00 AM


Fez 06-05-2004 04:22 AM


Fez 06-06-2004 09:47 AM

It has to have had the funniest Mister Chief yet.

New disscussion: The Battle Rifle or the Covie Carbine, which would be a better choice?

Hobo 06-06-2004 10:04 AM

um. As we know little about either I vote for the new needler. Yum.

Fez 06-06-2004 10:18 AM

Lol. I'm so looking forward to the SMg, its gonna kick ass. The latest update looked like it mentioned something about a new weapon returening from the first game, I hope that its the AR from Halo 1, that was such a cool gun.

Hobo 06-07-2004 06:19 AM

Nooo! I want..... A more pistol like pistol. With a v. fast Melee but less powerful shooting mode. Yes.