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-   -   My Custom Oddworld sprites. (Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga styled.) (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=14513)

Alf Shall Rise 08-08-2007 07:07 PM

Weird. But interesting. Good job.

Hulaabeo 08-13-2007 03:24 PM

I made the Alimighty raisin! And thanks to Arxryl for giving me an insperation to make sprites.

Alf Shall Rise 08-13-2007 03:32 PM

Wow, that's not half bad.

E'l Scrabino 08-15-2007 10:46 PM

More like 7/8's good :D

Not many more things to make, as far as OddWorld sprites go...

Matriar 08-16-2007 12:56 AM

Heh, the Alimighty raisin. I almost forgot that guy. Nice sprite!

Carnix 08-16-2007 02:18 AM


Not many more things to make, as far as OddWorld sprites go...

No one has done Shrykull yet.

Matthew Exodst 08-16-2007 09:27 AM

That's not entirely difficult to do. A simple edit of my Scrab would do.

Hulaabeo 08-16-2007 03:14 PM

Im planning on showing off my baby characters that i found and made and edited

mudling 08-20-2007 03:14 AM

wow, these are awsome, keep up the good work!
I might make a few soon, but again, great job!
I might try making a grubb one, but I'll probably fail, so if anyone wants to try, please go ahead.

Hulaabeo 08-20-2007 07:57 AM

Alright can't wait to see them! (if you make em)

mudling 08-23-2007 12:16 AM

lol, my realy crappy fuzzle sprites, digimond styled, I'm usually pretty bad at computers, but I'll try something more complex next time. :)
this is great practise though :)!

Arxryl 08-23-2007 04:44 PM

pretty good guys! Nice job!

Carnix 08-27-2007 09:22 AM

You might want to put more work on them, not that they're bad (I think you did well there), but I can still tell that that sprite sheet was an edit of a digimon. Am I right?

mudling 08-28-2007 02:33 AM

umm, no, I got it straight from mario.. jks.
yeah, I know, thing is, for some reason, I can't colour them, so I'll try and find some better sprites to base them on when I have more time on my hands. I didn't expect it to be so difficult though.
I might re edit the fuzzles a bit more though, must as well do something to the best of my ability (which sadly isn't very high, lol)

Hulaabeo 05-20-2008 03:04 PM

Woah like it was LAST year when I left and no posts?

PS: Abe as a Chao!

Carnix 05-21-2008 07:58 AM

Lolism! Time for me to have fun I think, Give me minutes and wait!... make sense to you?

Oddey 05-21-2008 08:11 AM

Isn't it a tad bit late to be posting here? Nice Abe though. I don't think i'll make anything. I'm terrible at computer art unless it's cut and paste.

Carnix 05-21-2008 08:29 AM


watcha think?

Hulaabeo 05-21-2008 12:41 PM

Real nice Carnix but... Would it kill you to make pants?
Me make fishy ^.^

Carnix 05-22-2008 07:53 AM


Real nice Carnix but... Would it kill you to make pants?

Chao don't wear pants...

Oddey 05-22-2008 11:45 AM


Chao don't wear pants...

... This is a great excuse to scream pervert. But instead I'll congratulate you on some rather cute in a fuzzy-mess sort of way-type sprites. Now if only they were walking...

Carnix 05-23-2008 02:13 AM


Now if only they were walking...

5 minutes....
Ok, maybe longer...

Hulaabeo 05-23-2008 03:16 AM

Nice oh and umm sorry you are right! They have no pants... but equally cute

Oddey 05-23-2008 03:50 AM



Sums up precisely what I'd like to say. Carnix on the other hand...(No offense intended.)

Hulaabeo 05-23-2008 04:58 AM

OMG I showed signs of affection he gonna kill me!

Carnix 05-23-2008 09:46 AM

http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...gun_barrel.gifBANG! You're dead!

E'l Scrabino 05-28-2008 04:35 AM

LOL Chao mudokons. Nice job Carnix

OddYouko 05-28-2008 04:31 PM


5 minutes....
Ok, maybe longer...

Those are really good.
Great job! :D

Carnix 05-29-2008 02:50 AM


Those are really good

Well, duh! Look who made them! :D

Yeh, I'll make more soon but I'm a little busy right now and I need more oddworld characters that I can do it with (all I got right now is Bigface).

Hulaabeo 06-25-2008 06:36 PM

Big Bro slig? Vykker? Intern? Glukkon? '.'?
Who knows Buddy the Mudoken?