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GrigtheSlig 03-16-2004 08:37 PM


Remember when Xbox was first released? I remember one of their features they were promoting was that the Xbox was going to be upgrade-able. What ever happened to that idea? Is Xbox 2 just someting that will be added to the original Xbox?

-oddguy is confused :fuzconf:

Yeah, I remember that... But I think they told everyone that to get the Xbox's off the shelves, or maybe it was an earlier idea that didn't work out... OR that idea is true! I like the last one the best...

Those Halo 2 pics were awesome! I want it now!


And Bungie can expect a great big wet mushy turd in the mail. With a tapeworm in it. A big one.

I don't think Halo 2 will be for Xbox 2 or the Xenon (a posible name I heard from a magizine.) It'd be unfair! Bungie would be getting alot of "ferill Fanmail"

Hobo 03-17-2004 05:54 AM

No, I said Halo 3 would be for Xbox 2 if it was ever to come out. Now shhh all of you.

GrigtheSlig 03-17-2004 06:49 AM


No, I said Halo 3 would be for Xbox 2 if it was ever to come out. Now shhh all of you.

I suppose that's not unreasonable...

Fez 03-17-2004 08:07 AM

oh thats okay, it makes perfect sence now.

oddguy 03-17-2004 09:14 AM


No, I said Halo 3 would be for Xbox 2 if it was ever to come out.

As long as Microsoft and Bungie are making money, Halo 3 is sure to come out. ;)

Fez 03-20-2004 08:18 AM

Halo 2 weekly update


Mojo 03-20-2004 09:26 AM

Whoa, I like this Hi Res version! Now you can see the details!

Lets see, we have:

Plasma Pistol/Rifle
Needler (Green parts on a purple weapon? And what's that mark on the bottom?)
Our first Hi-Res shot of the Plasma Grenade, PLUS a Plasma Explosion (Looks sweet!)
A "poop" shadow (Read the Weekly Updates)
Debris (Destroyable Surroundings?) (See ledge)
Bullet Cartridges (See Blue Spartan on the right of the ledge)

And last but not least:

Realistic Death (note how the leg of the most right Red Spartan is in a weird angle, like he's spraining his ankle or something...)

Fez 03-20-2004 09:39 AM

Possibly weapons in Halo 2:

Battle Rifle (KAL 9.56)
MA5B (with laser aiming scope, silencer)
M6D pistol (with laser sight)
magnum pistol
rocket launcher
a heavy machine gun of some sort (NOT a bloody minigun)
new sniper rifle
old sniper rifle (possibly suppressed)
shotgun (with Detachible magazine)
frag grenades
detonator grenades

Plasma pistol
Plasma rifle
Plasma shotgun/sniper rifle
Plasma grenade
Brute Grenade
Brute gun (Possibly new fuel rod cannon)
Fuel Rod Cannon
Plasma sword
possibly some sort of "heavy" needler. (like a minigun)

Fez 03-20-2004 11:34 AM

i've drawn some pictures of my ideas (the covie needler heavy support gun and the M-160 H-bar 9.62) i'll post up scans later.

i got ripped off today at a shop. I bought a magazine that had supposidly new Halo 2 screens. They ripped me off. the new screens were just taken from the E3 trailer, nothing new at all. not even new info. So thats £4.00 down the drain. So if anyone wants to see these pics (they're not to bad) from the E3 trailer, PM me. Once i get enough PM's i'll post em up.

EDIT: here they are:


Fez 03-21-2004 06:45 AM

just thought i'd bump this to the top. I'm not sure anyones seen these pics, i'm rather proud of them :p. Thats not against the rules is it?

Hobo 03-21-2004 07:36 AM

Stop spamming Fez, edit instead.

Mojo 03-22-2004 08:59 AM

A piece of advise Ferill, don't you ever buy mags again. The info and pictures are always outdated... The Internet is much and much faster.

oddguy 03-22-2004 09:19 AM


i got ripped off today at a shop. I bought a magazine that had supposidly new Halo 2 screens. They ripped me off. the new screens were just taken from the E3 trailer, nothing new at all. not even new info. So thats £4.00 down the drain.

:rant: Ugh, I hate it when that happens. It was one of those magazines all wrapped up in plastic so you couldn't even open up and take a look at what you were buying, huh? Darn evil marketing strategies! :flames:


Fez 03-22-2004 10:04 AM

why yes it was. I hate that!

Esus 03-22-2004 10:06 AM

Anywho, on a different note:
I hope they take banshee out of multiplayer. I have both Xbox Halo and PC Halo (dont ask why...) and I can't stand the goddamned banshees in multiplayer. Xbox multiplayer is much better.

Fez 03-22-2004 10:08 AM

I hope they leave the banshee in. A marksman with the RL (such as Lucipher) can hit a banshee with ease. And there will be a flying human craft, so it should be abit more balanced.

sligster 03-26-2004 02:25 PM

An amazing discovery!
I have finally discovered what MC looks like without his helmet on!
(he looks alot different than I first pictured him...)

oddguy 03-26-2004 03:06 PM

Darn you! I thought you were actually onto something until the thumbnail loaded up. :rant:

-oddguy :flames:

Hobo 03-26-2004 11:50 PM

Oooh New Update: http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/...pl?read=401846

Dual needlers w00!

Fez 03-27-2004 12:26 AM

ah! ya twatter! posting updates is my job.

Fez 03-27-2004 07:06 AM

speaking of which, Red vs Blue has been updated. Episode 27 is great.

good view inside a covenant Wraith:


EDIT: for ****s sake.......

oddguy 03-27-2004 08:12 AM


speaking of which, Red vs Blue has been updated. Episode 27 is great.

I watch RvB right on Sunday evening.

Anywho, did you guys notice that one of the last episodes bleeped out an F word? I thought that strange since previous shows are chocked full of profanity. I think they did it because it's becoming more popular and younger viewers are being drawn to it.

Whadday kids think?


Esus 03-27-2004 08:14 AM

Can someone write a list of all the chapter names? Ya know, the parts of the levels.
Thw few I know are:
"I would've been your daddy", and "...And The Horse You Rode In On"
Anyone got a full list? :D

Fez 03-27-2004 08:23 AM

AI constructs and cyborgs first
Reunion tour
the truth and reconciliation
into the belly of the beast
shut up and get behind me...sir
the silent cartographer
that was easy
I would've been your daddy
rolling thunder
the control room
the loast away team
the flood
new friends
wait, it gets worse!
but i dont want to ride the elevator
tools, guns, keys to super weapons
gun pointed at the head of the universe
breaking stuff to look tough
the tunnels below
final run
the maw
in no mood
the captain
...and the horse you rode on
light fuse, run away
Warning: hitchhikers may be escaping convicts

well, thats what my strategy guild says

Esus 03-27-2004 08:27 AM

Thanking ye kindly, good sire...

Fez 04-01-2004 08:17 AM

take alook at this! you can make you own one one se7en strips!


heres one i did earlyer:


Hobo 04-01-2004 08:24 AM

You missed out the 'h' before the 'a', the 's' afterwards and the 'a' before prick.


Fez 04-01-2004 08:26 AM


oddguy 04-01-2004 08:32 AM

Ooooh, how fun!:D


-oddguy :fuzcool:

Esus 04-01-2004 08:36 AM

Euch, what appalling graphics.