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Wil 02-27-2012 01:57 PM


I'm honestly shocked you haven't heard about R.A. before. I mean I knew about it since months, thought it was in Bits & Pieces

I don't read Bits & Pieces.

AstraVexx 02-27-2012 02:19 PM


The icons line up the folders and files in neat little verticle stacks and the background moves :)

Chubfish 02-27-2012 05:04 PM


Most of my icons are inside the start menu. If it's not there, then it automatically starts up on launch.

This would have been a TWEWY/Nichijou/etc desktop but this works too.

sheridanm962 02-27-2012 05:34 PM

Oh my Duke Nukem that looks good :)

Nate 02-28-2012 01:37 AM


I love the Windows 98 logo. One of the most iconic logos ever.

You may find this interesting: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b...dows-logo.aspx

RoryF 02-28-2012 07:43 AM



Was a good read, the point about it being a window and not a flag was a good one. However, the Windows 98 logo on the funny cloud vortex thing was brilliant. It's by far the best one. Make your own opinions on these if you will:

Windows 98:

Windows 7:

The old logo seems a lot more colourful and more involved. The newer ones are just glows and some balls flying round.

Crashpunk 02-28-2012 08:36 AM

Blegh. The new logo looks awful. I liked it when it was a flag. :tard:

RoryF 02-28-2012 10:05 AM

I don't mind it, but it's far from perfect. I think they should combine both this new logo and the Whistler Beta logo. Of course keeping the blue metro style background. It's just the flags seem a lot more appealing than regular old windows. That's mainly what made the 9x logos so good, they weren't just some normal styled objects, it was unique in it's design and that's what made it stand out. The Whistler logo would probably go well with it being that it's practically just a white xp logo:
Yes the editing in was quite poor on my part, but you have to admit, it looks better than the logo they're using now.

Manco 02-28-2012 10:07 AM

Now is probably a good time to point out that a Windows 8 thread was spun off from this one only a couple days ago.

RoryF 02-28-2012 10:34 AM

Me and my friend collect the retro laptops so we have quite a few. Here are the mini-notebooks we own so far, all of them are smaller than todays smallest netbooks, and just a bit bigger than a DS.

Libretto 70CT (Mine, apparently the smallest computer ever running a full version of Windows.):

Palmax PD-1000 (My friends, it's extremely rare, there's not much info on it unfortunately. A unique factor about it is that it has a touch-screen.):

Sony VAIO PictureBook (It has a built in swiveling web cam, also with the Sony Webcam Studio program for special effects):

Mudokon_Master 02-28-2012 11:37 PM

Woah dude.
Those look incredible, I think you've just broadened my appeal to retro Windows computers.
I want one now. Where do you get them from and how much are they?

RoryF 02-29-2012 08:15 AM


Woah dude.
Those look incredible, I think you've just broadened my appeal to retro Windows computers.
I want one now. Where do you get them from and how much are they?

They're on eBay, I got the Libretto for £40. My friend got the Palmax years ago as a gift. The Picturebook was £50 I think. Here's a link for a Libretto:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TOSHIBA-LI...item3f143de977

Crashpunk 02-29-2012 08:25 AM

I love them however it's not really on topic Oddman360. Maybe you should start a thread, or maybe a Mod could split it.

MeechMunchie 02-29-2012 11:35 AM

I find their chunkiness reassuring. If I had a netbook I'd be worried about breaking it by sitting on it.

SoulStorm64 02-29-2012 02:04 PM

Hazzah for mac mods


Crashpunk 02-29-2012 02:24 PM

I love that wallpaper, That was mine for quite a long time.

RoryF 03-01-2012 08:49 AM

My newest addition to my retro laptop collection has finally arrived, so that means new desktop!
Unlike my other laptops, this one is running Windows 2000. The guy who sold it to me kept everything in brilliant condition, I'm actually surprised myself. He sent me it in the original box, complete with manuals and brand new system battery with Windows Millenium Edition manual. Even the original stickers were on it (the Designed for Microsoft Windows ME sticker).

sheridanm962 03-01-2012 09:43 AM

Next time I'm going to see if there is a Mountain Lion Transformation pack, you can do this on just about ANY Windows OS, I think.... Anyway It comes with RocketDock and some other bells and whistles. I searched on google images for those icons on the dock to make them look more better (and you can notice AE) :)


Spooce-aholic 04-15-2012 05:26 PM

Who ever can guess who this is gets a cookie.

MA 04-15-2012 05:52 PM

live odds for the first person to post here with the correct answer:

WoF 11-1
Ghost 17-1
Cammy 42-1
OANST 100-1

chance for some real money here.

Nate 04-15-2012 09:19 PM

She looks, if you'll excuse the expression, like she's pushing out a turd. A particularly solid one.

Spooce-aholic 04-15-2012 09:55 PM


She looks, if you'll excuse the expression, like she's pushing out a turd. A particularly solid one.

That's a male, not a female. I think he's actually stretching.

JennyGenesis 04-16-2012 07:19 AM

Just me with my crew


Ok, so that's not our normal attire (apart form me, I'm dressed in my everyday clothes) but as some of you might have seen on Facebook I'm working on a photography project/film called "Blackoak University of Nightmares", this was just a picture of the cast and crew that were there that day.

Wings of Fire 04-16-2012 07:38 AM


live odds for the first person to post here with the correct answer:

WoF 11-1
Ghost 17-1
Cammy 42-1
OANST 100-1

chance for some real money here.

I honestly haven't a clue, and I don't think the design is terrible interesting either soooooooooo

Spooce-aholic 04-16-2012 08:14 AM


I honestly haven't a clue, and I don't think the design is terrible interesting either soooooooooo

I think if he was wearing his usual clothes, it would be easier to guess.

The reason why I used this one was because all of the other pictures of him were so small, that if I stretched them to the size of my desktop, there would be a whole ton of artiffacts.

I have a picture of him in his usual clothes as my cell phone's wallpaper.

Mudokon_Master 04-16-2012 09:40 PM

It kind of looks like some chibi Satsuki from Yumeiro Patissiere?

sheridanm962 04-18-2012 05:40 AM

found this cool wallpaper recently

Spooce-aholic 04-18-2012 05:35 PM


It kind of looks like some chibi Satsuki from Yumeiro Patissiere?


Tip: I made a pointless post in the Bits and Pieces thread. Where did I get that image from?

MA 04-19-2012 07:13 PM


I honestly haven't a clue, and I don't think the design is terrible interesting either soooooooooo

WoF's out of the race and has lost me money, therefore the only logical conclusion is to have him shot as soon as possible.

Nate 04-20-2012 05:18 AM

This is my current home desktop picture. If you look closely, you can spot a double rainbow. I find it quite bright and cheerful to look at. I don't know why, but I found the old one - colourful as it was - a bit oppressive.