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-   -   SoulStorm ARG - 1029.io (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=22305)

Gunnr 01-13-2017 09:12 PM

All I know is that a different part of the acssii gets highlighted when I refresh the page or add a random word to the url bar. I haven't a clue

Xavier 01-16-2017 05:43 AM

Some more chatter on twitter:


Aha, it's coming soon!

Varrok 01-16-2017 05:54 AM

Instead of "Hide", they should've told him "Look out!" so he won't get shot.

seniormeatbox 01-16-2017 06:39 AM

Oh boy the ARG is going public.
(By that I mean, Oddworld is actually recognizing it publicly now)

Nicky Ali 01-16-2017 06:50 AM

Incoming Soulstorm pics this Thursday? Nice!

Xavier 01-16-2017 08:03 AM


Incoming Soulstorm pics this Thursday? Nice!

Well, something is coming on Thursday. We don't know whether or not it's going to be Soulstorm pics.

GouStoulos 01-16-2017 08:48 AM

(yes caps)

MrsKJJ 01-16-2017 11:24 AM

And I was just excited to see the first tweet, that he was going to answer our questions shortly. What do you think we'll get a picture of? Do any of you think that Ed may actually die in the ARG, as we get closer and closer to the truth?

Varrok 01-16-2017 12:28 PM

When you die in the ARG, you die for real.

MrsKJJ 01-16-2017 02:03 PM


When you die in the ARG, you die for real.

This guy gets it! (Y)

Manco 01-16-2017 02:11 PM

We’ll get a grainy, half-deleted JPG of a SoulStorm Brew bottle.

MrsKJJ 01-16-2017 11:18 PM


We’ll get a grainy, half-deleted JPG of a SoulStorm Brew bottle.

Don't you think it would be something much cooler than that? I was thinking, as I firmly believe he's mining deep in the caves, which would explain the lack of reception, we'll see something much darker. Perhaps even one his friends, trapped in the tear machine? or even a pile of dead mudokens who disobeyed. They said it was going to be a much darker game, they'd want to show Eds fear. A picture of a bottle doesn't quite do that.

I'll apologise if I'm wrong though.

EDIT: Manco, I see the joke in your answer now. Man you're funny.

seniormeatbox 01-17-2017 11:42 AM

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a broken jpeg of a bottle.
Hell, for all we know, what comes out on Thursday will just hide a link to a stupid GIF, and the real puzzle will come on Friday.

UnderTheSun 01-17-2017 01:29 PM


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a broken jpeg of a bottle.
Hell, for all we know, what comes out on Thursday will just hide a link to a stupid GIF, and the real puzzle will come on Friday.

inb4 it's a Necrum Mines demo

SgabbitGabbiar 01-17-2017 02:49 PM

Should we add the new steps of the ARG on Oddworld Wikia ? (i mean the last tweets and that now ARG is public).

Connell 01-17-2017 03:21 PM


inb4 it's a Necrum Mines demo


Scrabaniac 01-17-2017 04:09 PM

I doubt it will be a demo. Im pretty sure Oddworld has mentioned that they are keeping the production of Soulstorm much more under wraps this time. We'll most likely get either a distorted screenshot of a level/cutscene or a coloured portion of Abe's body

Connell 01-17-2017 04:13 PM

Yeah, there's pretty much no chance it'll be a demo, but that'd be the ultimate dream. The Spirit of 1029 Twitter asked Ed for "pictures" earlier in the week, so some in-game photos are probably what I expect to find. It's about time for that - Soulstorm was announced nearly a year ago now. Time flies when you're solving ARG's.

Mr. Molluck 01-17-2017 05:41 PM


Yeah, there's pretty much no chance it'll be a demo, but that'd be the ultimate dream. The Spirit of 1029 Twitter asked Ed for "pictures" earlier in the week, so some in-game photos are probably what I expect to find. It's about time for that - Soulstorm was announced nearly a year ago now. Time flies when you're solving ARG's.

