I love that art. I almost forgot about these fellows. |
he may have gotten mixed up between this and B&P. i've done that a few times, seeing as they resemble each other so much.
and by that i mean full of interesting stuff that makes me chuckle. |
Hmm? I was just complimenting him on a post well done.
I think he missed the Bits and Pieces thread when he clicked.
Why am I the one that has to sleep in the car?
Thassum ol' buwlshit. It's probably for the best though. Of the three of us that are currently attending, I'm definitely the one Mat likes least. Also he would not trust me around his child, I'm sure of that. |
Blah blah blah whinge whinge. Whatever!
You'll like my car. It has clear plastic slip covers on the seats and everything. |
Justin, shut up and come back when you're a little...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh ...richer. |
I'm not rich enough for you?
I wouldn't mind sleeping in a car.
I'd be willing to do this next year, actually. Seeing as I'd be 18 and might have a GODDAMN MINIVAN WHICH IS SOME GOOD PEOPLE TRANSPORT AYUP.
So...there's that. |
I can't wait for all of us to go to Denny's at 4 am and order the 'Moons. |
Good, Kastere is CONFIRMED then. He saved me the effort of sending him a PM asking if he wanted to show up.
Guys, sleeping in a car is a last resort. Generally this is going to depend on $$ because hotel rooms are usually only going to have 2 beds, unless we spend the dough for 2 rooms, OR someone sleeps on the floor or a rollaway. In the event someone needs to or wants to sleep in the car, it's not bad. The front bench seat back fold down flat to the back seat and make what is basically a big wide chase lounge. Fairly comfy. Public fountains and rivers off the side of the highway shall serve as a bath house. |
So is Kastere coming along or are we visiting him for a spell? |
What's going on about london?
Kastere's visiting us. Or he's coming along. I dunno, but if he's got transportation at least he could meet us somewhere. I just don't think we're going to make it to Canada.
Come on down, dawg. :
Ah, yes. I was going to bring up the issues of border crossing. I wasn't sure whether or not I should bring my passport along on this little escapade. I will just to be safe.
How many times you reckon we'll get pulled over? If we do, I have a way of dealing with highway cops that never fails; play the Cops theme with the bass all the way up and be sure to show him your nipple. :
I'll have a CD player and Sirius installed by then. Discreetly. |
Justin: Hey Chris, wanna play I-Spy? Me: *turns towards the window and grunts* Justin: Gabe? Gabe: *plays the brown note on his Euphonium* Justin: *sigh* |
I spy? Sure. You play Black Spy and I'll play White. ;)
I mean next year in the sense of sometime like, 2010/11 Oddtour Or not. Depends, really. I turn 18 in March, too.
However, I would have absolutely no problem making my way down there myself when this is pulled together. We'd have a motorcade. A goddamn convoy. I'm not sure if this is helpful at all, since I'm not going to read back to when you guys have this planned. So fill me in. On a totally separate note, I can't find my glasses case. It has my glasses wiper thing in it. My glasses are fucking gross. This sucks. |
I just use my shirt
Someday. Someday I'll meet up with you guys...hopefully... |
Kastere, we were shooting for April or May '10.
I get the keys to my new apartment on Thursday. The couch will be moving in over the weekend. Thus, I'm ready for Oddtour Melbourne when you are, Peter. |
You want an OANST-style tour of my new place? I'm afraid I don't have access to massive holes in the ground or cute hyperactive little girls.
Well, despite my young age I want in on this! Believe me, I can handle your adult words. Don't understand it one bit. I can sleep anywhere. My character in Rupture Farms is sleeping on the cold metal of a snoozer. So believe me I fall asleep like a pro. I should get a degree. Money and the trip, my dad should help. He loves me and he loves to travel. If he believed you were responsible adults I could go. Problem is he probably won't. Another way would be if he had any meetings...:D
I really want to go. Help me out here... |
Kastere, I will let you deal with your countryman.
Mars, you are 12, and there will be drinking of alcoholic liquids on these trips. you're not old enough, i'm afraid, unless someone is willing to organise an Oddtour for the younger members, which i don't think will happen as parents will most likely want proof that the tour leader is responsible.
and don't respond to this with another 'I hate you' -rep, i'm bloody telling you the deal. |
He especially hates me.
how many?
Just the one, but it made me feel all warm inside.
And not in the way that Leto's posreps do. |