Mr. Molluck |
01-17-2017 05:41 PM |
Yeah, there's pretty much no chance it'll be a demo, but that'd be the ultimate dream. The Spirit of 1029 Twitter asked Ed for "pictures" earlier in the week, so some in-game photos are probably what I expect to find. It's about time for that - Soulstorm was announced nearly a year ago now. Time flies when you're solving ARG's.
They might reveal footage like a cutscene under the impression it's "from the inside", much like the photos Ed's being told to send. The ARG is passing them off as photos surreptitiously taken by a member of a slave labor force. Obviously, the need for encryption of these photos would be important, hence the 10.29 twitter saying that they can't send anything without that, and from what I've read on here, that might equal to a puzzle that'll reveal an image or new information. Maybe, in-universe, the more incriminating the evidence of the Mudokons being mistreated and their legacy being (in this case, literally) uprooted and turned into nothing or commercialized beyond recognition, the more encrypted it will be when sent out to the Mudos public and further, to prevent Glukkon authorities from finding out until the last minute. Out-of-universe, I think this translates to the more cool it is, the more effort needs to be put in to reveal it. I think what we're getting may be, as said in this thread, a puzzle, but for something that hints at a greater, more extreme look into this new area, which would be either cutscene or footage from a level.