They might reveal footage like a cutscene under the impression it's "from the inside", much like the photos Ed's being told to send. The ARG is passing them off as photos surreptitiously taken by a member of a slave labor force. Obviously, the need for encryption of these photos would be important, hence the 10.29 twitter saying that they can't send anything without that, and from what I've read on here, that might equal to a puzzle that'll reveal an image or new information. Maybe, in-universe, the more incriminating the evidence of the Mudokons being mistreated and their legacy being (in this case, literally) uprooted and turned into nothing or commercialized beyond recognition, the more encrypted it will be when sent out to the Mudos public and further, to prevent Glukkon authorities from finding out until the last minute. Out-of-universe, I think this translates to the more cool it is, the more effort needs to be put in to reveal it. I think what we're getting may be, as said in this thread, a puzzle, but for something that hints at a greater, more extreme look into this new area, which would be either cutscene or footage from a level.

MrsKJJ 01-18-2017 01:42 AM


They might reveal footage like a cutscene under the impression it's "from the inside", much like the photos Ed's being told to send. The ARG is passing them off as photos surreptitiously taken by a member of a slave labor force. Obviously, the need for encryption of these photos would be important, hence the 10.29 twitter saying that they can't send anything without that, and from what I've read on here, that might equal to a puzzle that'll reveal an image or new information. Maybe, in-universe, the more incriminating the evidence of the Mudokons being mistreated and their legacy being (in this case, literally) uprooted and turned into nothing or commercialized beyond recognition, the more encrypted it will be when sent out to the Mudos public and further, to prevent Glukkon authorities from finding out until the last minute. Out-of-universe, I think this translates to the more cool it is, the more effort needs to be put in to reveal it. I think what we're getting may be, as said in this thread, a puzzle, but for something that hints at a greater, more extreme look into this new area, which would be either cutscene or footage from a level.

And to think, all I was hoping for was a pretty picture.

kjjcarpenter 01-18-2017 02:03 AM


They might reveal footage like a cutscene under the impression it's "from the inside", much like the photos Ed's being told to send. The ARG is passing them off as photos surreptitiously taken by a member of a slave labor force. Obviously, the need for encryption of these photos would be important, hence the 10.29 twitter saying that they can't send anything without that, and from what I've read on here, that might equal to a puzzle that'll reveal an image or new information. Maybe, in-universe, the more incriminating the evidence of the Mudokons being mistreated and their legacy being (in this case, literally) uprooted and turned into nothing or commercialized beyond recognition, the more encrypted it will be when sent out to the Mudos public and further, to prevent Glukkon authorities from finding out until the last minute. Out-of-universe, I think this translates to the more cool it is, the more effort needs to be put in to reveal it. I think what we're getting may be, as said in this thread, a puzzle, but for something that hints at a greater, more extreme look into this new area, which would be either cutscene or footage from a level.

I read this while playing "Hello Zepp". I was not disappointed.

Xavier 01-18-2017 10:59 AM

I like this idea of getting a glimpse of what's going on "from the inside". This would fit perfecty with the ARG and the story in the games.

By the way, it looks like they are preparing tomorrow's event, all the comments have been cleaned from the oddworld.com/soulstorm source code and they removed the direct link to 1029.io

SgabbitGabbiar 01-19-2017 03:46 AM

I suppose there's another crypted image.

Xavier 01-19-2017 03:56 AM

I don't see any changes in the pages yet...

ndvr 01-19-2017 05:02 AM

I guess old
doesn't work anymore, cause automatically redirects to 404 page

BTW, ASCII logo on 404 page slightly differs from one on main page

having additionally two almost simmetrical "4"s near bottom and one "0" above already present "9".

Xavier 01-19-2017 05:15 AM

No that's actually brand new.

I like the fact they added 404 in the logo, nifty.

Xavier 01-19-2017 06:55 AM

Please post new stuff in new thread:
