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Xavier 07-30-2009 01:42 PM

Wish you luck OANST! Be sure to post pictures of that statue when you'll have won it ;)

OANST 07-30-2009 01:50 PM

This is a picture of the statue:


Laser 07-30-2009 02:19 PM


I need a better computer.

Maybe not, actually.

Can GMOD run efficiently on a PC that can (possible just barely) run HL2? I'd have no problem buying Gmod if that's the case.

I assume so, it uses source like all the Half life 2 mods, so aslong as you don't spawn 900 barrels and explode them, you should be totally fine


This is a picture of the statue:

That is some cool shit right there

OANST 07-31-2009 08:09 AM

I got my time in the 'Splosion Man contest to an even 2:30 last night. There is now only one person who has a better time than I do. His time is 2:27. However, I realized that there is an area where I can probably take at least four seconds off of my time. I don't think I can win this contest. I know I can.

Xavier 08-01-2009 11:51 AM

So, how is it coming along? Under the bar of the 2m25 yet?

OANST 08-01-2009 11:56 AM

I didn't play it last night. I went to the theatre, and when I got home April and I played Wii Sports Resort for a while. Also, I needed a break from it because my 'splode digit (right rand thumb) has gotten swollen and quite painful from all the constant 'sploding. I have actually developed a callous on it from playing this game. I shit you not.

I'll be back at it today.

Nate 08-01-2009 08:45 PM

When does the competition close?

OANST 08-03-2009 07:19 AM

September. Also, I am currently in first place.

Daxter King 08-03-2009 03:57 PM

I bought GTA4 for cheap, been screwing around with friends in Free Mode alot. Im not very far into the story mode, but I like it so far.

Josh 08-06-2009 03:05 AM

Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Fun.

Mac Sirloin 08-07-2009 10:03 AM

Splosion Man.

Just...wow. The fact that they went from The Maw to this is impressive in and of itself, but they managed to make something genuinely funny along the way.

EDIT: Not to say there was anything wrong with The Maw, this was just such a change of pace.

OANST 08-07-2009 10:09 AM

Preach the good word, sir!

I defeated Hardcore Mode the other day. I am officially hardcore.

Mac Sirloin 08-07-2009 10:13 AM

I tried the Multiplayer. It's pretty fun, but the guy I was playing with was (graciously) better than me.

OANST 08-07-2009 10:22 AM

I'm up to 2-1 on multiplayer now. It's a lot of fun when it's working right.

Phylum 08-09-2009 04:19 AM

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories.

I'd started playing it a while ago, got a PS3 (stopped), and have started a new game recently.

The card system is legendary. I love the mix of RealTime/TurnBased.

Oh, and 'Splosion man is awesome. I want it, but don't have an Xbox.

Bullet Magnet 08-09-2009 06:03 AM

Holy crap Splosion Man. The oldest tricks in every platformer from the early nineties, made fresh? I can't figure out what it is about it that makes it work, but my money's on the Superman pose.

Mac Sirloin 08-09-2009 01:59 PM

"We're done...professionally."

I didn't realize he actually said that at first.

Youngsy 08-10-2009 03:18 AM

007 Nightfire and Ghost Recon 2, yeah I'm badass. I got three xbox originals for £4 at grainger games. (if anyone wants to go there they might have deals all around the country)

OANST 08-11-2009 09:05 AM

I played the demo for Batman: Arkham Asylum. The combat is a lot more intuitive than it looked like in the videos. It seems like it will be a very good game.

alf's brother's mate 08-11-2009 09:09 AM

I recently played a few sessions on Operation Flashpoint; and absolute classic which I still play despite its age - a bit like both of the 2d oddworld games.


Mac Sirloin 08-11-2009 06:53 PM

Gotta go with OANST on the Batman thingy. I was blown away. If I get the money to buy it I am fucking buying it.

On another note, 400 MS Points for a fucking Light saber? Fuck you.

Laser 08-12-2009 05:21 AM


Gotta go with OANST on the Batman thingy. I was blown away. If I get the money to buy it I am fucking buying it.

I second this to the Nth degree :D

I finished MadWorld today. A very cool game :)

Xavier 08-12-2009 12:37 PM

A friend lend me his GOTY edition of Oblivion, so I'm quickly finishing Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine while waiting for the Broken Steel add-on for Fallout 3 to be published in French on disk (it's actually one of the only games I've played in French in the last 5 years)

alf's brother's mate 08-12-2009 02:54 PM

"Cricket 09: The Ashes" has been a severe letdown especially considering it cost me £40.
I might start crying actually. :(


Mac Sirloin 08-13-2009 12:00 PM


I second this to the Nth degree :D

I finished MadWorld today. A very cool game :)

Madworld is awesome. The soundtrack isn't too shabby, either. Especially the last song.

Anyway, I'm going to go buy a physical copy of Bioshock now.

Hobo 08-14-2009 09:56 AM

Marvel Vs Capcom 2. Team Fortress 2. A lot of.

Anonyman! 08-14-2009 10:11 AM

Deus Ex. Though I'm taking a break. LONG. I tried playing pacifist again but I got bored so now I'm killing people.

I love this game so much.

Mac Sirloin 08-14-2009 11:26 AM

The Pacifist mode on Iji is fucking retarded. I didn't kill a single enemy and then randomly shot someone in a cutscene. God that pisses me off. I can't find a guide to it, either.

Anonyman! 08-14-2009 02:54 PM

u actually can avoid killing anyone with yo stunstick, crossbow, and sneakan

Daxter King 08-14-2009 07:43 PM

Just beat GTA4, still gotta do some extra things for achievements and play the last mission again to see the other ending though. Excellent game, can't wait till I have the money to pick up The Lost and The Damned.

Mac Sirloin 08-14-2009 11:30 PM


u actually can avoid killing anyone with yo stunstick, crossbow, and sneakan

Iji is a 2D sicescroller where you have to run away from Aliens.

All the sneaking you get is the ability to jump.


Just beat GTA4, still gotta do some extra things for achievements and play the last mission again to see the other ending though. Excellent game, can't wait till I have the money to pick up The Lost and The Damned.

If I get GTAIV you're playing that online shit with me. I will literally track you down and force you to. I played San Andreas and now want something prettier and more slavic.

Anonyman! 08-14-2009 11:57 PM




Mac Sirloin 08-15-2009 12:00 AM





Is Freeplay just dicking around the city with other people?

That's what I want to do.

Daxter King 08-15-2009 12:10 AM

Me and my friends play free mode alot, usually we decide between doing a bunch of glitches, such as getting pedestrians to drive us around and get stars, or being launched hundreds of feet from a swing set. Or we have holdouts with the cops, which is fun, until someone misfires a rocket, kills someone, and then I go out for revenge for that fucker killing me with a rocket.

Mac Sirloin 08-15-2009 12:12 AM

We should get a bunch of helicopters and drop out of them to land in apartment balconies and shit.

Daxter King 08-15-2009 12:14 AM

Helicopters are hard as fuck to fly, and Im not sure of alot of balconies in the game. I could fly you in a copter and have you jump out in the middle of the ocean.

Fuzzle King 08-15-2009 12:07 PM

Just bought mercenaries 2 cheap. So far its a really fun game,going around blowing everything up.

Anonyman! 08-15-2009 09:04 PM


Is Freeplay just dicking around the city with other people?

That's what I want to do.





freeplay is dick around mode

which is awesome

get a car full of retards and just gun down civilians and other players

Phylum 08-16-2009 01:49 AM

I was playing dick around mode the other day.

I had a hardcore race to the helicopters and got driven around really slowly by some retard (who I tried to shoot, then got run over by).

Also shooting old ladys is fun.

Wings of Fire 08-16-2009 11:58 AM

I´m down to playing FFTA2 to entertain me during my holiday.

Tis awesomegood.